Chapter 116 Death 2
Because the recording studio needs absolute quietness and privacy, Gu Yang can only watch the inside through the glass screen outside, but can't hear anything.This glass is made of absolutely soundproof material!

Around noon, Gu Yang received a call from Chen Ziran.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

Now when he receives a call from him, Gu Yang will have a bad feeling.

【Are you with An Yuhang now? 】

Gu Yang bit his lip, and already guessed what he was going to say: [Gu Yang, take him to the hospital, the doctor called just now and said his mother was dying. 】


Gu Yang responded softly.Then hung up the phone.

"Sister Gu Yang, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing her precarious appearance, Sun Mingming worried that she would fall down in the next second.

Shaking his head, Gu Yangqiang cheered up: "I'm fine. An Yuhang and I are leaving soon, and you will accompany Xiang Nan to deal with those matters later. Call me if you have any questions."

After speaking, without waiting for her reaction, she went to the producer to explain the reason.

"You should have said this kind of thing earlier. Anyway, today's recording is definitely not good. If he is in a hurry, he should leave first. Let Xiang Nan make more contacts here. Anyway, An Yuhang's feeling Not bad, let him come down and practice more. The official recording will be in a few days."

The producer is also very humane, able to understand that he really has something to do, and let him leave in a very reasonable way.

On the car to the hospital, after Gu Yang told him the general situation, An Yuhang kept silently looking out the window.No words.She could only worry secretly in her heart.

"and many more!"

Outside the ward, when he was about to open the door to enter, Gu Yang stopped him.He took out a wet tissue from his bag and wiped his embarrassed face.Said: "Don't let your mother see you in such a mess, cheer up. Otherwise, she will feel uneasy."

"OK, thank you!"

An Yuhang finally said the first sentence after learning the news.

"Go in, your mother is waiting for you inside!" Gu Yang patted him on the shoulder, encouraging him.


After speaking, he took a deep breath, opened the door and walked in.Gu Yang didn't go in, just sat outside calmly.

When Chen Ziran came out, he saw her sitting alone, with her head down, and her whole body exuded a sad aura.

"what happened?"

There was an uncontrollable pain in his heart, and he asked her in a low voice with as relaxed a tone as possible.

Gu Yang looked up at him lazily.Weakly said: "Nothing! I just remembered some things from the past."

Chen Ziran sat beside him, accompanying her.Neither speak.

An Yuhang came out from inside: "You guys go back first, I want to be here alone with my mother!"

Gu Yang stopped Chen Ziran who wanted to speak.She smiled and said, "Well, then you can spend good time with Auntie. If you have anything to do, call the nurse to do it. If you can't handle it, just call us."

Then he pulled Chen Ziran away.

It's useless for them to stay here now, it's better to leave some space for their mother and child.

Chen Ziran also probably guessed what she was thinking.So she obediently dragged her away.

Because they were afraid that something might happen to the patient, the two of them didn't dare to go far.Sitting in a coffee shop not far from the hospital.

Gu Yang rushed over and hadn't eaten yet, so he ordered a few pieces of cake and ate slowly.

"I have considered what you said before."

Wait until all the cakes in front of you are eaten.Gu Yang wiped his mouth and said with a lot of meaning.

Chen Ziran couldn't react for a moment to what she was saying.It took him a while to remember what he had said before.He looked at her excitedly, waiting for her next words.

"I want to ask... are you serious?"

Gu Yang bit her lip. In the past two days, she had thought a lot.So she wanted to confirm something with him.

Chen Ziran nodded eagerly: "It's more real than real gold!"

"Yin Luo she..."

"It's settled, I've already talked to her about it."

Gu Yang rolled his eyes at him, wondering why he was so eager to do something.

"Okay, then I want to ask, have you and Yin Luo had any relationship in the past few years???"

Gu Yang almost couldn't say it, such embarrassing words... how much courage did she need to say it?But there is no way, she has a certain emotional obsession, and can't stand him having sex with a woman indiscriminately, and according to him, she has not forgotten herself.

Chen Ziran raised his hands and said solemnly, "I swear I didn't!"


Gu Yang stirred the coffee in his hand, and after a long silence, he said lightly: "Then let's try again!"

Chen Ziran was overjoyed, he was already prepared for a long-term war of resistance, but he didn't expect her to agree so soon.What an unexpected return.

"Well! But... why are you..."

Chen Ziran didn't finish his sentence, but he believed that Gu Yang knew what he was going to say next.

"It's nothing, I just... figured out some things."

Because of An Yuhang's mother, she went back last night and thought a lot about it.Life is only a few tens of years, she and she have missed one six years, and how many six years can withstand each other's time?It's better to grasp the present time and grasp the happiness of the moment.

She used to say that she lived in the present, but she kept holding on to the pain of the past, and now she finally decided to make up her mind to work hard for her own happiness.

She doesn't want to leave any regrets.

"Just figure it out!" He stretched out his hand to rub Gu Yang's hair, and said with emotion: "Thinking about it carefully, it seems that I haven't had a good time going out with you in school before!"

It was only half a year before they really confirmed that they were together as a couple. During this period, she was busy with studying and working part-time, and it was true that they seldom dated like a couple.The usual rest time is just sitting in his house reading books and watching movies.

"But there should be fewer opportunities now. You are very busy every day, and I am also busy with Xiang Nan and An Yuhang. Moreover, after all, you are considered a half-public figure, and your relationship with Yin Luo is... ··”

Gu Yang still has a lot of worries in his heart, the most feared one is his previous relationship with Yin Luo.

She is very afraid of the pressure of public opinion.

It was a force that would make people breathless and kill people invisible.

"Gu Yang, I really thought you wouldn't come back, so I agreed when Yin Luo proposed to try together. I don't have any feelings for her, and I don't want this to be your pressure. Don't See being with me as a burden!"

(End of this chapter)

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