Chapter 868
At this time, Wukong, who was trapped in the Jedi cage, was still as calm as ever, without a trace of panic, and looked completely indifferent.

Seeing Wukong like this, Fang Lin immediately sneered and sneered: "Boy, you are still pretending to be calm. Do you know that you are now the meat on the chopping board, at the mercy of others. As long as I think of it, you will be dissipated at any time. Dead and gone."

"It's a pity." Wukong glanced at Fang Lin lightly, and Wukong shook his head.

The concentration finger that Wukong comprehended from the stone pillars in the Realm of Illusion was only a top-grade and low-grade secret technique of the Hongmeng Yellow Rank, while Fang Lin’s magical power and secret technique was the highest-grade middle-rank of the Hongmeng Earth Rank, and the highest-grade Hongmeng Earth-rank middle-grade Although his supernatural powers are the highest level of supernatural powers that can be practiced by ordinary sixth-level Supreme Dao powerhouses, combined with Fang Lin's powerful Dao Xuan, which is not available to ordinary sixth-level Supreme Dao powerhouses, the power it exerts far exceeds The supernatural powers of the middle class of Hongmeng.

Fang Lin, who has the mid-sixth level of Supreme Dao, can completely use this move to fight against the strongest people in Tianjing County.

Don't say that ordinary strongmen who are one or two levels higher than Fang Lin don't have such a strong Daoxuan. Daoxuan is no worse than him, and the supernatural power of Daoxuan created by Wukong himself is only stronger than his Jedi prison.

The nine-turn Hongmeng Transformation created by Wukong in conjunction with the Nine-turn Xuangong belongs to the growth-type supernatural power. After Wukong created a new path, he improved the Nine-turn Hongmeng Transformation. Today's first transformation is completely comparable to Hongmeng Transformation. A supernatural power and secret technique of the highest grade on the ground level.

So if it is a competition of Daoxuan supernatural powers, Wukong is not afraid of Fang Lin at all, so it is a pity Wukong said to Fang Lin, because Wukong can easily break the opponent's Jedi cage.

"What a pity? You pretend to be deep when you are about to die. If you hand over all the treasures on your body, especially the method to quickly improve your spiritual power, I can spare your life." Fang Lin looked condescendingly In his cognition, Wukong's life is now completely in his hands.

The reason why he still talks nonsense with Wukong is because he wants to find Wukong's method to quickly improve his spiritual power. After all, Daoxuan is not so easy to cultivate. Ordinary Tianjiao practitioners must at least prove the Supreme Dao Dzogchen before they can hope to become a saint. Nian is upgraded to Daoxuan, as for those cultivators who are above the level of peerless geniuses, they can practice Daoxuan earlier.

Or some ascetics who are not talented enough but have great opportunities can also cultivate Daoxuan earlier. For example, Fang Lin, with his talent, he can only barely be regarded as the Tianjiao level. It is impossible to cultivate Daoxuan at the middle stage of the sixth level of Supreme Dao. This is the result of countless years of research and cultivation.

Fang Lin can see that Wukong is definitely not old, and his realm is much lower than him, but he can have such a strong Daoxuan, and he definitely has a stronger chance. If he can get it, his strength can definitely be improved. Lou, when the time comes, he will be even less afraid of those who are in charge of Jingjuncheng today.

If it weren't for his current realm being too low, his Daoxuan would definitely be able to exert even more powerful power. The same is true for Wukong. The realm is too low, and the power that Daoxuan can display is limited.

Fang Lin also didn't think that Wukong was the kind of ascetic who was above the peerless genius level. After all, Tianjing County was just a remote county town. As far as he knew, there had never been any monks above the peerless genius level. A monk of the top Tianjiao level.

"Hehe, you talk a lot of nonsense. If this is your biggest reliance, then you can die." Wukong smiled, and suddenly Wukong's momentum changed, and a fierce and domineering aura erupted.

In an instant, a figure appeared behind Fang Lin. This figure grabbed Fang Lin's neck with one hand, lifted it up slowly, and said something that made Fang Lin's heart tremble: "We are vulnerable, my old grandson's things are worthless!" It’s not that easy to grab.”

Then there was a sound of 'explosion', Fang Lin's body exploded instantly, corpses flew across the sky, and blood spilled all over the sky, but a transparent protective cover appeared on the surface of Wukong's body at the same time, blocking all the flesh and blood outside, and no flesh and blood was contaminated , clean.

Just like that, Wukong killed Fang Lin with one blow.

(End of this chapter)

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