Chapter 101 Little Three 1
After simply bandaging her, Jin Ruichen packed up his things and prepared to take her to the hospital.

Xiangnan got on the car and leaned on to rest. He was already dizzy, but he became even more dizzy after bleeding.

Jin Ruichen was anxious about Xiang Nan's injury.Although he had treated it urgently and he was much better, but faint blood still seeped out of the gauze.

He rushed straight to the hospital in a hurry, not noticing the flashing lights not far away.

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"How about it?"

The doctor looked at the wound and said, "The initial treatment is very good, don't worry, there is no problem, and there will be no scars. It's just that you can't get wet for a week after the bandage. Remember to change the medicine after two days."

Even if the woman in front of him is Star Xiangnan, the doctor doesn't even bat an eye.

This is a high-end private hospital.It is precisely because of its privacy that many celebrity politicians choose to come here for treatment of any disease.Because there will be no leaking of their affairs here.Don't worry about paparazzi getting in.


Jin Ruichen breathed a sigh of relief just now, but the doctor's words made him nervous again.

"I think she needs to take her temperature now, she has a fever now."

Jin Ruichen reached out and touched her forehead.It was really hot.

"Damn it!!! Why didn't you say you had a fever? Fortunately, I brought you to the hospital."

"I just wanted to get up and take medicine just now, who knew this kind of thing would happen!" Xiang Nan rolled his eyes.It's just an accident, okay?If it hadn't been for his sudden appearance, she would not be in the hospital now.

"Okay, stop arguing, the patient needs to rest. I'll help you arrange it."

Since it is a private hospital, the services are of course top-notch, and the two of them don't have to worry about anything. Naturally, someone will arrange everything properly, and they just need to swipe their small cards to pay the bill.

"How do you feel?" Even though the nurse had already infused the fluid, he was still worried.

"..." Xiang Nan pulled the quilt over his head, and said muffledly, "Leave me alone, I want to sleep."

【What did you say? ? ?pardon? ] Gu Yang held the TV and asked Sun Xiaomei on the phone in disbelief.

[Oh, anyway, the news is overwhelming now, you'd better be careful these two days.I don't know what's going on now. 】

Gu Yang took a deep breath, hung up the phone, and prepared to find Xiang Nan's number.Ask her what's going on.


While she was looking for the phone, the side of the car hit something.Gu Yang stepped on the brakes quickly, turned off the engine and went down to watch.

It was a middle-aged woman who hit.He fell to the ground after being scraped by the rearview mirror.Seeing her attire, she doesn't look like she was wearing porcelain, Gu Yang heaved a sigh of relief.This is much simpler.

"Are you okay? Do you need to go to the hospital for an examination?"

It was the first time for Gu Yang to drive in China. Although he already had a driver's license, he still had a lot of unaccustomed habits, so he bumped into people inadvertently.This was all caused by her negligence, so she should bear the responsibility.

"It's all right, it's just that I didn't stand firm and fell down. It's not in the way." Zeng Yi stood up and moved around, there shouldn't be any problem.

"Is this okay? Otherwise, if you get in the car, I'll take you to check it? That way I can feel more at ease."

Although she is really in a hurry and in a hurry, other people's bodies are equally important, and she can't do this kind of direct evasion.

"Thank you, I really don't need it. Look, my husband is out, and he will accompany me if there is anything to do."

Zeng Yi said politely.

"Is that so? This is my business card. If there is anything I need to be responsible for, please contact me directly!"

Seeing that she was determined not to go to the hospital, Gu Yang couldn't say anything, so he took out the business card in his bag and handed it to her.After saying sorry, I drove away.

"What's wrong with you? Didn't I tell you to wait for me inside? Why is it like this again?"

Chen Zhen was very displeased when he saw his wife's distressed appearance and her broken hands.Not sure what happened to her.

"It's nothing, it's just my own carelessness." Did you see the lady who drove past just now? "

"Didn't notice? What's wrong?"

When he came over just now, Gu Yang just got into the car and left.He didn't look at her at all.

Zeng Yi smiled: "It's nothing, it just looks familiar."

"I think she drove directly to the parking lot. She should be an employee of the company. Maybe you have met before." Chen Zhen didn't think it was anything to be concerned about.

Yeah?Zeng Yi raised the corners of his mouth.She's not the one she met in DC.

She had seen her picture several times in her son's wallet.

In the past six years, no matter how Chen Ziran changed his wallet, there would always be an identical photo inside.She won't be mistaken.I just don't know what is the purpose of her coming back and forth in DC?What is her son's plan?

And Yoon Luo~~~
"How did you come?"

Gu Yang looked at Xiang Nan who was sitting on the stool.Panic.

She is really good, the news is one after another.Even if others spend money on public relations, they won't be able to make headlines, but she is lucky, making headlines one after another is as simple as eating every day.

"I didn't dare to stay at home alone. I slipped out in disguise. No one noticed."

She didn't expect that if she moved to Jin Ruichen's house, there would still be Yuji standing by her.His place is the safest neighborhood.

"Give me a copy of today's newspaper. I'll read it first."

Gu Yang found the help of the newcomer and asked for several related magazines and newspapers.

These newspapers all published the same photo.They were all photos of Jin Ruichen leaving the residence with Xiang Nan in his arms.It analyzes the relationship between Jin Ruichen and Bai Bingbing with pictures and texts.Expressed strong condemnation for Xiang Nan's involvement in it.

Even Xiang Nan's previous role change was brought up and talked about.It is said that the program team knew about this situation in advance.Afraid that Xiang Nan would affect the overall image, he was temporarily replaced by Yin Luo.

Bai Bingbing and Jin Ruichen have been together for a year, and they have achieved good results this year.Won applause and flowers.She has always appeared in front of the public as a jade girl.There was never some other tidbit.

As for Xiangnan, before it was hidden by the snow, it has been a constant topic.Sexy news came one after another.Although a lot of it is for hype.But in the end, it left such an impression in people's minds.

So after this incident came out, the masses turned to the weak one-sidedly.That is, Bai Bingbing's side.The collective strongly condemned Xiang Nan.

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(End of this chapter)

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