Chapter 870 Illusion
At the same time when the two towering giant hands were about to collide, Fang Lin retreated thousands of miles to the rear, widening the distance from Wukong, and cast several defensive spells on himself.

With a loud 'bang', huge vibrations occurred in the space with a radius of a million miles. Centered on the collision point of the two towering giant hands, waves of huge energy fluctuations went up and down in all directions. Everything touched was instantly annihilated, and even the space collapsed.

The Jedi cage where Wukong himself is located is not far away, and it has also been affected, and the towering giant hands of the two are made of spiritual power, and the impact on the Jedi cage that is also exerted by spiritual power is stronger than normal. Things are bigger.

Therefore, under the continuous impact of two powerful spiritual energies, a crack appeared in the originally extremely strong Jedi cage.

"So that's what you came up with, then you're totally wrong." Of course, Fang Lin in the distance also noticed the abnormality of the Jedi cage. He thought that Wukong wanted to compete with his Daoxuan to break the Jedi outside. Cage, unfortunately, his Jedi cage cannot be broken so easily.

Sure enough, a brilliant golden radiance gushed out from the place where there was a crack in the Jedi prison cage. In an instant, the crack disappeared, and at the same time, the brilliant golden light spread to the entire Jedi cage. In a very short time, Inside, the entire Jedi cage was covered, forming a golden protective shield.

This golden shield completely blocks the shock wave, it is indestructible and does not move.

"Heh, you think highly of your Jedi cage too much. It's not easy to break it, and you need to play other tricks." Wukong said contemptuously. But the other party can hear what they said, after all, both of them are within the coverage of each other's Daoxuan.

"Hmph, arrogance, your Daoxuan is almost the same as mine. It is absolutely impossible for you to break the Jedi cage from the inside, and my Jedi cage is not just for trapping people. Now I will let you Let's see the true power of my Jedi cage!" Fang Lin snorted coldly, thinking that Wukong was talking big, he was very confident in his Jedi cage.

"My old grandson doesn't have time to play with you anymore, so just keep your eyes open and see how my old grandson breaks your proud Jedi cage." After speaking, Wukong stretched out his right hand and patted his face lightly. Suddenly, the space in front of Wukong rippled.

Then a purple-gold circle of light manifested, and then expanded rapidly, expanding into a huge circle of five meters in diameter in the blink of an eye. After the huge circle of light was formed, Wukong stepped into it without hesitation, and Wukong disappeared in an instant, and then The purple-gold halo also gradually disappeared.

The next moment Wukong appeared next to his Daoxuan avatar, Fang Lin was shocked by this scene.

"Illusion, it's definitely an illusion." Fang Lin's face turned very ugly in an instant. He didn't believe it was real. He thought that Wukong cast an illusion on himself.

Fang Lin is very confident in his Jedi cage, and he doesn't believe that Wukong escaped from his Jedi cage so easily.

The two were fighting with mental power, and illusion was also one of the moves of spiritual power, so Fang Lin believed that Wukong had cast a powerful illusion, which he couldn't even detect, and was hit.

(End of this chapter)

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