Chapter 128
"Then... I don't know why Auntie is looking for me today?"

Gu Yang was tired of being scared, and wanted to take the initiative.Ask about her intentions.

"You and my son are together, and you still call my aunt so strange. Just call me aunt!"

Gu Yang maintained a friendly smile.He called out "Auntie" kindly.

"Since you are with my son, you should know about him and Yin Luo, right?"

Here it is, at last.Gu Yang tensed up when he heard Yin Luo's name.Confused about what to do next.You can't just talk nonsense without knowing the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth.

"Well, he told me a little bit!"

"Really? But you don't know, Ziran's father and I are very satisfied with Yin Luo. We both look forward to getting married as soon as possible, right?"

Gu Yang's heart sank.The plot is indeed following the route of an idol drama.Next, should he pour her coffee and scold her mistress?Then he dumped her face of RMB and told her to leave Chen Ziran?

Gu Yang admired his mental endurance very much. At this time, he was still able to think wildly and have fun while suffering.

"I've heard a little bit about it in the media."

In this case, it is wrong to say whether you know it or not, it is better to talk about him vaguely.Let's talk about it in the past.

"Then what do you think of this matter?"

"This..." Gu Yang felt a little headache.How can she see it?Her greatest wish is that Yin Luo can roll as far as possible, but does she dare to say it? ? ?

"Emotional matters cannot be forced, everything depends on Chen Ziran's thoughts."

"Gu Yang, do you think that my son has chosen you now, so you can be unscrupulous? Do you think that you can't do without my son?"

Gu Yang looked at Zeng Yi blankly.Doubt how in the end she saw that she was unscrupulous?Isn't she always careful?

"I think you're mistaken. I don't have such an idea. I just think that Chen Ziran is an adult. He can decide his own affairs. I don't have any unscrupulous thoughts. I didn't want him to do all this."

Now that she's said it all.Gu Yang didn't want to serve her carefully anymore.Consider what to say and what not to say.She is not a person who can be pinched and rounded casually.

"Gu Yang, you have to know that if you insist on being with my son, it will not be so easy. Apart from your identities, Yin Luo's family will not tolerate her being wronged like this. You will be hurt very much. A lot of pressure."

Regarding Gu Yang's rude words, Zeng Yi showed no sign of getting angry at all.

"Really? I don't want to wrong myself. I don't think your son will feel that being with me is wronging him. As for the pressure. If he can't even bear this pressure. I don't think there is any need to be with me Together."

This is not Gu Yang's arrogance.If he couldn't even bear the pressure that Yin Luo's family put on him, she didn't expect him to be able to bear the pressure from her mother and Arthur.Those two are masters who can play with the dead.

Gu Yang didn't think at all that Chen Ziran would take advantage of them.

A smile flashed in Zeng Yi's eyes.Have fun.

"But what if his father and I don't agree with you being together?"

Zeng Yi really thought that Gu Yang was so funny, he was so teased that he could not help but want to tease her more.

"I think you got it wrong, Auntie. You don't need to agree whether I am with him or not. He is an adult with his own thinking ability. He should have his own opinions on who he is with. And, in Before he and I prepare to get married and get a certificate, I don't think we need your consent."

Gu Yang was a little annoyed by such a conversation.Since the other party is an elder, she has repeatedly borne it, but she has been pressing her every step of the way.Go on like this.She didn't know if she would lose her temper.

"Well, you're right. He does have his own ideas."

In fact, he was just too assertive.She will come to Gu Yang today.She definitely wants her son to be happy.But she also wanted to see what kind of people her son affirmed.By the way, tell her to prepare for stress!
She agreed with her words so abruptly that Gu Yang didn't know how to proceed.

Taking a deep breath, Gu Yang made up his mind and said, "Are there other things, Auntie? I'm still working now. I should go back."

"It's nothing."

Zeng Yi readily let him go.

Gu Yang breathed a sigh of relief and prepared to leave.She is really not suitable for dealing with others like this.too tired!
"Gu Yang!"

Zeng Yi called Gu Yang who got up.

"Someday He Ziran will come to the old house for dinner! His father also wants to see you very much."

Originally, Chen Zhen wanted to come together today, but she was afraid that he would not be able to control his fiery temper and frighten Gu Yang, so she didn't allow him to come.But now it seems that she is worrying too much.This kid is definitely not a person who will make himself suffer.

Gu Yang was dumbfounded.

What is this all about?

Just now he was aggressive and overbearing.Now suddenly change, invite yourself to her house as a guest?Turning faces is not so fast!

Seeing the bewilderment in Gu Yang's eyes, Zeng Yi smiled and explained: "I was just kidding you just now. Which parent is stubborn about their child? We also hope that our son can be happy. Just now I just wanted to tease you !"

Gu Yang 囧!
Looking back now, wouldn't my attitude just now be a little too harsh?
I should have known that she would have endured a little bit earlier.What can you do!
If money is hard to buy, she knew it earlier, but it is useless for her to regret it now.

"Uh... I'm really sorry for my attitude just now."

Gu Yang, who was belatedly aware of it, still remembered to apologize.

"Hahaha, it's okay. I just like your straightforward personality."

Zeng Yi thought Gu Yang was interesting, otherwise he wouldn't have teased her again and again.

After saying goodbye to Zeng Yi politely again, Gu Yang returned to the crew.Along the way, I felt that today's experience was too exciting.There is anxiety, there is excitement, there is anger, there is confusion.

She also didn't expect that the first time she met her parents, she would do so out of nowhere.

"What have you been doing?"

When he came back, Xiang Nan was still resting.Seeing Gu Yang was a little distracted.His face was still a little red, and he couldn't help asking her curiously.

Gu Yang immediately told her about his miraculous experience just now.

"You're just like this, angry with your future mother-in-law?"

Xiang Nan couldn't believe it either, he really couldn't believe that this was something Gu Yang would do.I feel that she is too different to meet her parents.Chen Ziran's mother is also a weirdo, she came to meet her daughter-in-law privately without notifying her son.

"Don't talk about one daughter-in-law, I haven't decided to marry him yet!"

Gu Yang was angry.This afternoon, the mood is the same as riding a roller coaster.In the end, Xiang Nan would laugh at him.If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't say it.

(End of this chapter)

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