Chapter 117 Death 4
"Yuhang, mother's body is clear in my heart... Seeing you like this, I can leave with peace of mind. You have finally grown into a man in charge. In the future, you must be more obedient and don't give Miss Gu and Ziran are causing trouble. Do you understand?"

"Well, I know. You talk less, rest more, and you'll get better soon."

An Yuhang's voice choked up.

Gu Yang watched from the side with warm eyes.

"I've known since you were little..."

Mother An ignored what he said, and continued to think about it alone.

When An's mother left, she was very peaceful, and she didn't feel the pain of a cancer patient at all.Maybe it was because the worries in her heart were finally let go.So I left peacefully.Before leaving, he was still thinking about An Yuhang's childhood.

An Yuhang knelt on the edge of the hospital bed, holding An's mother's hand tightly, crying silently.The shoulders kept shaking.

Gu Yang finally couldn't restrain himself from crying.Although she had only met An's mother not long ago, she still felt her deep maternal love.For this, tears welled up in my eyes.

The rest of the matter will be handled by Chen Ziran.Because An Yuhang's relatives were basically gone, the funeral was simple and grand.

There were not a lot of condolences, but some friends of An Yuhang and a few sisters who had a good relationship with An's mother before.Of course Zeng Yi also went.It's just that the time when Gu Yang was here happened to be staggered, so the few of them didn't even meet each other.

"Go back and rest first, I'm here. You've been exhausted these days."

Chen Ziran felt sorry for her and didn't want her to be sad and tired here, so he sent her back first.

"An Yuhang he..."

In the past few days, he has been numb and numb, neither crying nor laughing.I have been looking at the portrait of Ann's mother all the time.Gu Yang was very worried about what would happen if he continued like this.

First, the body cannot bear it.

"Don't worry, with me here, I will enlighten him."

Gu Yang nodded, the funeral is coming to an end.The people inside were all invited by Chen Ziran.I really couldn't help him there, so I didn't argue with him, and went back obediently.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~
After sending Gu Yang back, he saw An Yuhang was still sitting in the same place, motionless.Like a monk in meditation.

"Here, let's drink together!"

Chen Ziran handed him a can of beer, and sat down beside him.

As a result of An Yuhang's silence, he looked at the bottle and didn't drink it immediately.Chen Ziran didn't force him either, he opened the bottle and drank it himself.

"You saw him, didn't you?"

"Well, you informed me?" An Yuhang squeezed the can in his hand tightly, trying not to sound so angry in his voice.

"Well, yes! After all, he is your father. I think he should come to see your mother for the last time. It's just... I seem to have made a mistake."

He didn't ignore the bruises on his face when he passed by his father.

"No... my mother is very happy. If it were me... I wouldn't notify him."

Head bowed, fine hair covering eyes.It's hard to tell what his emotions are like.

When that person came, he was so angry that he punched him without hesitation.But...his mother seemed genuinely pleased that he was here, so he suppressed his anger.Let the two of them chat privately for a while.

Also just for a while.

Soon he kicked the man out.

A man who once abandoned their mother and child is not entitled to a good face.

So what if he is high and powerful?He has his own family.After all, it doesn't belong to them.Since the man dared to abandon them, he should be able to think of such an irreconcilable scene.

However, he was still very grateful to Chen Ziran for notifying him.Because the joy in his mother's eyes cannot be concealed.

That proud woman, because of her and her son's self-esteem, insisted on giving up her lover, and struggling to support a wandering family alone.Finally, when she was about to leave, she met the man she had been thinking about all her life.

"that's fine!"

He wasn't going to tell An Yuhang.In fact, his mother asked him to find his father on his own initiative.

Just let his mother make some of the best impressions on his son's mind.

The two chatted a lot, and Chen Ziran patiently enlightened An Yuhang.He was originally a person who was good at winning over and controlling people's hearts.In three or two strokes, An Yuhang got it right.

After all, Gu Yang's focus is still on Xiang Nan.Moreover, An Yuhang's competition is not over yet, she 3 should not get too close to him.So the two usually communicate by phone.On the contrary, we rarely meet.

"Is the matter settled?"

Seeing Gu Yang appearing in the nanny's car, Xiang Nan was a little surprised.She thought An Yuhang would be delayed for a few days.

"No. Chen Ziran is there to help. In order to avoid some unnecessary troubles. After all, I don't want to have too much contact with An Yuhang."

Xiang Nan nodded and said yes.

"You made up with him?"

Xiang Nan keenly noticed that when she mentioned Chen Ziran, her attitude was different from before.

Gu Yang nodded slightly.I answered.

"That's fine. Otherwise, I'll be guilty for the rest of my life. I wish you happiness!"

"Thanks, you too!"

Gu Yang sincerely hopes that Xiang Nan can also find his own happiness.

"I won't talk about mine. I have a headache! What do you think? Why did you suddenly agree?" She remembered that not long ago, the relationship between the two was still a bit tense.How did they get mixed up again so quickly?

"I just don't want to be alone anymore. I want to find someone to accompany me and live the life I want!"

"It's that simple?"

Xiang Nan was surprised.In her heart, Gu Yang can be regarded as a somewhat hypocritical woman.She never thought that such a simple reason would make her forgive Chen Ziran.

Although the previous incident was nothing like Chen Ziran.But just because he didn't believe in Gu Yang at the time, it was enough to drive the two of them to a point of no return.

But...she didn't expect that the two would reconcile so quickly.

"Then, what about Yin Luo?"

Their wise and powerful CEO has a girlfriend who is about to talk about marriage. This is something that audiences across the country know.If the paparazzi knew about it.

What a breaking news!

(End of this chapter)

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