Chapter 862
The magic weapon of luck in the shape of a jade seal is the condensed unique luck obtained by Wukong in the ruins of this ancient city. The luck here is different from that of the outside world. Power luck, which helps the power to prosper, is of course only effective within this secret realm, and it will not have the effect of real luck if it is obtained from the outside world. This is due to the rules of the secret realm.

Therefore, it can be said that the magic weapon of luck here is used to suppress the luck of the forces. After all, the strength of the forces entering here is determined by the headquarters of various forces outside.

Gathering the magic weapon of luck is only a condition for creating a six-tier power. The biggest feature of the magic weapon of luck here is that it can be used for cultivation. Strong is the resource used by the fourth to sixth level of Supreme Dao for cultivation.

Moreover, the luck magic weapon here can also be used as a magic weapon like the luck magic weapon of the outside world, corresponding to the four sub-levels of the primordial treasure, so the luck magic weapon here also has four levels. In order to distinguish the luck magic weapon of the outside world, they have another A name, Bingyue, named after the secret realm, is divided into four levels of heaven, earth, black and yellow.

The ice moon condensed by Wukong is a magic weapon comparable to the top-grade primordial treasure, that is, the earth-grade ice moon, which is a powerful magic weapon that ordinary fifth-order powerhouses of the Supreme Dao will not possess.

Wukong can condense such a powerful magic weapon, it can be seen that Wukong has obtained a lot of luck in this secret realm during this time.

"Brother Wukong, the luck magic weapon we have condensed is of such a high level, will we be able to directly create a higher level of power." Yun Xuanling stared at the jade seal in Wukong's hand, and said excitedly.

"Of course not. Don't forget that only the five major forces here are the fifth-rate forces, and the gap between the six-rate forces is also very large." Wukong shook his head and said.

"Let's go, let's continue to explore!" At this time, Wukong and the others are in a huge dilapidated palace, which should be the base established by the forces of the past in the ruins of this ancient city, where Wukong and the others have gained a lot of luck The power, and some other treasures, but the level is not very high.

Afterwards, Wukong and the others continued to explore the depths. The ruins of this ancient city are very huge. Although people from many forces came in, the routes they explored were relatively scattered.

Wukong Daoxuan is also unfolding, and when he finds other people, he tries to avoid it as much as possible. In Wukong's idea, it is better to explore a few ruins if he has that time. There is no need to waste time competing with others for a ruin. Others are almost the same. With this kind of thinking, the sacred thoughts of other people are also unfolding, and when they meet other people, they will walk in a staggered way.

However, Wukong did not meet other people during this time, which shows that the ruins of this ancient city are very huge.

Due to the huge area of ​​this ancient city, the base sites established by various ancient forces are also relatively far apart, and the area of ​​a single site is not small. Small sites are more than twice the size of the earth, and some are even larger. above.

Not long after, Wukong and the others came to a relatively huge site, which is the largest site that Wukong has explored so far. The area is equivalent to more than 20 times the size of the earth. It can be seen that a building of this size can be built here. This force should have been very powerful in ancient times.

Although the ruins are huge, Wukong's current Daoxuan can cover them all, and soon Wukong will know the exact location of the treasures in this ruins.

"Hongmeng Holy Liquid, there is actually a pond formed by the collection of Hongmeng Holy Liquid, and now my Nine-Turn Saint Body can go one step further." Wukong detected a piece of Grandmist in a secret room deep in the ruins. The pond formed by the collection of holy liquid is a surprise.

It seems that it should be collected by the forces where the ancient ruins are located, but they have collected so many, and now they are all made into wedding dresses for Wukong.

(End of this chapter)

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