Chapter 118

"Well, he handles those by himself. We are just trying. Maybe we will separate because of personality differences."

"It doesn't matter to you, anyway, I wish you happiness!"

Gu Yang accepted her blessing with a smile.

to the set.Seeing Yin Luo, Gu Yang felt a little uncomfortable.Although he said he didn't care and let Chen Ziran deal with it, seeing her so soon still made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Yin Luo acted as if he hadn't seen her, silently let the makeup artist put on her makeup, without turning his face or eyes to her.

Gu Yang was relieved at first, but after a while, she began to feel unhappy in her heart.

Xiang Nan was originally the second female lead, and her roles were almost the same as Yin Luo's.So also have their own makeup artist.But not long after I came here today, the makeup artist said with a embarrassed face that he had to get Yin Luo's makeup done before he could help Xiang Nanhua.

Gu Yang could figure out with his toes that this was aimed at her.

Therefore, I feel more and more sorry for Xiang Nan.I wanted to go to her for a theory.But he was held back by Xiangnan.

"It's okay, I'll just wait for you."

Xiang Nan kindly let the makeup artist leave.Hold Gu Yang and prevent her from messing around.

The make-up artist got Xiang Nan's consent and hurriedly put oil on the soles of her feet.She has seen this kind of celebrity fighting in private a lot, if she doesn't run faster, she will definitely suffer later.

"Don't pull me." Gu Yang was upset now, and wanted to shake off Xiang Nan's hand.

"Gu Yang, calm down, it's not a big deal. We don't need to be angry because of such a trivial matter."

"The filming is about to start, and she is the only one who wants to film, so why don't you stop filming?"

"It's okay, I'll fix the clothes and hairstyle first, and she will be two people on the other side, and it will be ready soon. Don't worry!"

Xiang Nan comforted her gently.Under the current situation, both of them must not lose their minds in anger.Otherwise it would be really bad.

The third-tier celebrities next to them watched the two protagonists come and go, and couldn't help shrinking their necks, asking the makeup artist to hurry up, otherwise, the gods will fight and the mortals will suffer.If it affects them, they will die.

However, the two waited and waited, but they didn't wait for the makeup artist to come.

"Hurry up, come out first when you're ready."

When it was almost time, the field manager came over to urge everyone.

People who had finished their makeup went out one after another.Only Xiangnan sat in his seat, motionless.

"What's the matter? Xiangnan? Why don't you move?"

Seeing that Xiang Nan's words fell on deaf ears, the field manager was a little unhappy.

"I'm really sorry, my makeup artist went to help Yin Luo put on makeup just now, and she hasn't done it yet, so I haven't done my makeup yet!"

Standing up to the south, his voice was neither too fast nor too slow.

The field manager saw that she was indeed half-melted and didn't move.Frowning.He didn't dare to get angry with Yin Luo.

Just kidding, besides being a superstar, Yin Luo also has one of the best family backgrounds.He couldn't afford any title.But he was still very unhappy with Yin Luo's actions.Relying on his own reputation, he is domineering on the set.This kind of character is really unpleasant.

"Hey, then don't worry, I'll find another makeup artist for you, and you'll come out right away after you put on your makeup."

After finishing speaking, he temporarily found a decent makeup artist to help Xiang Nan with makeup temporarily.In my heart, I am also satisfied with Xiang Nan's calm and calm personality.If it was the case just now.If Xiang Nan makes a fuss, it will not look good to anyone.Fortunately, she didn't make a fuss.

The makeup artist who was 'borrowed' didn't come back until Xiang Nan's makeup was almost ready.Xiang Nan said to him very calmly: "Yin Luo is the protagonist, and she will definitely be too busy with makeup in the future. Why don't you help her in the future. This way she can be faster. My side has also done Help me arrange someone. I won't bother you in the future."


The make-up artist can't tell.He didn't do anything good at Yin Luo's place.Originally, her makeup artist could handle things by herself.Calling him over is just watching from the sidelines.

Because he didn't want to offend the protagonist, he obediently went to Yin Luo just now, and because of some favors from her, he delayed coming.Unexpectedly, Xiang Nan is not a persimmon to be kneaded by others.She wanted to push him away without hesitation.

"It's okay, you don't have to take care of me. It's the same with Ali helping me with makeup. Thank you very much."

The make-up artist smiled wryly.It's hard to say anything.

Otherwise, should he directly say that he shouldn't take advantage of Yin Luo?Unless he doesn't want to hang around in this circle, he would want to say that.

"Ali will help me in the future, and I will talk to the field manager."

After the makeup artist left, Xiang Nan said calmly to Ali who was helping her with makeup.

In fact, Ali's makeup skills are not worse than that of the man just now, but maybe because she just entered this circle and has no connections, she was overwhelmed by the old people before, so that she just put on makeup for some unimportant passers-by. .


"But I don't want something like that to happen to you. You also understand that if you want to gain a firm foothold in this industry, you must have someone to support you."

"Well, don't worry, I understand."

There was a strong longing in Ali's eyes.She was crushed to death before, if it keeps like that, she doesn't know how long it will take to get over it.Now, relying on going south may really be a very fast way.

"Well, if you are really good, after this drama is over, I will ask the company to let you be my exclusive makeup artist. I hope you don't let me down."

This is the quickest way to win people's hearts.

"En! Alright!"

Xiang Nan looked at the makeup in the mirror and felt very satisfied.but······

"I don't think it's right here, it should be a little lighter, please help me make it again!"

She didn't want to go out so soon.How long had she been waiting?I still have to make everyone wait for her!
Ali quickly understood her true intentions and helped her very cooperatively.

Gu Yang watched from the side dumbfounded.Xiang Nan was really born to be in the entertainment industry.How good is this trick to kill people with a knife.Although no one publicly blamed Yin Luo for anything, it's hard to guarantee that everyone didn't curse her in their hearts.

This is equivalent to confirming Yin Luo's temperament of playing big names.

And Xiang Nan was late later, it was because of Yin Luo's human nature.No one will blame Xiang Nan.

(End of this chapter)

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