Chapter 111 Shocked 2
"Then, the development of things became more and more serious. I was exhausted and stressed every day, and finally...the child was not kept."

From the very beginning when Xiang Nan started talking, Jin Ruichen was out of control.The vehicle begins to meander on the road in an 'S' shape.Many vehicles are eagerly honking their horns.Some even had a bad temper and cursed directly.

Reluctantly leaning the car to the side of the road to stop, Jin Ruichen panted heavily.The news was so shocking and heartbreaking that he couldn't accept it for a while.

He never thought that he and Xiang Nan would have a child.It never occurred to me that the child died before it was born.If it wasn't for today, he followed curiously.Maybe he will never know his existence in this life.

"Why...why never told me?"

Jin Ruichen's voice trembled, and he couldn't accept this fact.

"That day, I tried to contact you, but it was a woman who answered the phone. She told me that you were taking a shower! I don't think I need to bother you."

Southward is brutal almost brutally.These things have now become the most hurtful weapon.Look at how remorseful he looks.You already know how big a blow it is to him.

"You know? I passed out from the pain on the way to the hospital. When I woke up, I was in the hospital. The doctor told me that if I got to the hospital in time from the beginning, the child could be saved. But, after all, with him Who's fate is too shallow."

Xiang Nan continued to make amends in his heart without mercy.

In the past, no one could bear her pain, but now she wants to let him experience it ten times, a hundred times.

In fact, at that time she asked for help from Chen Ziran who had just returned to China.However, before it was too late to reach the hospital, he couldn't hold on anymore.

Jin Ruichen leaned his head on the steering wheel, the veins on his forehead were exposed.It can be seen that he is very regretful now.


After a while, he said a word.

"Are you telling me, or are you telling the child?"

She really hated him.Otherwise, he wouldn't continue to sprinkle salt on his wounds like this.

Sure enough, he was speechless.In any case, what Xiang Nan said was true, and even if he wanted to pretend that everything had never existed, it was impossible.

During the cold war with her, because I didn't know where my relationship belonged, it was really chaotic.I often get so drunk that I don't know what night it is. I often wake up in the morning and don't know where it is.

And these, it is too late to regret now.

He now regrets his debauchery with the most painful truth.

He didn't know how Xiang Nan survived the pain of losing his son alone.All I know is that I'm going to die right now.Wrapped in a breath of despair.Trapped in endless self-loathing.

"Huh..." Xiang Nan sighed: "Anyway, it's been so long now, I'm telling you now, I just think you, as a father, should still have the right to know things, but It's not someone else's investigation. You don't have to blame yourself too much. It's over."

After venting out the resentment and dissatisfaction in his heart, Xiang Nan felt much better in his heart.So talking to him now is rare and pleasant.

Jin Ruichen held his head, but still didn't respond.

Xiang Nan felt a little uneasy, wondering if he had given too much medicine, which made him unacceptable.

"I don't know... sorry."

He was a little incoherent.I don't even know what I'm talking about.I only know that my heart is in a mess.Now it seems that the whole world has gone away from him.There is only one voice echoing in the ear:
He is your child and he is dead.

He is your child and he is dead.

He is your child and he is dead.

Xiang Nan still didn't know what his sorry meant.I don't know if he is really talking to himself or talking to himself.He was still talking to the child he knew had existed before.

"You don't need to say sorry, you didn't do anything wrong back then. It's normal for men and women to love each other. It's normal for me to not protect him when I knew I was pregnant."


Silence, Jin Ruichen was left silent.He is like a lifeless doll now.Despair, dead silence!

"Forget it, I'll take you back."

After venting, Xiang Nan felt less uncomfortable than at the beginning.Seeing how drained and angry he was, I knew it would be impossible to let him drive again.Simply forcing him to change positions.He drove him back by himself.

At first, she was worried that there would be paparazzi downstairs in his house.In the end, he didn't expect that there was no one following him, and he couldn't help being shocked by his iron-blooded wrist.

He has always disliked those paparazzi, presumably he should have strongly suppressed those media before.Even knowing that he is a piece of fat, no one dared to follow him.

After sending him home, Xiang Nan immediately wanted to leave.

"Don't go!"

Jin Ruichen saved her from behind.Put your head on her shoulder: "tell me about how you have been here for the past two years?"

Xiang Nan was stunned, she had never seen such a downcast Jin Ruichen, and thinking about it, this really hit him too hard.My heart softened, and I almost agreed.

"There's nothing to say, it's a very ordinary life." At the last moment, reason finally prevailed.Did not promise to come down.But if he continues to play the emotional card, he probably won't be so rational.

Soft heart is her weakness.

Sure enough, when Jin Ruichen heard what she said, his eyes darkened, and he let her go: "Then you go back first, it's so late, be careful on the way. Close the door for me when you go out."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for her reaction, she went straight into the bedroom and slammed the door behind her.


The loud sound shows that the owner is very unhappy now.

Xiang Nan opened the closed door, pursed his lips, and left after a while.

Hear the door slamming outside.Jin Ruichen sat on the bed in frustration and scratched his hair with his hands.

She really couldn't forgive herself.Thinking about it, it was true that I had done so many bastard things, that she had been hurt like this, and she still had to bear the secret alone, so she couldn't get vent.Even I can't forgive myself, let alone her?
Now he finally understood why she rejected him so much.

Thinking of what she said about hating herself before, she thought she said it just because she didn't value her enough. Now that I think about it, I'm really stupid!How can you think that things are that simple?

Now if you want to get her back, it is probably more difficult than climbing to the sky, right?
(End of this chapter)

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