Chapter 894 Trading
Not long after, Wukong and the others were stopped by a group of people, and this place was still a long time away from the City Lord's Mansion.

"Stop, who are you? What are you doing here?" Under Wukong's piercing eyes, the cultivation of this group of people is clear at a glance. The strongest leader is a middle-aged man with a cultivation base of the sixth stage of Supreme Dao , other people have from the early stage of the first stage of the supreme path to the peak of the fifth stage of the supreme path.

"Who are you? Why do we have to explain to you what we do? And this road belongs to your family?" Before Wukong could speak, Yun Xuanling was the first to ask.

"My lord, the origin of these people is unknown. They must be spies from the enemy camp. In my opinion, there is no need to talk nonsense with them, just arrest them." A man on the left of the leader gave Wukong and the others a cold look, and then turned to the leader. Said.

"My lord, I know them." At this moment, another person said, Wukong had already discovered this person, the Tianjing who chatted with the staff of the Tianjing Temple who made things difficult for them back then. The upper level of the hall.

The person who suggested to arrest Wukong and the others before could not help but frown when he heard this person speak.

The high-ranking member of the Temple of Heaven and Purity also noticed the expression of the person who spoke before, so he immediately continued: "These people are traitors, so I also agree with Fellow Daoist Liu Lan's suggestion to arrest these people."

As soon as the high-level person in the Tianjing Temple finished speaking, the expression of the previous person softened.

"Since it is confirmed that they are traitors, then you two should arrest them." The leader believed in the words of the high-level person in the Tianjing Temple, so he directly ordered that no further investigation was made, mainly because he was concerned about Yun Xuanling attitude is also very dissatisfied.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's go." Wukong didn't have time to entangle with these people. Although the high-level executive of the Tianjing Temple added this time, it was two times to hinder him, but with Wukong's current strength, the other party is like a hand. Ants that can be crushed to death, why bother.

"If you want to leave, it's not that easy." The high-ranking person in Tianjing Temple and the person who spoke before shouted immediately, and they were about to make a move, but before they could make a move, they felt an extremely powerful space suppressing force suppressing them up.

Not only them, but also the leader of the sixth stage of Supreme Dao was also suppressed by a powerful space force. At this time, they had a thought in their hearts, that is, the master of this power only needs one thought It can make them die.

Suddenly fear arises spontaneously.

Then they suddenly found that Wukong and the others disappeared, and then the pressure on them also disappeared. At this time, no matter how stupid they were, they knew that the powerful power belonged to one of Wukong and the others. After reacting, they immediately passed it on information.

Next, Wukong and the others stopped talking nonsense, and went directly to the various checkpoints set up by the five major forces, which soon alarmed Jinmu and the others to show up.

"It's you, who are you guys?" At this time, Wukong and the others had already arrived outside the city lord's mansion. At this time, Jinmu and other five major forces' contemporary helmsmen appeared. Stronger than ever.

The strongest Jin Mu should be no worse than the Shadow Ghost Commander who appeared back then. The strength of the others is also between the ghost general and the ghost commander. The difference is very wide.

"We are just ordinary casual cultivators. We are not here to fight against you. We just want to make a deal with you. Don't be so nervous." Seeing the appearance of someone with a certain right to speak in the City Lord's Mansion, Wukong didn't go any further. Instead, they directly stated their purpose for coming.

(End of this chapter)

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