The biggest ex: love you don't run away

Chapter 126 Do You Love Him?

Chapter 126 Do You Love Him?
Chen Ziran rubbed his nose.He did have a part in the attempt.

"Observation period? What observation period?"

Seeing her agitated, Chen Ziran quickly changed the subject.He just accidentally said what was in his heart. Could her reaction be a little too intense?
"Of course it's the observation period as a boyfriend? It's the same as the probationary period. During this period, if you don't satisfy me at any point, I can fire you at any time!"

Probationary period······Chen Ziran black line.How awkward this word sounds.

"So, so far, are you satisfied?"

"Barely strong. It's a pass!"

"Are you not angry about what happened today?" He asked cautiously.If I don't ask clearly, I always feel that there is a thorn in my heart.

"No, why am I angry? You are planning to set me right. Why am I angry? At most, you keep praising her, and I'm just unhappy. But it's okay. You are mine now She is more jealous. "

"After all, I feel sorry for her first. Of course, I still have to take her reputation into account. It doesn't matter if I bear a little more infamy. Besides, the two families are family friends after all. I can't go too far, can I?"

"En. Indeed! It doesn't matter, when you eat later, if you say my ten advantages, it will be offset!"

Gu Yang poured the vegetables into the wok and stir-fried.The fragrance is overflowing.

"Ah???" Chen Ziran couldn't believe it.Quickly search for her advantages in her mind.

"You can't find it, can you? Now I've given you time to remind you. I'm going to check and accept later. If you want to think, hurry up!"

Chen Ziran had a bitter face.Why did you think about it for a long time.All you find are flaws? ? ?

"I think you've been enjoying yourself these few days?"

Xiang Nan looked at Gu Yang with a warm smile like a spring breeze.A chill.When I saw her before, I had a bitter and bitter look on my face, forcing a smile on my face.How long has it been?The power of love is greatness.

"Women are like flowers, men are like water. Flowers need water to nourish them. Do you need me to teach you this?"

"No need. I see that you are thoroughly nourished!"

Gu Yang rolled her eyes.Is this woman's head filled with yellow waste?What are you thinking about?
"The show is out now, and your response is pretty good."

Xiang Nan is the number two female in it.Because it is a court drama, acting skills are even more needed.Fortunately, her acting skills were recognized by the audience.We are all looking forward to her next performance.

There are fans of Wen Hao.Because of Wen Hao's previous statement.I hope the screenwriter can change the plot so that the two can be together in the play.This is something Gu Yang did not expect.

Fans in the past did not want their idols to fall in love, get married and have children.The current fans seem to be very happy with it.This is really an age that lacks love. Because people don't believe in love, they hope to see this kind of emotion through others.

"It's not bad! After all, there are not many TVs of the same type in the same period, so the competition should be less, hahaha!"

Xiang Nan didn't think there was anything wrong, and she didn't care about the comments of those fans on the Internet.But she understood why Jin Ruichen was so disgusted with her getting close to Wen Hao.

But he's such a possessive guy.I'm used to it already.

"You and Jin Ruichen..."

Gu Yang didn't finish, but she was still worried about the current state of the two of them.She could see that Xiang Nan had no feelings for him at all.But the aura between the two of them was too strong.These outsiders are really terrified.

"I have nothing to do with him! Why do you mention him?"

Xiang Nan swung the mineral water bottle in his hand and asked seemingly indifferently.

"I don't know what's going on with the two of you. I asked Chen Ziran and he refused to search. However, both of you are unyielding masters. If you meet head-on, you will only lose. When the time is right, you lower your head and the two of you People are better off."

She had asked Chen Ziran more than once what was the matter between the two of them, and they couldn't see each other's kindness when they met, and they had to fight to the death.When I saw Jin Ruichen that day, I felt that his aura seemed to have changed.But Xiang Nan became more and more inappropriate for his existence.

As an outsider, she felt that these two people were really troublesome.

"Well, I know! I'll be careful!"

She understood what Gu Yang said, but she just couldn't control herself.When I saw him, I would unconsciously speak sarcasticly.

"En. I don't care what entanglements you had before, I just want to ask you a question. Xiangnan, do you still love Jin Ruichen now?"

As Gu Yang said that, he approached the mobile phone in his hand towards Xiangnan without any trace.On the screen of the mobile phone, it is impressive that a call is in progress.The person connecting over there is the male trotter of the topic—Jin Ruichen!
Xiang Nan was in a tangle, so he didn't notice Gu Yang's small movements at all.

Gu Yang's question made her very entangled.She also asked herself in her heart: Is it love?There is no doubt that she still loves him. Without love, there will be no hatred.Someone who once loved so vigorously, would it be so easy to forget it?

Just thinking of his domineering character made her feel suffocated.She loves him, but it doesn't mean that she will be at his mercy and be an obedient, soulless puppet.She has things she wants to do.She has a job she loves, and she doesn't want to lose herself because of her love for him.

So, even if she loves him, it's not as strong as she imagined. It's not strong enough to give up everything for him, right?
Xiang Nan bit her lip, not knowing how to answer Gu Yang's question.

"Xiang Nan, it's just a heart-to-heart talk between us. Just tell us what's on your mind. It's just two answers, love or not!"

Gu Yang said against his conscience that there were only two people.The person directly on the other end of the phone does not exist.He wanted Xiang Nan to dig out the true thoughts in his heart.It is estimated that she will not help these two awkward people.The two don't know how long the stalemate will last.

"It should be, I still love him!"

What Xiang Nan said was extremely unfounded.But for the person on the other side of the phone.This sentence is enough to destroy all his reason and persistence.

Xiang Nan still loves him.

Jin Ruichen had never been so excited before.This is even more exciting than him winning a contract of hundreds of millions.

After the excitement, he did not ignore Xiang Nan's hesitation.Turn up the phone's call volume to the maximum, wanting to hear what she said again.

(End of this chapter)

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