Chapter 108 Pursuit 2
"Well, is it? Then why are you blushing?"

Gu Yang was speechless, and said angrily: "This is a normal conditioned reflex, okay?"

she is a woman.Someone said bluntly that he was pursuing her.Of course she would blush.

"Gu Yang, I can feel it. It's not like you don't have feelings for me. How about we try again?" When we arrived downstairs at Gu Yang's house, Chen Ziran fixed the car and looked at Gu Yang fixedly.

"..." Gu Yang was silent.I don't know how to answer the call.

Maybe she still has feelings for him, but liking is one thing, being together is another.Those dark memories of the past.She doesn't want to face it anymore.

"Gu Yang, don't be afraid."

Chen Ziran was calm and persuasive.He didn't want to wait any longer now.With Gu Yang's awkward temperament, if he doesn't take the initiative, he doesn't know how long she will be delayed.

"I'm not scared, I'm just... you give me a moment to think about it."

Now that she is asked to make a decision, she can't explain why, so she wants to delay for a while.

Chen Ziran couldn't see what she was thinking, and he didn't want to push her too hard, so he agreed to give her time.

"One week, I'll give you a week, next week today, you have to give me the answer!"

Gu Yang nodded indiscriminately and agreed.

"By the way, since you're here, why don't you take Leo back?" She was usually very busy and rarely took care of him.It's better to let Chen Ziran take it back.

"it is good!"

He also knew that Gu Yang usually didn't have time.So I didn't plan to let Leo stay with her for a long time.Anyway, the future is long.He has a lot of ways to get close to her.

Leo has not seen him for a long time.It was all kinds of excitement to see him coming.Just circle around Chen Ziran.

"You have no conscience, how can I raise you for so many days? Why are you so flattering when you see him???"

Gu Yang was speechless, looking at it like this, it seemed that he had abused it.

"What's the truth between you and it!" Chen Ziran found it funny.Can he take her reaction as jealous?
After sitting for a while, Chen Ziran was about to leave.Because when Leo came, he also brought some things with him.So Gu Yang helped him carry the things downstairs.

Open the car door, let Leo jump up and sit down by himself.Gu Yang put the things in the trunk.

"Uh~~~What are you doing?" Just as she walked to the door, she was dragged by him and leaned against the door.Chen Ziran pressed himself down. Leo sat inside and looked at the two curiously.

"Good night kiss~~~"

After speaking, without waiting for Gu Yang's reaction, he kissed her lips directly.

Gu Yang was a little stunned and didn't react for a while.Even if he let go of her, he was still in a daze.

"Heh~~~" Chen Ziran found it very interesting to see her in a daze.He licked his lips eagerly.Thinking about doing it again.

Gu Yang blushed.Angrily pushed him away.Not knowing what to say, he stomped his feet and walked past him to leave.

This person is really rebellious.Just now he said that he would give her time, but now he came to seduce her again.Fortunately, she is determined and will not be fascinated by his masculinity.Otherwise, it will be cheaper for him.

Chen Ziran looked at her hastily running back.Hearty laugh out loud.Get in the car and drive away. Leo sat on his seat, always looking at him curiously.

"Are you okay today? You don't need to run around south with your house?" Sun Xiaomei was very surprised to see Gu Yang came to the company leisurely early in the morning.

Gu Yang shrugged: "Earlier, Xiang Nan said that there will be no announcements today. It just so happens that she doesn't have a part in the show either. So of course I'm free."

"That means you have a day off today? Then why are you still in the company?" Sun Xiaomei looked contemptuous.It is rare to come to the company after a day off.It is simply to die.

"It's boring at home anyway."

She is not really so dedicated, it is rare to return to the company on vacation, but she is here for a contract.

"Then sit down for a while, and go out to eat together at noon later!"

Gu Yang thought that he really had nothing to do in the afternoon, so he agreed.There was still an hour before the lunch break, and she took advantage of this time to report to Annie about her recent work.

"Did you not announce today?"

Qian Duoduo saw that it was rare for Xiang Nan to wake up so late, and asked her curiously.

"Well, I have nothing to do today, I have to go out later."

"Do you need me to accompany you?" Qian Duoduo was frantically feeding his son in his arms.In my heart, I wanted to follow out.If she goes out, she can ask her mother to help take care of the child in a fair manner.

She really has nothing to do with her son.

"No, I may come back very late! As a mother, you'd better stay at home with your son, or be careful that he won't recognize you in the future."

During the time when Xiang Nan stayed here, she had a deep insight into how careless Qian Duoduo treated her son, which simply made her amazed.She really doubted that if her son found out, the relationship between mother and child would disappear!

"He dares!"

Qian Duoduo said with a smile, not worried at all.

"I'll go first. You don't have to wait for me to come back at night." After speaking, she went to kiss her son's forehead.ready to leave.

Qian Duoduo looked at Xiang Nan with a lewd smile on his face: "Honestly speaking, which handsome guy are you going to have a tryst with? Are you not coming back tonight? The two of you can go.. Have a good night together?"

After speaking, he blinked meaningfully.

"Go, stop slandering me." Xiang Nan was speechless.This is a lot of money, and now it is becoming more and more outspoken.She doubted more and more whether she could really take care of the child?

She genuinely felt sympathy for her son's tough future.

When I went out to the south, I only brought a bag, which seemed to contain a lot of things, and it was bulging.Qian Duoduo was curious, but he still didn't ask.

"Go to Dongmen Station!"

After waiting for a long time, I finally got a taxi.Pull down the brim of your hat to the south and get in the back seat of the car.

Since it was not the weekend, she arrived at the station soon.After Xiangnan bought the ticket, he boarded the bus.Waiting for the car to leave.

Xiang Nan was anxious and distracted, of course she didn't notice that someone had already seen her.

"The one that just passed was Xiangnan, right?"

Bai Bingbing is here at the station today to shoot a set of city promotional videos.During the break in the middle, I saw someone getting off the taxi and walking into the station with a look of excitement.Feel familiar.So quietly followed.

Then, she didn't expect that Yuanjia Road was narrow, and it turned out to be Xiangnan.Moreover, she looked a little bad.I don't know what to do.He bought a ticket and left alone.

(End of this chapter)

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