Chapter 896 The Venerable Five Elements

Although he found an ambush, Wukong was not afraid at all, and he had no intention of evacuating. On the contrary, Wukong hoped to have a big battle to verify the results of his practice during this period.

Soon, under the leadership of Jin Mu and others, Wukong and the others came to a strangely constructed garden in the City Lord's Mansion.

Before entering the garden, Wukong discovered that the garden is not simple. The building structure inside seems to form a five-element and eight-diagram array. This is a five-element array.

"Stop hiding, we've already been brought here, let's all come out." After entering the garden, seeing Jin Mu and the others slow down, Wukong said directly, and told Yunxuan The three of Ling are ready to fight.

"Haha, it's really not easy. Although I don't know how you found us, but since you dared to steal the treasures of heaven and earth that they have accumulated for countless years from under the noses of those six old ghosts, and now you find us calm and composed, sure enough. You have extraordinary courage." Suddenly, five people walked out from five directions, and one of them, a middle-aged man in golden clothes, laughed loudly.

Then the man's voice changed, and he said to Wukong with a serious expression: "Do you know that those six old ghosts issued a must-kill warrant for you, I didn't expect you who have been hiding for so long to show up now, how dare you Break into our camp of the Five Elements Alliance, if you are willing to hand over the natural materials and earthly treasures you stole from those six old ghosts today and use them for us, we can protect you from death."

"Hehe, it turns out that you also knew about our looting of their treasury. It seems that you have a close relationship, and you have reached some kind of ulterior agreement. It seems that the fact that you have an external map is also fake, and deliberately lured us Come in." Before coming, Wukong already knew the general situation of Jingjun City today, and also knew that the five elements and the six ghost emperors seemed to have reached some kind of agreement back then, so the ice moon secret realm is now occupied by the six ghost emperors, Jin Mu and others He also came back safe and sound, but the matter of himself and others stealing the treasure house was not made public by the Six Ghost Emperors, and they did not publicly arrest him and the others. After all, it involved the treasures that the Six Ghost Emperors had accumulated for countless years. will return.

These things are obviously known to the Venerable Five Elements. It is conceivable that the relationship between the Venerable Five Elements and the Six Ghost Emperor should not be simple. Of course, Wukong doesn't care about these things. He only cares about whether there is a map of the outside world in the City Lord's Mansion.

"Haha, you don't need to know about our relationship. You just need to hand over the treasure. Hand over the treasure and use it for me. I can not only keep you alive, but also give you the map of the outside world. The map of the outside world is indeed true in our City Lord's Mansion. I have one." The man in the golden robe is the head of the five elements, the patriarch of the Jin family, Jin Tianxing.

"I need to see if you really have a map first." Of course, Wukong couldn't agree, and of course he refused when he didn't come up. Instead, he asked the other party to take out the map he wanted, otherwise he would go to war directly. Can he win? It's still the same thing, and he doesn't know where the map is. Even if he can search the memory, it will be troublesome if the other party directly destroys the map in advance.

"Mu'er, go and get the map." Jin Tianxing is not afraid of Wukong's tricks at all. This is because of their confidence in their own strength, and their five-element formation has been studied and improved for countless years, and is managed by their five-element venerable. In the main formation, even those powerhouses of the same level as them would be able to trap them, let alone a few youngsters.

(End of this chapter)

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