Chapter 869

"How is this possible? How is it possible for you to escape my Jedi cage?" Although Fang Lin's physical body was destroyed by Wukong's blow, his spirit (primordial spirit and soul) escaped, and his spiritual power also weakened at this time. damage.

This is also Wukong's physical and mental strength that was mainly attacked by the blow just now. The physical body he just seized was just a Dharma cultivator. Although the realm is high, the physical strength is not bad, but it is weaker than Wukong's physical strength. Far.

As for his Daoxuan is no worse than Wukong's, so it is only partially damaged.

"No, you didn't escape my Jedi cage. You are the clone transformed by Daoxuan, but you are in my cage of Jedi, and the clone transformed by Daoxuan should also be imprisoned. How could you come out? What kind of supernatural power is this?" Fang Lin quickly discovered the problem, Wukong's true self was still in the Jedi cage, and the one who killed his physical body just now was obviously the avatar of Daoxuan.

"A person who is about to die, why are you talking so much nonsense?" Wukong's deity said lightly, and at the same time Wukong sighed secretly in his heart: "My realm is still too low. If I can raise even a small realm, with my current The Daoxuan strength, the power that Conscious Transformation can exert will definitely go up to a higher level, if so, the blow just now can completely obliterate him, even if he has some fragments of 'empty' to save him, it will be useless."

As Wukong's strength increases, now Wukong's consciousness is many times stronger than before. Consciousness is a supernatural power that can grow. With the improvement of Wukong's cultivation base and Daoxuan, it will only become stronger.

Originally, Wukong's transformation was enough to seriously injure Fang Lin's Daoxuan, but unfortunately the opponent possessed a part of 'Kong', which offset most of the attacks for him at the critical moment, and now Fang Lin's Daoxuan was only slightly injured.

"Hmph, I underestimated you, but don't think that this is the end. It's just a body. If you lose it, you can take it again. It doesn't matter. Compared with this body, I want to take your body more. Your chance." Although Fang Lin was very surprised by Wukong's strength, this made him more likely to win Wukong's chance.

"Hehe, if you have any means, just use it. If you want to take away my old grandson's body and chance, it depends on whether you have the ability." Although the opponent still has hidden strength, Wukong also did not use his full strength.

"I admit that your Daoxuan is not weaker than me, and your Daoxuan supernatural power is also very strong, but your cultivation base is too low, and you can't exert the power of your Daoxuan supernatural power at all. I was careless just now, as long as I take precautions , you can’t hurt me, not to mention that you don’t just use Daoxuan supernatural powers to fight.” When Wukong first broke into the Fang family ruins, he didn’t deliberately hide his cultivation, so Fang Lin already knew Wukong’s cultivation realm .

"There's a lot of nonsense. If you don't make a move, my old grandson will make a move first." Wukong's Daoxuan avatar made a move in an instant, and in an instant a purple-gold towering giant hand condensed in the sky above Fang Lin, and quickly slapped Fang Lin. .

Fang Lin was already prepared, and he would not be easily attacked as before. The same towering giant hand attacked from the bottom up, and its power was not weaker than Wukong's towering giant hand. The battle was imminent.

(End of this chapter)

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