Chapter 863 Conspiracy
"Stop, this is not the place for you, get out of here." Just as Wukong and the others stepped into the ruins, blurry figures appeared in front of them, and one of them yelled loudly at Wukong and the others road.

"If you don't want to dissipate even this last ray of willpower, you'd better get out of the way for my grandson." Wukong stepped forward domineeringly, and his incomparably powerful Daoxuan instantly condensed into a solid body, turning into a towering giant hand Lying above the will of the ancients.

"This?" All the ancient wills also felt the strong pressure from the towering giant hand above their heads. The opponent's move was obviously restraining their bodies of wills. The strength is not as strong as the opponent's, not to mention that they only have one willpower left now, and they have experienced countless years of wear and tear, Wukong's move is simply irresistible to them.

"We won't get out of the way, even if the last force of will dissipates between heaven and earth, it doesn't matter. Anyway, our deity has long since died. Brothers, stop them from stepping into our Fang family." The former leader The ancient will said in a firm tone, with a look of death.

"That's right, swear to defend our territory to the death." The others immediately agreed, and at the same time they worked together to gather a towering giant hand, but the power was much smaller than Wukong's, the gap was too big, and they were not at the same level at all. Above, it's like a mayfly shaking a tree, overreaching itself.

"Stop." At this moment, a deep voice came from the depths of the ruins, "You are not his opponent, let them in."

"Old Ancestor, how is this possible?" After hearing this voice, the ancient will immediately shouted, they are not afraid of death, they have already died once anyway.

"You are all good sons of our Fang family, but we have already died in the last Primordial Tribulation, and now only this power of will remains in the world, what's the use of those treasures? Why don't we leave it to future generations, so that future generations can make better use of our inheritance, so that we won't bury our Fang family's magical treasures." The ancestors of the Fang family are quite open-minded.

"Don't be reconciled, I can't resist his move even the ancestors. If they don't have the strength, do you think the ancestors will let them take away the treasures of our Fang family? Step back." The ancestors of the Fang family secretly passed on Voice to the Fang family.

Afterwards, the ancient will of the Fang family who stood in front of Wukong and the others gradually blurred and disappeared from the sight of Wukong and the others. They were unwilling and had no choice but to dare not disobey the orders of their ancestors, not to mention that their ancestors were not The opponent of Wukong and others.

Wukong always felt that something was wrong with the retreat of the ancestor of the Fang family, but he didn't find anything unusual for a while, even the voice that the ancestor of the Fang family had secretly transmitted just now was read by Wukong. I always feel that there is something wrong with this patriarch, but Wukong is not afraid, and directly leads Yunxuanling and others to explore the treasure deep in Fang's house.

"The luck of these few people is very strong. If they can win everything from them, not only can my ancestor be reborn, but maybe he can also become the protagonist of this Primordial Tribulation and become the new overlord of Tianjing County." There is a secret room in the depths of the Fang family ruins, where the will of the ancestor of the Fang family is located. With his character during his lifetime, he certainly cannot let Wukong and others easily obtain the treasures he accumulated during his lifetime. Instead, he has decided otherwise. He even kept the younger generation of the Fang family secret, and at the same time he was preparing his conspiracy.

(End of this chapter)

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