Chapter 864
"Really left? Could it be that I was thinking too much?" Wukong's Daoxuan has been observing the Fang family's ancient will, and found that the secret ancient will led other ancient wills to leave the Fang family site soon, and more and more The farther it is, until it disappears within the coverage of Wukong's Daoxuan.

Although the Fang family's ancient will has left, Wukong still has a sense of crisis in his heart, so Wukong has to be careful when searching for treasures to avoid capsizing in the gutter.

Although time passed a little bit later, Wukong and the others finally basically finished exploring the treasures of the Fang family ruins. At least Wukong didn't find any hidden treasures, and without the obstruction of the ancient will, everything went very smoothly.

Then Wukong and the others came to the secret room where the primordial holy liquid was stored. After breaking the restriction outside, Wukong and the others went directly inside.

After instructing Yunxuanling and others to protect him, Wukong jumped directly into the pool filled with Hongmeng Holy Liquid, and began to practice the Nine-Turn Mysterious Art combined with the Nine-Turn Saint Body created by 'Kong'.

Wukong's Nine-Turn Holy Physique is only in its infancy now, not even an entry-level one.

Today, with the help of these primordial holy liquids, you can't reach the entry level, and you can only lay the foundation in advance. If you want to reach the entry point, you must complete three parts.

The first is to absorb and refine the primordial purple energy to transform one's own spirit, energy, and other things that cannot be seen or touched.

The second is to absorb and refine the primordial liquid to transform one's own blood.

The third is to absorb and refine the Primordial Amethyst to transform one's physical body. Only after completing all three parts can one truly enter the entry stage of the Nine-Turn Holy Body.

However, these primordial liquids are enough for Wukong to end the second part, or even complete it to a greater extent.

Since the creation of Wukong, the Nine-turn Holy Physique has no rank at present, but with Wukong's cultivation and perfection, the future is absolutely limitless.

With the guardians of Yunxuanling and others, Wukong entered the pool of Hongmeng holy liquid with complete peace of mind, began to run the exercises to absorb and refine, and finally fused it with every cell in his blood.

The whole process was very painful. After refining the Primordial Holy Liquid, I replaced my own blood bit by bit. Not only the normal blood, but also the essence blood had to be replaced. The essence blood was different from ordinary blood, and every replacement was very painful. , although Wukong's face was a little distorted, but Wukong still persisted, without even crying out in pain.

As Wukong absorbed and refined it, the primordial holy liquid in the pool disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye, and soon the water level dropped.

If other people saw the speed at which Wukong absorbed the refined primordial liquid, they would be very shocked and couldn't believe that the scene in front of them was real.

Even ordinary Supreme Dao Dzogchen powerhouses are unable to absorb and refine Primordial Holy Liquid in such a short period of time like Wukong, not to mention that Wukong is still fused with himself, and even ordinary Void Dao early stage powerhouses cannot do it.

After all, Hongmeng Holy Liquid is higher than Hongmeng Ziqi, and it is a qualitative advancement.

Primordial Holy Liquid is not liquefied from Primordial Purple Qi, but a higher level existence.

It is also the liquefaction of the Primordial Purple Qi into a liquid that fills the pool Wukong is in at this time. The absorption method is very shocking.

(End of this chapter)

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