Chapter 895 Ambush
"Deal? How to trade?" Now Jin Mu and others will not underestimate Wukong and others, not only because Wukong and others easily broke into the gate of the city lord's mansion all the way, but because they knew what happened in the mysterious territory of ice moon back then. thing.

"I don't know if your City Lord's Mansion has a map of the world outside the jurisdiction of Tianjing County?" Wukong didn't say what items to exchange at the beginning, but first asked the other party if they had the map they wanted.

"There is a map of the world outside Tianjing County, but what are you going to trade with us?" Although Tianjing County is relatively remote and has little contact with the outside world, the Jin family, as the city lord's mansion of Tianjing County, They will also regularly make offerings to the Dragon's King City, which manages their Tianjing County City, so the City Lord's Mansion once bought a map of the entire territory under the control of the Dragon's King City when sending offerings.

"Low-grade defensive primordial treasure." Defensive magic weapons of the same level are more rare and valuable than offensive magic weapons, but Wukong didn't say too much at the beginning. Of course, given the opponent's background, he can't say too low a magic weapon.

Hearing Wukong's bargaining chip, Jin Mu was a little surprised, not because he thought Wukong's offer was too low, but on the contrary, he thought Wukong's offer was too high, because although there is only one map of the Dragon King City, this map is of no use to them , and if the Jin family wants it, they can still get it easily. After all, this kind of map is very cheap in the main city of the Dragon King City. For this kind of map, their Jin family will go to the main city of the Dragon King City every ten thousand years, and they will go there again soon.

Of course, although it is very cheap for them, since it is a transaction, he will certainly make a lot of money, especially if he knows from some way that Wukong and the others have looted the treasure house of the Six Ghost Emperors. If possible, he would like to Annex all the treasures obtained by Wukong and others.

After pondering for a while, Jin Mu said with a embarrassed expression: "To be honest, I really want to make this deal with you, but you are completely dishonest. This map was obtained at a considerable price by our Jin family ancestors. And there's only one pair, if it's just a low-rank defensive primordial treasure, forgive me for not agreeing."

Although he knew that the other party was sitting on the ground and raising the price, but he really needed it now, otherwise, if he went out and wandered around, it would be easy to go wrong. When Wukong was retreating before, Wukong suddenly received the identity jade card that Zixia obtained through Qingfeng Academy. I learned that Zixia is now in an area called Donglin Holy City, but when Wukong found out and replied again, he didn't get any reply like before. Although I don't know why, but Wukong They decided to go to a larger area first to find out where the Holy City of Donglin was, and then go looking for Zixia. At least now they have a target and don't have to search blindly.

"One-buy price, top-grade defensive grandmist treasure, if you want, we can trade, if you don't want, then let it go." Wukong said directly and firmly.

"Okay, refreshing, then you can go get the map with us!" Jin Mu also quickly agreed.

Then Jin Mu and others led Wukong and the others into the City Lord's Mansion and walked somewhere.

Although the other party didn't show anything, it is necessary to be defensive, so Wukong released Daoxuan from the very beginning, and suddenly Wukong found that there were more than a dozen people hiding in the dark in the direction where Jin Mu and others led him. A powerful existence, if Wukong's Daoxuan is not strong enough, he would not be able to find it at all. It seems that the few of us are going to enter the ambush designed by the other party.

(End of this chapter)

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