Chapter 114
She usually has a closer relationship with her, but other ordinary boyfriend and girlfriend also get along like this.So she was always afraid that she would get the wrong meaning because of her wrong expression.

So, I never dared to think about that.

So, after he finished speaking so earnestly, her reflex arc was so long that she became sluggish.

"I don't know! I don't understand what you mean."

But he just said that.Then she can understand that he likes her, right?

Gu Yang instantly had the feeling of turning over as a serf and singing.She raised her head arrogantly, pretending not to understand what it meant.Just waiting for him to say it himself.

"You really don't understand?"

How smart is Chen Ziran?In a blink of an eye, she knew what was going on in her head.He squinted his eyes and folded his arms around his chest, looking down at her.

Gu Yang is very confident in his heart now.So even if his words revealed deep displeasure, he didn't pay attention to him, it was right that he was embarrassed.She nodded modestly and arrogantly.Prove that you really don't understand.

"It's fine if you don't understand. You can just pretend that I didn't say it just now. You'd better sleep well."

After finishing speaking, he ignored her and walked outside.

Gu Yang was dumbfounded, why is this completely different from what she expected?Shouldn't he express his heart immediately, saying that he loves her to death, and then she accepts him "reluctantly"?How could it be like this, and left without looking back?

No reason, no reason, no reason!

Obviously he was the one who confessed his love first, why is he still so arrogant and arrogant?
"Hey, don't, I made a mistake just now, I understand, I understand! Don't go."

Afraid that she was really angry and would never see each other again, Gu Yang quickly jumped up and hugged his hand, not letting him leave.

Then, she ignored the fox-like evil smile on his lips.

"Do you really understand?"

Gu Yang nodded fiercely.Unwilling to let go.

Later, every time Gu Yang thought of this past that made her feel ashamed, she would gnash her teeth.I regret it at the beginning.So that whenever he said something in a serious manner, Gu Yang would hesitate to think about whether he had any conspiracy.

"Then people have seen it now, you should go!"

Chen Ziran was dumbfounded. Isn't this turning around too quickly?Little did he know that Gu Yang felt that after so many years, he was finally able to feel proud, and that he had to get back some ground.

"It's so early, do you want to go out for a walk?"

Chen Ziran wanted to change the subject.Ever since Gu Yang came back, he felt that she was different from before.Don't dare to do something rashly, so you have to stay the same.If you can't control the topic, you should transfer it as soon as possible.

"do not want!"

Gu Yang made up his mind not to make it easy for him.With a straight face, he said seriously: "I want them to record tomorrow. I want to rest early."


When Chen Ziran was about to say something, the phone rang.

Gu Yang didn't know what was said on the phone, anyway, after he picked up the phone, his expression was very ugly.

"Well, do your best first, I'll come over right away!"

After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

"what happened?"

Seeing his unhesitating expression, Gu Yang felt uneasy.

"An Yuhang's mother suddenly became seriously ill and is being rescued now. The situation is not very good!"

Gu Yang's expression also turned serious: "Wait for me, I'll go with you!"

"You still have to go to the recording studio tomorrow, so just rest first, and I'll go alone." Chen Ziran still remembered what she said just now, and now that time has passed, he doesn't know when it will be finished.If she didn't have a good rest, how would she work tomorrow?

"Don't worry about these things for now. As An Yuhang's manager, I still have to go and have a look. I'll go and change clothes, and I'll be fine right away."

Chen Ziran was worried about the hospital, so he didn't argue with her too much, thinking that he would send her back sooner.That's up to her.

"Do you want to inform An Yuhang?"

On the way to the hospital, Gu Yang suddenly remembered this matter.

"I don't need it for now, we'll talk about it when we get to the hospital."

The hospital at night was not peaceful either. Outside the emergency room, various family members were sitting or standing in the hospital, feeling like they were on pins and needles.Gu Yang followed him to the operating room upstairs.

A nurse just came out of it.The two hurried forward to stop them.

"How are the patients inside?"

Chen Ziran had been here a few times before, and the nurse had seen him before, and did not hide it from him: "The patient suddenly fell into a coma just now, and his heart rate and blood pressure dropped for a while. The doctor is now trying to rescue him inside, but the condition is not very good. I also told you about the patient's condition before." The situation is over. I guess it won’t last this time.”

After the nurse finished speaking, she went to do other things.

Chen Ziran sat on the stool silently.Quietly waiting for the operation to end.

"What disease does she have?"

Gu Yang couldn't imagine that An Yuhang's mother should be in her 40s, and he really couldn't imagine that there would be such a serious illness.

"Liver cancer, terminal stage!"

Gu Yang was silent.This is not a curable disease.

Time passed slowly, and the lights in the operating room were always on, with no sign of going out.

"It may take a while here, I'd better take you back first." Looking at the time, it's not too early.Chen Ziran was still going to send her back first.

"No need, I live near here. I'll take a taxi and go back later. I'd better wait until the operation is over, and then go back."

"Well, okay. If you're tired, go to sleep on the sofa in the ward first. I'll call you later."

"It's okay, you don't have to worry about me."

After a long time, Chen Ziran's phone rang again.Gu Yang vaguely heard words like 'rescue'.He didn't say it, and she didn't have the nerve to ask who it was.

In fact, it was Zeng Yi who called. When she was about to rest, she also received a call from the doctor.Because this is her former classmate, and the relationship is not bad.So I can't let go.Knowing that my son has come to the hospital, I called first to ask about it.Knowing that the situation is not good, I am going to come over with Chen Zhen immediately.

But Chen Ziran didn't want them to come here now.

Just now, he and his father broke up because of the breakup.If he was allowed to see Gu Yang now, he might not know what to think and how to make trouble.So he wanted to send Gu Yang back first.When the time is right, let them meet again.

From the old house, it takes about four to five 10 minutes to drive at night.Gu Yang must be asked to go back before they come.He didn't want to die before leaving school, Gu Yang didn't agree to the relationship between the two, so his father messed up.It is estimated that it is completely out of play.

(End of this chapter)

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