Chapter 125
Watching the reporter's interview on TV, Gu Yang was a little confused.

She just hasn't seen Chen Ziran for a few days, why did he make such a mess?Is he trying to push himself to death?

[The matter of the breakup between Mr. Chen and Yin Luo, may I ask which one of you brought it up first? 】

On the TV, Chen Ziran was surrounded by reporters.Because two days ago, there was a news on the Internet that the CEO of DC broke up with Yin Luo.The entire entertainment industry was in an uproar.Unexpectedly, some time ago, it was reported that the two people who were about to get married would break up when they said they would split.It's no wonder that so many reporters have been guarding outside DC recently.

"Yin Luo proposed it first!"

This is the agreement between the two.To the outside world, it must be said that she proposed to break up, in order to preserve her reputation.To prevent her from getting the name of an abandoned wife.

[Excuse me, is this the mysterious woman who was rumored to be with you before? 】

Gu Yang chuckled, what mysterious woman?As long as you have the heart to go to University A to investigate, you will know who she is, right?
"No, they were just friends. That scene happened to be photographed that day. It was just a coincidence. Yin Luo and I are very busy with each other, and we don't usually have time to spend together. Maybe Yin Luo thinks that our time together is too short, and our personalities are incompatible. , That's why I proposed to break up!"

Chen Ziran answered the reporter's questions openly and honestly.No evasion at all.

【Is it because Yin Luo has another relationship? 】

"I don't think so. Yin Luo is a very good woman and would not do such a thing. I also hope that everyone will not make unnecessary guesses. Even if we have broken up, we are still very good friends."

Gu Yang turned off the TV.I don't want to hear him continue talking about the people she hates.

Lying on the sofa, Gu Yang suddenly felt unreal.She had only returned to City C half a year ago, and she still hated him.Six months later, the two reconciled again.He also broke up with Yin Luo for this.

Suddenly, there was still some uneasy feeling.

I always feel that happiness comes too easily.

It's easy to be cranky when you're alone at home.It's better to go out for a walk.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"Hey, are you and Chen Ziran really together?"

Qian Duoduo looked at Gu Yang.It's incredible.She knew that the two had gotten close recently, but she would never have thought that Gu Yang would be so helpless.In front of Chen Ziran, he surrendered so quickly.


Gu Yang drank the orange juice in front of him.Look at the latest issue of fashion magazines.Responding to Qian Duoduo.

"Aren't you too immoral?"

Qian Duoduo clicked his tongue.I still feel that Gu Yang should give Chen Ziran a little more pain to be a normal Gu Yang.

Gu Yang was angry.

"You have no morals!"

"Well, I don't have moral integrity. How much is it for a catty? Can I eat it?"

Gu Yang is not as shameless as her.Frustrated, he turned his gaze back to the magazine.

"I just feel that there are only a few six years in life for us to waste. Instead of obsessing over it, it's better to live in the moment! Enjoy the existing happiness!"

"Tsk tsk tsk... I've become a love expert!"

Gu Yang was too lazy to argue with her.Knowing that she was idle and flustered.

At this moment, the phone rang.

【Where? ] It was Chen Ziran who called.

"Outside, with Qian Duoduo."

"Ah! I'm so miserable!" Just when Gu Yang didn't understand why, he continued: "My girlfriend is busier than me, is there anyone else who is more miserable than me?"

Gu Yang black line.Is this person acting like a baby? ? ?

"Your interview is over?"

Gu Yang watched the live broadcast in the morning.If he has time to call himself now, it should mean that he is now free.

"you look at it?"

Chen Ziran asked this question a little cautiously.I don't know how she feels after watching it.

"I read it, but I didn't finish it!"

Gu Yang's voice was faint.When Chen Ziran heard it, he cried out in his heart.If I knew about it, I would have ventilated her in advance.That way she wouldn't think of the worst.

"That...Gu Yang, listen to me! It's not what you think, I'm just because..."

"Well, it's okay, I understand, Qian Duoduo and I are busy right now, so let's hang up first!"

Before he finished speaking, Gu Yang interrupted him directly.Then, without giving him time to react, he cut off the phone.

Qian Duoduo took a look at Gu Yang and came to a conclusion: "Gu Yang, you are really... more and more hypocritical!"

They are so busy now that she has the nerve to say that they are busy?This was to make Chen Ziran anxious.She took back what she had just said.It's not that she has no morals, she has no morals at all.

"He praised Yin Luo so much, I just made him anxious. Isn't it too much?"

Gu Yangcai didn't think he was hypocritical.This is how a normal girlfriend should react, okay?

"You're just jealous! Hehe, Gu Yang, it seems that after six years, you still can't escape Chen Ziran! Haha, the black-bellied president meets the high-cold heroine, it's just a rich family drama!"

The black-bellied president... Gu Yang really couldn't connect the black-bellied president she was talking about with the man who acted like a baby on the phone just now.Is it because she didn't recognize him in the first place, or is he just showing off his temperament in front of outsiders?
"If I really want to be involved with him for the rest of my life, it doesn't matter if I can't escape!"

Seeing her look like I was willing, Qian Duoduo felt chills.

This woman is really getting more and more hypocritical now! ! !

Chen Ziran stood outside Gu Yang's house, a little nervous.I don't know how she is feeling now, and I don't know what greets him after opening the door.

Push open the door, the smell of rice in the room.Gu Yang is busy in the kitchen.

Chen Ziran's uneasy heart softened in an instant.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

A pair of hands suddenly stretched out from behind to wrap around him.Gu Yang was startled, the knife in his hand almost fell.

"I just want to hug you!"

Chen Ziran leaned his head on her shoulder, rubbing it contentedly.

"Come on, don't you see that I'm busy? Go, go, watch TV. I'll call you when dinner is ready!"

"No, I just want to stay with you like this!"

She showed no sign of anger at all.He was greatly relieved.

"The kitchen is so crowded, if you don't go out, just wash the vegetables for me." As he said that, regardless of whether he agreed or not, he randomly stuffed him with a handful of vegetables.

"Gu Yang! Let's move in together?"

"What?" Gu Yang, who was chopping vegetables, took the knife and turned to look at him.Can't believe what he said.

"Please, are you going too soon? Are you still observing and waiting for liberation? You are going to move in together? If I didn't know who you are, I thought you had some plans for me! "

(End of this chapter)

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