Chapter 115 Death 1
Just as Chen Ziran was thinking about how to make Gu Yang go back without any trace, the lights in the operating room went out.The door opens from the inside.

"How's it going?"

Gu Yang stepped forward to meet him first.Behind the doctor, the hospital bed was pushed out, and various tubes were inserted into the patient's body.The pointer on the cold instrument jumped.Although the patient was pale, it could be seen that he had been rescued.

The doctor took off the mask: "Although we have been rescued now, the patient's vital signs are very weak. It is conservatively estimated that the patient should not survive for three days. If possible, let the patient's family members come over."

The latter sentence was addressed to Chen Ziran.

Chen Ziran nodded.Said it would be arranged.

Gu Yang knew that since the doctor said so, it meant that he was really hopeless.

After the doctor left, Gu Yang went to the ward to check on the situation.Because the patient is very weak, the doctor said that this coma would last for a long time.So Gu Yang didn't know what to do inside.

"I'm here, why don't you go back and rest first? Don't tell An Yuhang yet, I'll notify you when Auntie wakes up."

Gu Yang also knew that he couldn't do much here now, so he agreed.Originally he offered to send her down, but she refused.There is no one in the ward now, he is here to guard, in case something happens, at least there is someone there.

"Okay, then be careful on the road and call me when you arrive."

"Understood, I'm not an underage child anymore, don't you need to teach me so hard?" Gu Yang rolled his eyes secretly.Can't stand his long-winded.

The disgusted Chen Ziran still gave her a bear hug, and then watched her walk into the elevator.

When Gu Yang walked to the entrance of the hospital and opened the door to go out, he happened to miss Chen Zhen and Zeng Yi who rushed over, but the careful Zeng Yi still glanced at her.

It was dark, and Gu Yang was walking fast, so she couldn't see clearly.It just seems familiar.

"How about it?"

The two went upstairs, came to the ward, and asked Chen Ziran anxiously.

"Still in a coma, the doctor said the situation is not good!"

Zeng Yi looked at his friend lying on the bed, his eyes were sour, and he was about to start crying.Chen Zhen couldn't say anything to comfort her, so he hugged his wife, patted her on the back slowly, and silently supported her.

After sitting for a while, the patient began to wake up. Zeng Yi and her had something to say, and the two father and son came out.Sit outside on the porch.

The two people who had quarreled just now are sitting together, the scene is thrilling no matter how you look at it.

Because this is the i advanced ward, relatively speaking, no one comes and goes.The two were silent authors like this, and the corridor was so quiet that even the sound of dripping water could be heard.

"You have someone you like now, that's why you broke up!"


Chen Ziran's voice was muffled. Thinking of the unhappiness before, he was really not in a good mood to chat with him.

"I don't care about these things. After all, it's your life's happiness. When you bring it back, your mother and I will have a look first. If you can't pass our test, you can figure it out yourself!"

For him, this is already the biggest concession.

Chen Ziran fell silent.

No one has agreed yet, why meet.Even if he really agreed, it's impossible to meet his in-laws directly so soon, right?

"Well, let me arrange a time!"

Although he scoffed at his father's proposal in his heart, he still kept it a secret for the sake of Gu Yang's image and delayed it first.Delay until it can no longer be delayed.

"How is the girl's family?"

For him, even though the Chen family no longer needs a daughter-in-law with a strong family background to help, at least they must be clean and without any stains.

"Well, her father passed away, and her mother is abroad now!"

Thinking about it carefully, that was all he knew.He doesn't know anything about other information.I'll have to find some time another day to ask.

Chen Zhen nodded.I am not satisfied with this ambiguous answer.He could still feel that his son was deliberately ignoring his question.So I stopped asking him.He's an adult anyway.He should be able to master the speed he should have.

When he saw An Yuhang in the morning, Gu Yang was torn whether he should tell him the matter.But last night Chen Ziran also said that after Aunt An woke up, she asked not to tell her.but······

"what happened to you?"

Seeing that she was preoccupied and out of her mind, Xiang Nan didn't know what happened to her.

"Huh? No...nothing."

Gu Yang decided not to speak out.Let him know when the recording here is over.

"Then let's go first!"

Xiang Nan was still a little worried, but she didn't say anything, and she didn't ask any more questions.

"Wow, Miss Gu Yang, An Yuhang is so handsome, I didn't expect him to be your artiste too!"

Sun Mingming stared at Gu Yang with staring eyes, looking like you are so ruthless, it made Gu Yang feel ashamed.The fact that An Yuhang has signed a contract with DC is unknown to anyone except a few parties involved.No wonder she was so excited when she saw Gu Yang and An Yuhang appearing together just now.

"You like him very much?"

"Enn, he is handsome, and he sings well. Many of my friends are his fans! But I didn't expect to see him so soon. I am much more handsome than I look on TV."

Gu Yang sighed, it's good to be young, you can tell whoever you like, such a distinctive personality.

"Well, it's much more handsome."

"Wow, I'm going to find him to sign autographs and take photos with him later. Ah! By the way, I want to tell my friends that I'm working with An Yuhang, and they will definitely envy me."

Sun Mingming started dancing and talking by himself.Gu Yang didn't care about her at first, but the more she talked about it, the more unreliable she felt.


Gu Yang interrupted her fantasy without hesitation.

"Huh? Why?"

Sun Mingming looked at her with a mournful face.With a heartbroken look, her heart was filled with guilt.

"You can't let the outside world know that An Yuhang has signed a contract with DC. This matter must be announced by the company. I think there should be an item in your previous work contract that should keep the company's artists' movements and life confidential. Obviously, it’s good that you know this matter in your heart. Don’t say anything to the outside world.”

Sun Mingming blinked and looked at her, unable to digest what she said for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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