Chapter 112 Break Up
Since Xiang Nan was on vacation that day, he has been in a state of dissatisfaction, as if he had fallen into a nightmare.Gu Yang asked several times but couldn't find out why.

I asked Sun Mingming, who followed her every day, if there was anything unusual, but she couldn't tell why.

Gu Yang was helpless, if she hadn't known that Xiang Nan wouldn't make fun of her career and could get into the mood when filming, she would have lost her temper.

"I'm going to the studio to record the theme song the day after tomorrow. Eat lightly for the next two days and protect your throat. Don't open the skylight then."

I looked at the itinerary in my hand, because this movie will be filmed and broadcast at the same time, so Xiangnan's itinerary should be made as far as possible for the crew.Now it seems that there is no special itinerary for filming accidents every day.Fortunately, after the TV starts broadcasting next month, it will be able to maintain a good exposure rate, otherwise the filming of this scene is really not worthwhile.

"Oh, I see."

Xiang Nan knew that Gu Yang had been worrying about her condition for the past two days, but she didn't want to say anything for now.Always lazy.

Seeing her so tepid, Gu Yang suddenly became a little angry.He stopped the car and got out of the car first.Ask the driver to take her back first.

After getting off work, Chen Ziran drove back to his home in the suburbs, Chen's house.

Zeng Yi was obviously very happy to see his son back.He quickly asked the nanny to add two more dishes he liked.

"Brat, if you have a job, you don't need a mother anymore. Tell me, how long has it been since you came back to accompany me last time? You're not a filial son!" He complained, but his tone slowly became coquettish and pampering .

"I'm trying to earn money to support you. I've been wronged. Who told your husband to make the company so big? I'm so busy that I don't have time to come back."

"Hmph, that's my husband is amazing! It doesn't matter if you feel that you are too busy and have no time, you should hurry up and get married with Yin Luo, and just marry her back to accompany me."

Zeng Yi felt honored.He urged him to marry again.

"Mom, I was busy before, so I didn't have time to tell you that Yin Luo and I have broken up, so don't say anything to the media and other people in the future. You will make me very troubled."

Now that she brought up this matter again, he simply spread the matter out, saving her from knowing, and telling the media what Gu Yang misunderstood again.

"What did you say? What's going on?"

Before Zeng Yi had time to react, Chen Zhen, who was sitting on the sidelines watching the financial news, couldn't hold back, and asked him in a deep voice, feeling like the wind was about to come.

"It literally means, it's impossible for Yin Luo and I."

Chen Ziran did not back down at all.

He knew what his father was dissatisfied with.The Chen family and the Yin family are aristocratic families. The two families had tacitly agreed to their relationship before, and they were both happy to see it succeed, and they were waiting for the two to finalize their marriage.However, he kept procrastinating, unwilling to settle down like this, and wronged Yin Luo.

He has been telling Yin Luo that if he meets the right person, he can let go at any time.They didn't let the parents on both sides know about this matter, how could they know that she was so stubborn.He didn't even want to look at the people around him.

He is also troubled by this matter, but emotional matters cannot be forced. He doesn't like Xiang Nan. If the two are forced to be together, they will never be happy.

What's more...Even if he hadn't investigated what happened to Gu Yang before, he still vaguely felt that it had something to do with Yin Luo. Before, he was able to numb himself as if he didn't know.Now it can't be as if it never happened.

He wanted to be with Gu Yang, starting from the company celebration where he met her again.


Chen Zhen was furious, he slapped the table and stood up, panting uncontrollably.Like being greatly stimulated.

"Oh, why are you so excited, can't you talk well?"

Zeng Yi was taken aback by her husband's sudden anger, and patted his chest to blame him.

"What are you talking about? How can you talk to such a chaotic person?"

"..." Chen Ziran was too lazy to argue with him, and sat on the sofa without moving.

Just at this time, the nanny announced that it was time to eat.

"What's the fuss, let's eat first!" Zeng Yi couldn't stand the two of them having any minor incidents, so they kept fighting with each other.Although she couldn't understand her son's intentions at all, she still felt that they should be taken away from the battlefield first, so as to ease the atmosphere.Otherwise, the two will have to fight.

It's not that this kind of thing didn't happen.

"I don't agree with you breaking up, you must marry Yin Luo!!!"

Even when he got to the dinner table and brought a bowl to eat, Chen Zhen still expressed his position once again.

"Hehe, I got married, not you, why do you want to agree?"


"Okay, listen to me."

Seeing that the two were about to start arguing again, Zeng Yi hurriedly stopped them.

"Son, why did you and Yin Luo break up? I don't care for now. Tell me first. What is it for?"

"No reason, we can't develop a relationship, and being together is also painful." Chen Ziran was embarrassed to tell his mother directly that it was because the person he liked now came back.He was ready to turn from darkness to light.

"Where's Yin Luo? What did she say?"

In fact, Zeng Yi didn't think that Yin Luo would easily agree to break up.Although she is usually a gentle girl in front of her, she can still feel that Yin Luo is extraordinary.


He had told Yin Luo in advance that although she didn't agree at that time, after returning from Italy, he talked to Yin Luo about it again.

Although the process of persuading her was full of twists and turns, climaxes, and the plan was almost aborted, but fortunately he succeeded in persuading her in the end, and the two broke up 'friendly'.

"Even if that's the case..." Chen Zhen still wanted to say something, but fell silent under the fierce stare of his dear wife.

"I've seen that girl before."


Chen Ziran didn't understand what she meant by this sentence.He looked at her blankly.

"I said, the girl in the photo in your wallet, I saw her some time ago, is it because of her?"

Although she was a little puzzled that Yin Luo would agree, she also knew that her son was a person who would not give up until he achieved his goal, so she must have reached some consensus with Yin Luo.

Chen Ziran did not speak, but Zeng Yi had already confirmed his thoughts from his expression.

"When, ask her out for a meal. Let's have a look first."

In a word, make a final decision.Nor did they give them any chance of dying.

(End of this chapter)

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