Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 861 The magic weapon of luck

Chapter 861 The magic weapon of luck
"Brother, do you suspect that Junior Sister has tampered with our chess game?" The man in Tsing Yi just thought of what the man in purple robe wanted to say.

"Well, I think that Junior Sister may have left a hidden game in our chess game. With her character, this possibility is very high." The purple-robed man nodded and said.

"But Yan Peng said that Junior Sister just watched the chess game for a while and then left. Yan Peng was present throughout the whole process, so she didn't find that Junior Sister was tampering with our chess game!" Although the man in Tsing Yi knew that Junior Sister was very naughty, he also A big disciple who believes in himself will not lie to himself.

"Junior Brother, do you think that Yanpeng would detect her playing dark chess with the means of my junior sister?" the purple-robed man said irrefutably.

"Even if this makes sense, but even if the chess game is played in the dark, the layout is very hidden and difficult to detect, but the general trend of the whole chess game should be more or less changed, but when we came back, we didn't find any changes in the chess game!" The man in Tsing Yi said. He still doesn't believe that Junior Sister has played dark chess, even if he played dark chess, although he can't see through the game, he should be able to find some clues, but now he hasn't found anything.

After all, although their little junior sister's comprehension of the way of heaven and earth is better than theirs, it's not much better.

"It can only show that Junior Sister has made another breakthrough in her comprehension of the Dao of Heaven and Earth." The man in purple robe said with a smile. If this is the case, he is very happy for Junior Sister.

"This." Although he didn't want to believe it, the man in Tsing Yi also knew that the talent of his junior sister was far superior to him. At this time, the man in Tsing Yi was also happy for his junior sister. The understanding of the Tao is far behind the junior sister. In this case, as long as the junior sister catches up with him and surpasses him, then he is not qualified to pursue the junior sister.

At the same time, this also aroused the fighting spirit of the man in Tsing Yi, and he made up his mind to work harder in the future.

"Senior brother, could it be that those people were played by the junior sister? In this case, should we just turn a blind eye to their behavior for the sake of the junior sister?" Stop thinking too much, Tsing Yi The man suddenly remembered Wukong and the others, and then asked.

"Probably not, those people's luck and foundation are not inferior to ours, not to mention whether we can control their fate, even the master can't, probably only the highest level of power who understands the rules of fate can do it, The few of them were just an accident, I don't know what the arrangement of the junior sister's dark chess will be, and what kind of chess game is really arranged by the junior sister, do you think we need to let her?" The man in purple robe shook his head and said.

"That's right, since that's the case, senior brother, should we prepare some measures to deal with the layout of the junior sister." The man in Tsing Yi also understands that their junior sister doesn't need them to back down now, and needs them to go all out.

"We need to prepare. After all, it's not a game between the two of us now. Hehe, maybe our team has a deeper understanding of the way of heaven and earth in the game with my junior sister." The purple-robed man nodded and smiled.

Within the secret realm, Wukong and the others have explored many areas at this time.

"This is the magic weapon of luck here! It's really different, no wonder there are so many people practicing here." Seeing a magic weapon similar to a jade seal in his hand, Wukong couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

(End of this chapter)

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