Chapter 110 Shocked 1
Seeing him walking in needlessly, Master Qingyuan sighed. Individuals have their own fate, and it is useless to force them.Let them go.

Even though he was as fearless as he said, when he was about to open the door, he paused for two seconds.

'Squeak~~~' The old wooden door made a dull sound.

Jin Ruichen stood at the door and didn't go in right away. The room was so dark that she didn't even turn on the light.There is a table directly in front of him, as if enshrining something.And the person he was looking for was sitting on the ground next to him.Look sluggish.Looking at him with squinted eyes.

His throat was dry.Seeing the tablet in front of him, although he didn't know who it was, he felt uneasy intuitively.Like a child who knocked over Pandora's box.It felt like I had pushed away a terrible secret.

The sudden light outside made her a little uncomfortable.So for a while, I didn't see clearly who the person standing outside was.

"What are you doing here? Get out!"

It wasn't until Jin Ruichen walked in that she saw clearly who was here.But this result made her even more alarmed.He wanted to stand up to stop him from coming in, but his feet became numb because he kept the same posture for a long time.


Jin Ruichen caught Xiang Nan who was on the verge of falling.

"Let go of me, you get out! Don't come in!"

There's something hysterical about going south.Shouting regardless.Slapping him, trying to drive him out.

"Xiang Nan, calm down."

The natural strength difference between men and women, apart from causing him a little pain, was not really pushed out by her.

Xiang Nan felt that his secret was being pryed into.All kinds of uneasiness in my heart, I am afraid that after he knows the truth, he will look down on me even more.He hated himself even more.

Xiang Nan's unusual uneasiness made Jin Ruichen even more feel that the tablet with no words inside had something to do with him.Otherwise, she wouldn't repel herself in such a way to go further.

"To the south... what is this?"

He pointed to the tablet and asked her in a hoarse voice.

"..." Xiang Nan was silent, then took her bag and was about to leave. Ever since he appeared here, she wanted to escape.

"Don't go yet, answer me, who is this?" How could Jin Ruichen allow her to leave without answering?He reached out and blocked her way.

"People you don't know! It has nothing to do with you!"

"Xiang Nan, do you know what 300 taels of silver is not available here? The more you don't want to say it, the more you resist, the more it proves that this has something to do with me."

"Huh, is it?"

Xiang Nan ignored him, glared at him viciously, and stomped on him, taking advantage of his pain.Shake his hand away.

Jin Ruichen didn't expect Xiang Nan to do this, so he might as well let her go for a while.With a low curse in his heart, he stepped forward to catch up with her.

Xiang Nan strode outside, even if he chased him, he ignored him.

"Damn it!" Jin Ruichen, who had been shut down frequently, finally couldn't help but get angry.I don't want to move on anymore.He grabbed Xiang Nan, carried it on his shoulder, and walked towards the direction where he parked.

"Ah!!! Let go of me, you bastard, let go of me!!!"

If Xiang Nan is not guarded, he succeeds.Lying on his shoulder, he kept kicking and screaming.People around watched curiously as this handsome man walked out carrying a crazy woman on his shoulders.But no one stepped forward to stop it.

No matter how Ren Xiangnan kicked and beat him, Jin Ruichen was still unmoved.Mizhe Xiangnan, opened his mouth and bit his shoulder.

Jin Ruichen snorted, without pausing at all.

Throw her in the car, get in and lock the door.Don't open the door for her no matter how much trouble she makes.

Xiang Nan turned his head out of the window and ignored him.Jin Ruichen didn't care about her either, and just leisurely listened to the music.

"I will spend one day with you slowly, and you can slowly consider whether to say it or not."

Biting his lip, Xiang Nan was at a loss.The development of the matter is somewhat beyond her control, and she is also very confused now, what should she do.

"I want to go back first."

It's not an option to stay silent all the time, and Xiang Nan doesn't want to stay with him all the time.I want to go back first, and I can think of ways slowly.

Jin Ruichen was noncommittal.Started the car and slid down the hill.

Music was playing in the car, and there was some traffic jam on the way back to the city. When we arrived in the city, it was already the beginning of the lights.

"Where are you taking me? I'm not going in this direction."

Looking south, he naturally turned right, feeling anxious.The direction of Qian Duoduo's family is not here at all, okay?If she remembers correctly, this should be the direction of his house, right?

"I said a long time ago, if you don't tell me the truth today, don't think about leaving. I'm very patient, Xiangnan!"


Xiang Nan didn't expect that after such a long time, he still remembered this matter.

"You said before that you wouldn't push me. I don't want to say it."

In desperation, Xiang Nan remembered what he said before.

"Really? But, mine is just about your work, and it's a different matter. Don't confuse the public." Of course, Jin Ruichen couldn't be fooled by her so easily.


Neither of them spoke anymore, and Jin Ruichen didn't force her for the time being, and drove around the city.Just don't want to park.

"If you really don't want to say it, forget it."

After a long while, Jin Ruichen finally spoke.Xiang Nan was overjoyed, before he had time to speak.I heard him go on to say: "You should know my ability. If you don't tell me, I will check it myself. I think it will be more clear."

Money can turn ghosts around, he knows this truth well.

He just wanted to hear what she told him with his own ears.If she doesn't want to say it.No wonder he was there.

"You... despicable!"

Angry to the south.It never occurred to him that he would do that.

"No profiteering, no business, you know!"

Jin Ruichen looked at her leisurely.Prepare to wait for her to tell him the truth.

Xiang Nan's mind turned a thousand times, and at that moment, countless ways and excuses emerged in his mind.But in the end, she still gritted her teeth and said cruelly, "That's my child! It's your child too!"

She can't take care of anything now, she is pushed too hard by him, and some things are broken.I don't want to worry about the consequences of saying this.

"Two years ago, when I was involved in that turmoil, I found out that I was pregnant. I wanted to tell you...but before I could say it, I fell into a cold war with you."

Xiang Nan paused, the past that he thought was difficult and difficult, now it is just a matter of a few sentences.

(End of this chapter)

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