Chapter 890

"Wukong, what should we do?" Jin Mu and the others secretly discussed how to deal with the enemy through voice transmission. Of course, Wukong and the others would not sit still, so Wukong and the others also communicated through voice transmission in secret. Qi Yanfeng asked first.

"Evacuation, the most important thing for us now is to improve our strength. Our realm is too low. The Primordial Tribulation has reached the late stage. Those top powerhouses will appear one by one. I have no problem. Your realm needs to be improved. Now there is a good opportunity, there are good things in the deep of this palace, which will be of great help to our practice." Wukong had already used Daoxuan to detect that there are a lot of high-level resources in the deep of the palace, and they are just short of these resources now. With these resources and using the Illusion Tower, they can greatly increase their strength in a short period of time.

Wukong can feel that each of these ghost practitioners is stronger than Fang Lin, but Fang Lin has a powerful Daoxuan. With Daoxuan, Fang Lin's overall strength is stronger. Of course, Wukong also has Daoxuan who is not inferior to Fang Lin. So Wukong is not afraid of Ghost King and others, but since he found high-level resources that can improve his strength, of course it is important to improve his strength first, because Wukong's goal is not in the small Tianjing County.

And time waits for no one. The location of those high-level resources is not very dangerous for Wukong at present, but it will be sure after a while, so we must act first.

After determining the target, Wukong immediately performed a somersault cloud and led Qi Yanfeng and Zhang Yi to leave the scene in an instant, breaking away from Guishuai and others' holy sense lock in an instant. The holy consciousness of Shuai and others is locked.

Wukong's current somersault cloud is no longer the somersault cloud of the past. The upgraded somersault cloud created by combining Jiuzhuan Xuangong and Daoxuan will be strengthened as Wukong's Daoxuan is strengthened. Wukong's current somersault cloud is not only Quick, it also has some special abilities, such as the ability to conflict with other people's holy consciousness locks, even if it is locked by the ghost king's holy consciousness who is fighting against the sword mad will, he can easily escape.

Yun Xuanling also has a similar inherited magical power, and it is no worse than Wukong's current somersault cloud. Otherwise, he may not be able to escape just by being fast. After all, the speed of Jin Mu and others borrowing some magic weapons is by no means lower than that of the ghosts surrounding them. Shuai and others, but they are all locked by the opponent and cannot escape. As long as they escape, they will be very passive, unable to defend against the enemy well, and it will be easy for the opponent to find a flaw and kill them.

"Trash, don't let them run away." Of course, the ghost king also noticed the situation here, and when he found several people fleeing, he immediately said coldly.

"Do it." Wukong and the others escaped suddenly, and Shadow Guishuai and others felt ashamed. Coupled with the ghost king's scolding, Shadow Guishuai and others immediately attacked Jin Mu and others.

In the depths of the palace, Wukong and his party came to a canyon. The palace area is very large, of course it is not considered a building, and there are many mountain peaks, canyons and other scenes.

"Go ahead to the Illusion Tower! It's very dangerous inside." There is a barrier outside the canyon. Standing outside the barrier, Wukong said to Yun Xuanling and the others.

Wukong's Daoxuan has been exploring the situation inside for a long time. The real body of the sword madman is inside. In addition to the real body of the sword madman, there are six ghost practitioners with very strong aura. They should be the legendary six ghost emperors. At this time, the real body of Jian Kuang was trapped by a strange formation, with faint breath, and the six ghost emperors were also sitting cross-legged in the six positions of the formation, and seemed to be falling into a deep sleep, Wukong was not sure about the six Will the ghost emperor wake up suddenly, so let Yun Xuanling and others enter the Illusionary Tower first, wait for him to loot the treasure house in another location in the canyon, and then enter the Illusionary Tower to distribute the resources to everyone for cultivation.

Although it is very dangerous this time, wealth and wealth are in danger.

(End of this chapter)

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