Chapter 872 Crisis
"Boy, let me show you the true power of my Jedi cage." As soon as Fang Lin finished speaking, the previous Jedi cage instantly disintegrated, turning into countless star points and spreading around.

However, these countless star points did not come towards Wukong, but spread to a farther distance around them, but they had spread to a long distance in an instant.

"Ning." Suddenly Fang Lin shouted loudly, and the countless star points instantly condensed into a Jedi cage with a larger range, imprisoning Wukong and Daoxuan clones in it.

Although all this was only in a split second, even a strong man of the same level as Fang Lin who was good at speed might not be able to escape, but Wukong was fully capable of escaping, but he didn't do that.

The same move Wukong will not be afraid at all.

"Boy, I know that you are good at the powerful space law supernatural power. You just escaped with the space supernatural power, but now you can't do it. I use the same move to deal with you. How could I have no other preparations?" Fang Lin saw Wukong With a very calm appearance, he couldn't help but sneer.

At first, he thought he had fallen into the other party's hallucination, but after careful observation, he found that the aura of the law of space remained in the Jedi cage, and it was very powerful. Now he understood how Wukong escaped.

Although his Jedi cage is very powerful and can trap people, but if the opponent controls the relatively rare powerful supernatural powers such as the law of time and space, his Jedi cage will be like a chicken rib.

Although all ascetics are more or less familiar with the laws of time and space, few can cultivate to a high level. After all, ordinary forces do not have powerful skills in the law of time and space, at least in remote places like Tianjing County. There are very few laws of time and space that can be practiced by a strong person of the supreme Taoist status, and even very few of the laws of time and space that can be practiced by the Daoist status.

"The door of space can't be opened. His Daoxuan is too strong now, suppressing the laws of space nearby. He can't communicate with the power of heaven and earth to use the magic power of space. Even if I can use the power of my own laws to display the door of space, It is also impossible to shuttle out, and doing so will consume a lot of energy, it is a waste, and it has no effect." Wukong secretly used his supernatural powers, and quickly analyzed his current situation.

"Although my Daoxuan avatar can appear directly outside this Jedi cage, my Daoxuan has not improved for a long time, and I can take this opportunity to hone my Daoxuan. Breakthrough is not expected, and even if I can break through I can't break through in my current realm, so I can strengthen it to create better conditions for future breakthroughs." Although the gate of space can't be used, Wukong didn't panic because of it, but calmly thought about how to deal with it.

Wukong's thoughts were only for a moment. After all, Fang Lin's enhanced version of the Jedi cage was fully formed at this time. The Jedi cage is not only a supernatural power for trapping people, but Wukong will soon suffer from the spiritual pressure coming from all directions in it. , and the light dragon composed of countless spiritual powers came to bite Wukong.

Each light dragon has the powerful power to easily strangle the strong at the beginning of the sixth-order Supreme Dao. With so many spiritual light dragons biting together, even ordinary sixth-order peak powers of the Supreme Dao cannot bear it.

When the crisis came suddenly, Wukong immediately activated his consciousness to the maximum extent, and in an instant, five figures appeared around Wukong, together with the previous Daoxuan avatar, protecting Wukong in the middle.

(End of this chapter)

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