The biggest ex: love you don't run away

Chapter 102 Rescue soldiers 1

Chapter 102 Rescue soldiers 1
"Damn, do you want people to live? What's the matter with these people? Why do you hear that the wind is rain?"

No matter how much Gu Yang wanted to be calm, he was so anxious to swear when he heard the news!
"Then... what do we do now???"

Sun Mingming said in his heart that it was unlucky, she just came to Xiang Nan as an assistant, and she encountered such a thing.I really want to cry but have no tears.


"Let's go out and have a look, it's not an option to hide all the time!"

When Gu Yang was silent, Xiang Nan stood up and said.

"Xiang Nan." Gu Yang stopped Xiang Nan: "The incident this time is obviously manipulated from behind, if you go out now, I'm afraid they will..."

To be honest, she still feels that it is not a good way to go out now.

"It doesn't matter, we still have to face it." For Xiang Nan, she has encountered worse situations than now.This time it's really nothing.

"Huh..." Gu Yang let out a breath and said, "Okay, since you insist on going out, then I'll go out with you!"

There were more people outside than Gu Yang imagined.A row of media stood in front of them, all carrying long guns and short cannons, waiting for Xiang Nan to come out to 'explain'. Behind the media, a large group of people stood densely.Many people held some banners in their hands.Most of them are 'little three, get out of the entertainment industry! 'some type of.

If it weren't for the fact that the parties involved were herself and Xiang Nan, she would have laughed gloatingly.

Seeing Xiang Nan coming out, those entertainment journalists rushed over like flies seeing meat.

"Miss Xiang..."

"Miss Xiang..."

"Miss Xiang..."

. .

A group of people scrambled to speak, wanting to get the right to speak first.Fortunately, the news was sent back to the company as soon as possible to try to distribute the headlines.

The security guards on the side hurried forward to maintain order.Stop all these people.

"Everyone, don't be impatient. If you have any questions, you can ask them slowly."

[Miss Xiang, may I ask what is your relationship with Jin Ruichen? ] Before Gu Yang could finish his sentence, the anxious reporter started to ask questions.

"Boss Jin and I are just ordinary friends!" Xiang Nan didn't change his face.

[How can ordinary friends go to his house and come out together in an intimate manner, and then go back together again? 】

"Because something happened a while ago, I'm staying at Mr. Jin's house for the time being!"

Xiang Nan was also honest, asking what he asked and what he said.

[Then may I ask what happened to Miss Xiang? 】

"Sorry, no comment on this!"

[Then Jin always regards you as an ordinary friend? 】

Xiang Nan noticed that the aggressive one was the woman who made things difficult for Xiang Nan in the last press conference.It has to be said that she is really a good entertainment reporter, she stings people to death and never relaxes.

"Of course it is."

[Then did you know that Jin Ruichen and Bai Bingbing were in a relationship? 】

"I know."

【Since you already know about the relationship between the two, why do you want to get involved? 】

"I think I've said it just now, Mr. Jin and I are just ordinary friends." Xiang Nan was a little annoyed, no matter how many questions these people asked, they just stayed on the same topic and went around in circles.Didn't believe what she said at all.

Gu Yang on the side was also furious when he heard it.These Yu Ji were aggressive and did not give Xiang Nan any time to breathe and think.But she couldn't help it.I had to stand aside and worry.

[For the condemnation on the Internet, what do you think of Miss Xiang? 】

"The one who cleans himself is clear. What I haven't done is that I haven't done it. No matter what others think of me, I really haven't done it."

[Is there any connection between this incident and your sudden role change before? ? 】

"There must be no connection between the two. The previous role change was because Yin Luo was more suitable for that role than me, and she was able to perform better. But this time, it was nothing more than being maliciously slandered."

Hypocritically dragging these Yu Ji, Xiang Nan suddenly felt an unprecedented tiredness.

. .

. .

These reporters are still asking questions, as if they are tireless.

There was a sudden commotion in the crowd.Then slowly made a way out from the middle.

Bai Bingbing suddenly appeared.

She is dressed in white clothes now, and her face is pale. It looks like she has not slept well, and she looks weak after being hit hard.Seeing her, these fans didn't make a fuss at all, they just let her go forward silently.

Gu Yang frowned, why did she suddenly appear?At this time, she meets Xiang Nan. .She shivered, the scene was too bloody, she couldn't imagine it.

The reporters at the scene also noticed that the atmosphere was not right, turned around and saw that it was the other heroine of the incident, and quickly began to press the shutter frantically.

"Miss Bai, are you right..." Before a reporter could finish speaking, a security guard who followed Bai Bingbing stopped her and directly grabbed her microphone to prevent her from asking questions.

Walking in front of Xiang Nan, Bai Bingbing stopped and stared at Xiang Nan.There was silence at the scene, and people and big companies dared not make one.The photographer's hands were nervously placed on the shutter, waiting for the exciting event of the original partner to hit the mistress.

What a breaking news that must be~~~
It's a pity that the sky doesn't follow people's wishes.What the photographer expected didn't happen.

Bai Bingbing looked at Xiang Nan and didn't say a word, but her eyes were filled with tears, and she tremblingly said, "I wish you happiness~~~"

Then, she covered her face and left.

. .

The scene continued to be silent.

Gu Yang was dumbfounded, she swore that when Bai Bingbing said that, she was smiling.But she knew that no one would believe her words except Xiang Nan.

Xiang Nan was also taken aback.

The entertainment news at the scene is crazy~~~
Bai Bingbing is known for her gentle and weak image, but when she appeared on the stage just now, she had a pitiful appearance that she would fall down in the wind, and she said these words to Xiang Nan in a low voice.No matter how you look at it, Xiang Nan was lying just now.

Although Bai Bingbing's words were not long, the voice was controlled just right, just enough for the entertainment reporters and fans who were close to hear them clearly.Soon, the fans who heard it spread the word.

The scene once again caused an uproar.

The scene got out of control again.

"Xiangnan, get out!!!"

"Get out, little three!!!"

. .

. .

All kinds of nasty abuse came from fans.People are constantly crowding forward.Fortunately, security guards stopped him.Yu Ji saw the rare news that they encountered.I didn't care about interviewing Xiang Nan, and left her aside, and quickly took a full-scale, 360-degree shot of the out-of-control scene.

This incident is absolutely unique in the entertainment industry! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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