Chapter 889

"I said it. I didn't expect my real deity to be accused of this. The six ghost emperors are really good. They actually cut off the connection between me and this deity. You should die." Suddenly there was a cold voice, and the sky appeared. Eleven murderous and powerful sword qi went straight to the shadow ghost commander and the ten ghost generals behind him.

Terrified expressions suddenly appeared on the faces of Shadow Guishuai and others, because they found that the eleven sword qi had completely locked them, and they could not dodge at all, and they felt the threat of death from the sword qi, and their intuition told them that this If the sword energy falls on them, they will definitely die, and even their souls will be destroyed.

"My king, help." The threat of death immediately made the shadow ghost call for help.

At this moment, the space in the sky stirred, and a towering black hand tore through the space and came out, blocking the front of Shadow Guishuai and the others, directly facing the eleven sword qi exuding a destructive aura.

At the same time, a voice came from afar: "Senior Jiankuang, as a big man on the same level as the six Ghost Emperors, it would be disrespectful to embarrass a few juniors."

Then I saw a black figure walking towards the crowd from far to near. It seemed to be walking very slowly, but in the blink of an eye, it was in front of Shadow Guishuai and others.

"My subordinates will see Lord Ghost King, thank you Lord Ghost King for your rescue." The shadow ghost commander and the ten ghost generals knelt on one knee and bowed their heads.

"Well, get up! You join other people to take them down, and the willpower of Senior Swordsman will be handed over to this king." The man in black who just appeared is the shadow ghost commander's direct superior, the ghost king Yinsha.

"Yes." After taking the order, the Shadow Ghost Commander took the ten ghost generals to join the 44 ghost practitioners who appeared one after another, and walked towards Wukong and the others.

The 44 ghost practitioners who appeared later were the other four ghost commanders under the jurisdiction of the Yin Sha Ghost King and their respective ten ghost generals.

"Senior Sword Maniac, this junior has offended you." The Yin Sha Ghost King said flatly to the void. Although he called the Sword Maniac respectful, the tone and expression of the Yin Sha Ghost King did not take the Sword Maniac into his eyes at all. After all, the other party was not a real Sword Maniac. , it's just the power of will that Jian Kuang left before he was sealed by the Six Ghost Emperors, and after countless years of wear and tear, he can't even exert one ten-thousandth of his original power, so it's nothing to be afraid of.

I saw the Yin Sha Ghost King raised his hands, and suddenly a terrifying breath enveloped the entire sky. When the Yin Sha Ghost King made a move, the five ghost commanders and others quickly moved away from Wukong and others to fight. After all, the Yin Sha Ghost King and the sword The duel between the mad wills is not something they can easily approach. The aftermath of their battle alone can wipe out most of the people present, and few people can stop them.

After shifting the battlefield, the five ghost commanders led the ghost generals to immediately surround Wukong and others, and the battle was imminent.

At this time, except Wukong and the other four who were still calm, the others were somewhat nervous and highly concentrated, staring closely at the five ghost commanders and all the ghost generals, ready to fight at any time.

The reason why they didn't escape directly when the battlefield was transferred just now was because they knew they couldn't escape. The only way to fight was to delay time and wait for the support of the five major forces, so that they could have a glimmer of hope to escape this catastrophe.

The five members of Jinmu have already chatted with Cao Yunzhou and others through voice transmission. Now Cao Yunzhou also knows how powerful the five ghost commanders and ghost generals are, so they are so afraid, but they also know that the powerhouses of the five powers are Coming quickly, they felt a little more at ease, so they planned how to delay the time.

They didn't count Wukong and others, and they didn't include Wukong and others in the secret transmission, because Wukong and others were too low-level. Even if Wukong broke the barrier of death, they didn't think Wukong and others could help, but believed What Cao Yunzhou said was that Wukong and the others should have obtained the secret of the Nirvana Barrier to easily break the Nirvana Barrier, so they thought that Wukong and the others would not only be unable to help, but would also be a drag.

(End of this chapter)

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