Chapter 113 Missing
After finishing this unpleasant meal somewhat depressed, Chen Ziran struggled with how to tell Gu Yang that his parents wanted to see her.

It is impossible for him to say directly: My parents want to see you, please arrange a time.

He hasn't been straightened by Gu Yang yet, what dare he say?
After eating, for the first time, he didn't stay overnight, but drove back to his apartment in the city overnight.

"You know how to pamper him. Marriage is a trifling matter. Let him do whatever he wants?" After his son left, Chen Zhen complained to his wife in great dissatisfaction.

"I don't care what plans or goals you men have. He is my son, and of course I'm going to him. Anyway, don't worry about it. Otherwise, be careful and I'll ignore you."

Chen Zhen had a bitter face, knowing that he was dissatisfied by offending his wife.He hurriedly begged for mercy with a flattering smile.

【Hey?have you slept? 】

"Gu Yang, who was struggling with the foam in his hand, put his shoulder on the phone, quickly washed away the foam in his hand, changed the earphones, and then started to concentrate on his work.

"Not yet, what's wrong?"

[I just miss you and want to hear your voice. 】

"Well, tell me, what's the matter? It's not your style to be so disgusting." Gu Yang got goosebumps all over the ground from being so direct by Chen Ziran.

【I want to see you! 】

"Oh, but what should I do? I'm doing laundry!"

Gu Yang took his time and pretended to say that his tone was full of regret.

[It's okay, come and have a look on the balcony. 】

"You won't be downstairs right now?" Gu Yang felt incredible.He rushed to the balcony and looked downstairs.After confirming no one was there three times, he said angrily, "You're kidding me."

【hehe! 】Chen Ziran seems to be very happy that the prank has succeeded.He smiled affectionately, stirring up Gu Yang's already unstable nerves.

"Okay, okay, I'm doing laundry, it's inconvenient to answer the phone, so hang up first!" Gu Yang hastily hung up the phone in order to avoid being obsessed with sex and saying something embarrassing.

Not knowing what his real intention of calling was, Gu Yang shook his head, forgetting about these things, and concentrated on fighting against the clothes in front of him.

"Ding Dong~~~Ding Dong~~~" After a while, the doorbell rang.

" is it you? Why are you here???"

The person outside the door is Chen Ziran.Gu Yang was very surprised, she thought he was just teasing her just now.

"Well, I sensed that someone here was thinking of me, so I rushed here without stopping. Surprised?" He said, taking out a bouquet of fiery red roses from behind.

I have to say that roses are really a woman's natural nemesis.

Perhaps, adding a diamond ring would be more appropriate.

Gu Yang was very excited in his heart, but he tried his best to show a look of indifference, but that's all, a dismissive expression.In Chen Ziran's eyes, she was really cute when she was so awkward.

Sure enough, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

If someone else looked at it, they would probably just see a hypocritical woman.

"Sit down for a while, I'm doing laundry!"

Chen Ziran sat leisurely on the sofa, listening to the sound of water coming from inside.He felt unprecedented peace, and the anger he received from his father just now disappeared suddenly.

"It's so late, why would you think of coming over?"

Sweet talk is one thing, and reality is another.She just likes to break the casserole and ask the bottom line.If a problem is not resolved, I will feel very uncomfortable in my heart.

Lu Jun often said that she had obsessive-compulsive disorder.She didn't think so before.Now I feel that what he said makes sense.

"Isn't this wronged and I came to you for comfort?"

Gu Yang is the master who eats the soft but not the hard, so he has no choice but to let go of his self-esteem as much as possible and come to her.

Gu Yang looked at her suspiciously: "Who dares to wrong you? Why don't you tear that person down?"

"The key is that I dare not dismantle it!"

"Who is so capable?" Gu Yang took out the cut fruit from the kitchen, sat on the other side of the sofa, and watched TV.

"My Father!"

Gu Yang black line.I really can't say anything more.

"Then are you feeling better now?" Gu Yang asked him sullenly.I always feel that he confessed his love before, and although I haven't agreed yet, I still feel that what she just said just now has a feeling that she is talking about her future father-in-law? ? ?

Gu Yang continued to be embarrassed! ! !
"It's much better. I feel relieved when I see you."

"Don't be so talkative!"

"Really." Chen Ziran paused, and continued: "Maomao, I never thought before that there would be a woman who would make me feel at ease. Just now I really came out of the house full of dissatisfaction. I was thinking about it at that moment I wanted to meet you. So I came here without hesitation. Sure enough, seeing you made me feel at ease."


Gu Yang didn't speak, and every time he got serious, he didn't know what to say.

Just like when they were together before.

She still remembered that it was about three months after she sent the puppy to his house to raise it.The two usually see each other a lot at school.Plus she occasionally visits him to check on the dogs.So the two got closer and closer.So much so that he originally promised to help raise him for only one month, but he never mentioned it again.

But although the relationship between the two is very good, they are often together.But no one really went to pierce the layer of paper.

In the end, he was the one who brought it up first.

Gu Yang can still remember that it was an extremely sunny afternoon.Because the final exam is coming soon.She didn't have a seat in the school library, so she had the cheek to come to him to read.

As a result, the sun was too warm, and she lay down on the table by the window and fell asleep in a daze.

After falling asleep, she felt a moist feeling sweeping across her lips.Just like the wings of a butterfly.

Gu Yang frowned and opened his eyes.I just saw him in casual clothes, his face was very close to hers.

What she thought at the time was: 'It's really good to be handsome, and such ugly clothes can also look like a supermodel. 'Of course, she didn't dare to let him know what she thought.

Then she realized that something seemed to have happened just now.

"That... we... what is this? It's not justifiable!"

He frowned beautifully at that time, looked at her and said seriously: "Gu Yang, I always thought that I was clear enough, even if I didn't say it directly, you should know. Let's try it together?"

"..." Gu Yang was dumbfounded at the time.It took a long time to respond.

(End of this chapter)

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