Chapter 109 Pain
"It seems to be her. But where is she going? What is she going to do?" Of course, Bai Bingbing's manager understood what she was thinking.I am also curious about where Xiangnan is going at this time.

"Hmph! This is not easy. Just find someone to check."

As he spoke, he picked up his cell phone without any emotion and made a call.

Just because she doesn't have time to follow, doesn't mean she has no one to follow.

Thinking of Jin Ruichen's unfeeling towards her, Bai Bingbing's heart filled with infinite resentment: Xiang Nan, don't blame me for wanting to kill you cruelly, if you want to blame you, blame Jin Ruichen.I can't beat him, and if I don't believe it, I can't beat you.

"President!" Lily knocked on the door and walked in.

"What's the matter?" Without raising his head, Jin Ruichen looked at the files on the computer, typing on the keyboard with his ten fingers flying.

"Go south to the mountains again."

Jin Ruichen stopped what he was doing and looked at the calendar: "I see, you should go get busy first."

Lily went out and closed the door intimately.

Jin Ruichen didn't move for a while.Although he hasn't visited Xiangnan in the past two years, it doesn't mean he hasn't paid attention to her.In fact, he has always arranged for someone to protect her secretly.Therefore, he is also very clear about her whereabouts.

Especially on March [-] every year, she will definitely go to Tianlong Temple in the suburbs for a day.

This habit has never happened before, that is, it only started two years ago.He once thought about investigating what made her obsessed so much, but in the end he couldn't bear to do this kind of thing and gave up.

But now, he thought it was necessary for him to learn about Xiang Nan's life.

Thorough understanding! ! !
After a phone call, he picked up his coat and walked out.

"Are you going out?" Seeing him coming out, Lily was a little surprised.He had never been moved when he heard such news before, let alone went there in person.

"If there are visitors in the afternoon, please push them away for me first. I won't be coming back in the afternoon. You make up your mind about anything. If you can't handle it, just keep it until I come back."

"Of order, big boss!" Lily blinked playfully.Quite supportive of him abandoning work for love.

The happiness of the boss is the gospel of the employees.If it is true that he sits in the company who wants to be dissatisfied all day long.The people below them will also have a very difficult life.

Instead of calling the driver, he went to the garage and drove to Tenryuji Temple.It's not far from the city, just over an hour's drive away.

As a temple closest to the urban area, the incense of Tenryuji Temple has always been very strong.There is an endless stream of pilgrims.

Because most of the people who came to offer incense were from the generation of mothers-in-law, Xiang Nan was not worried that he would be recognized.


Xiangnan found the abbot of the temple, Master Qingyuan.

"Amitabha! You are here!"

When Master Qingyuan saw Xiang Nan, he seemed to be a very familiar friend.brought her inside.Then he didn't stay long, closed the door and backed out.

Xiang Nan took out the contents of the bag and placed it beside a Buddhist altar in front of him.It was a bunch of small dolls.All kinds, exquisite and exquisite.shining brightly.

Every year on March [-]th, she would bring many puppets here and stay here for a whole day.It was dark before leaving.

This is the softest place in her heart.

This is where all her nightmares end and begin.

Here, a person is enshrined.

A person who was declared dead before he was born.

her child.

The source of her lifelong regret.

The reason she hates Jin Ruichen is not because he doesn't care about her, doesn't value her, or respect her.Instead, he was there for other women when she needed him the most.

Her child, because she did not seek medical treatment in time.Didn't keep it.When she was most difficult and helpless, he left her.

Then, she temporarily withdrew from the entertainment industry.Left Jin Ruichen.

It is said that she was hidden by DC.In fact, because she lost her child and lost control of her emotions, she brazenly begged Chen Ziran to help her block her.

Otherwise, in such painful days, how could I have the courage to face those reporters who cannibalize people without spit out their bones?

Even the news of her miscarriage was resolved by Chen Ziran who came forward to help her.Even, no one knows.Xiang Nan was once pregnant.

She did not go to Tibet to travel, not to cleanse the soul.She was there to atone.

Later, when she returned to City C, she funded and enshrined a spiritual tablet here.

She met Master Qingyuan in Tibet.He is very clear about her affairs and has explained to her several times.

"Baby, Mommy saw Dad again. Why did that stinky man grow more handsome?"

Every time she comes here, she will talk to herself for a long time.It was as if he wanted to pour out all his secrets and anguish.Although she knew that no one would go along with her, she would continue to talk.

Sometimes, she wondered if she was sick.

Time passed by every minute and every second.Xiangnan sat inside alone.No one bothered.

It was already afternoon when Jin Ruichen arrived.There are not as many pilgrims as in the morning.

"She was in the wing room inside, and she didn't come out after entering." The person who spoke was the bodyguard he had hired for the past two years.Has been secretly protecting the south.

Jin Ruichen nodded, a little hesitant to move forward, with a feeling of being close to home and timid.

Xiang Nan's abnormalities every day made him feel that things were not simple.He was afraid that something would change his life if he went there.No more peace!
Finally, he let the bodyguards leave first, and walked in.

There was a row of wing rooms inside, and he didn't know which one Xiang Nan was in.Seeing a monk standing not far away, he went to ask him.

Master Qingyuan looked at Jin Ruichen and pointed to where Nan was.Just when Jin Ruichen raised his foot to go in, Qingyuan stopped him.

"Xiang Nan has a demon in his heart!"

This man is not easy to look at. In the past two years, no one has ever come to Xiang Nan.So Master Qingyuan felt that he had an unusual relationship with Xiangnan.So he felt it was necessary for him to mention something before this man opened the door.

Jin Ruichen frowned, this monk seemed to know something: "Master, please clarify!"

"It's not Xiang Nan that's locked inside this door, it's her demons that bind her. If you're unprepared and can't bear it, don't go in. Otherwise, it will definitely mess up your life."

"Thank you, master, for your concern. I think I'm fully prepared."

Although he doesn't know what his so-called inner demon is, since he has already come here, there is absolutely no reason to give up halfway.

(End of this chapter)

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