Chapter 873 Devour
Wukong's current awareness of changes can transform into the most powerful avatar that can be compared to the general Supreme Dao sixth-order peak powerhouse. Such Daoxuan avatar Wukong can now be divided into six at most.

Although it is possible to split into six Daoxuan avatars that are comparable to those at the sixth-order peak of the Supreme Dao, but it is impossible to directly use all the spiritual power to produce a Daoxuan that is far beyond the peak of the sixth-order of the Supreme Dao. Clone, at least Wukong's ability to recognize change has not yet reached that step, and it may be achieved in the future.

No matter how much spiritual power is used now, the Daoxuan avatar that can be differentiated at most is only comparable to the fighting power of the sixth-order peak powerhouse of the Supreme Dao.

Six Daoxuan clones surrounded Wukong himself, and quickly formed a huge spiritual shield to protect everyone.

Then I saw the countless spiritual light dragons colliding with the spiritual shield one after another.

When the spiritual light dragon hit the spiritual shield, it immediately exploded, and a large amount of Daoxuan energy impacted Wukong's spiritual shield.

In the beginning, the mental shield stood still, but as time passed, the mental shield soon became unable to hold on, and a crack gradually appeared.

There are so many spiritual light dragons, it seems endless.

Facing the predicament in front of him, Wukong himself looked at Fang Lin in the distance without panic. At this time, a purple-gold light flashed in his eyes, which was very obscure, and then calmed down. Fang Lin didn't pay attention. To Wukong's subtle move.

"How long can you last?" Fang Lin shouted loudly, and then sent a large number of Daoxuan to the Jedi cage.

With the injection of Fang Lin Daoxuan, the size of the spiritual light dragon in the Jedi cage instantly more than doubled, and its power was of course even greater.

In this way, the damage caused by the countless spiritual light dragons after strengthening is even greater, and the spiritual shield that was already a little weak was broken at once, and it was instantly shattered.

Then countless spiritual light dragons devoured Wukong and Wukong's Daoxuan clone without hindrance, and at this time, Wukong and Daoxuan's clone seemed to be really irresistible, and they were instantly overwhelmed by countless spiritual light dragons.

"Haha, although the price is a bit high, it will be worth it when I get your chance." Looking at Wukong who was overwhelmed by the spiritual dragon, Fang Lin immediately showed a triumphant smile.

He needs to pay a certain price for using the Daoxuan stone to greatly enhance Daoxuan, and he cannot use it a second time within ten thousand years. For him, ten thousand years will pass in the blink of an eye. He vomited a bit of blood at great cost.

After using it once, his Daoxuan will be greatly reduced, and he will be directly downgraded to Saint Consciousness, which is still the fourth or fifth stage of Saint Consciousness. In this way, his strength will be greatly reduced, and his primordial spirit and physical body will also be affected to a certain extent. It takes a long time to consume a lot of natural materials and treasures to repair the damage.

If he hadn't believed that Wukong had a greater opportunity, and he needed a quick decision, otherwise he wouldn't have used this unique trick of killing one thousand enemies and self-defeating eight hundred.

Now seeing Wukong being devoured by countless spiritual light dragons, Fang Lin felt that the price was worth paying. Thinking about how soon he would be able to obtain from Wukong the treasure that quickly strengthens the spiritual power, as well as the powerful space secret technique that Wukong used before, and even some Fang Lin was extremely excited about the other treasures.

But, was Wukong really killed by Fang Lin like this?
(End of this chapter)

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