Chapter 124 Crisis
The three got into the car in silence.ready to go back.During this period, Chen Wendong kept trying to enliven the atmosphere, but was always overwhelmed by the silent and cold aura of the two.

"Stop the car, I'll just get off here. I still have things to do!"

Chen Wendong didn't plan to be a light bulb for a long time at the beginning.So the car didn't go far, and he asked to stop.

Jin Ruichen glanced at him from the rearview mirror, then stopped the car and let him get out: "Then let's go first!"

"Slow down, slow down!"

Chen Wendong waved to them with a smile on his face.Looking at that meaningful smile, Xiang Nan wanted to slap him.

Because of their unhappiness in the morning, they have nothing to say to each other now.An atmosphere of silence spread throughout the carriage.

"There are no paparazzi, don't you worry?"

When I got outside the community, I saw her start to look around, of course Jin Ruichen knew what she was thinking?
"Huh? How do you know that?"

Xiang Nan couldn't make the turn, so he looked at him cutely.

"It's just a few packs of newspapers and magazines. I don't care about it. For this kind of thing, it's enough for Lily to come forward."

Xiang Nan was speechless.A moment of silence for those magazines.If he got into trouble with Jin Ruichen, his death must be quite miserable!

However, this way, she is much more relaxed.

"Thank you!"

After the car was parked, Xiang Nan struggled for a long time before saying this lightly.Although he didn't say it directly, she also knew that he was for herself at that time.


Jin Ruichen didn't answer immediately.After locking the car, he naturally took the bag in her hand and walked to the elevator together.


In the elevator, he finally spoke.

Looking at the rising elevator numbers, Xiangnan nodded.

"Stay away from Wen Hao!"

"I'm filming with him, how can I stay away from him?"

She rolled her eyes, not knowing what he was trying to do by saying that.

"What does Wen Hao have in mind for you, don't you understand? I told you to do what you want, but it doesn't mean that you can be with Wen Hao unscrupulously! What is my bottom line, you should be very clear!"

"I have nothing with Wen Hao, it's because you are too sensitive!"

Xiang Nan didn't know what to do with his long-standing hostility towards Wen Hao.She always felt that she and Wen Hao were good friends at best, even if he had confessed his love, she refused.She didn't believe that Jin Ruichen wouldn't be able to tell if the rumors were true or not!
Jin Ruichen hooked the corner of his mouth.Although she was not satisfied with her answer, she was explaining it to him anyway.

"Well, nothing is the best! If you really get close to him, I think I really have to ruin you and your future according to the contract!"

Xiang Nan was too lazy to argue with him now.

Seeing Xiang Nan walk into the house, Jin Ruichen, who was originally relaxed, suddenly darkened his face.

Seeing Wen Hao today, he began to feel an unprecedented crisis.

It doesn't matter what Xiang Nan said, but it just doesn't matter to Xiang Nan.For Wen Hao.The relationship may not be that great.He has been coveting Xiangnan, and he knows about it.

Two years ago, he knew Wen Hao was a threat.He was too close to going south.

Moreover, let's just say that he confessed this matter back then.It was enough to make him reluctant to let Xiang Nan approach him.The scandal between the two is also true and false.It is unpredictable.

As far as Xiang Nan's mistress incident was concerned some time ago.It was a bit of a coincidence that Wen Hao came back.

He learned from other sources that Wen Hao was supposed to come back a week later, but when the domestic news came out, he ignored the director's obstruction and insisted on coming back early.

For him, that matter was a desperate situation.But for Wen Hao, it was a turning point.That's why he came back desperately to help Xiang Nan.

It also made the media think that the two are really together again!
If he underestimates Wen Hao, then there is something wrong.

C city, prison
"Congratulations! You can finally go out!"

The inmates in the same dormitory looked at the man in front of him enviously.

"Yeah! I can finally go out!"

Zhou He looked at the things packed in front of him.Squinting his eyes, since entering this prison more than two years ago, he has been looking forward to getting out as soon as possible.Now, it is finally possible.

"Is there any interruption after going out?"

As far as he knows, Zhou He's business seems to have gone bankrupt, and he and his wife are also divorced.I really don't know what he will do.

"I don't know, let's talk about it after going out first, find a job and do it first. Let's see if there is anything suitable for me!"

Zhou He smiled honestly, as if he had no intentions.

"Well, okay, I still have two years left to go out, and then I will come to seek refuge with you!"

"Well! No problem!"

"Zhou He! Let's go. Stop chatting all the time!"

Someone outside is calling Zhou He's name.Zhou He smiled at the man apologetically, and walked out with his bag!

"It's really troublesome for you to take care of me, thank you!"

Zhou He couldn't stop bending over to thank the person in front of him.He rubbed his hands nervously, as if feeling overwhelmed by the unknown life ahead!
"After you go out, you have to be a good person, don't commit crimes and come in again!"

bang dang~~~
The door behind him was closed tightly.Zhou He looked at the empty space in front of him for a long time before walking forward!
"Hey, Scar, where are you?"

After getting the reply on the phone, Zhou He walked to the agreed place.

At the intersection ahead, turn right, under the shade of a tree, there is an unremarkable white van with black film on the windows, so you can't see inside from the outside.

Zhou He turned around and looked around for no one following him before getting into the unremarkable car.

"Brother Zhou!"

As soon as I got in the car, a man with a scar on the left side of his face immediately offered a cigarette and lit it.This person was a person Zhou He had saved before.After that, he followed Zhou He wholeheartedly.He did a lot of bad things for him.If it wasn't for Jin Ruichen's obstruction this time, he could have asked Scar to help him take the blame.

"Have you been waiting for a long time?"

"No, no, it's only been a while!" Scar Zai was so excited that he couldn't speak when he saw Zhou He coming out.

"How have you been doing what I told you to do?"

"Don't worry, we've done what we need to do. Xiang Nan didn't dare to go home for a long time, and now she has been sending people to follow her, waiting for your next plan!"

Zhou He took a puff of cigarette, exhaled the smoke ring and said, "Let's go back first, to your place!"

The car started slowly.Ready to drive away.

"Wait a minute!"

Zhou He stopped him.Then he opened the car door and threw the bag out of his hand into the trash can without hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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