Chapter 129

"She just wants to test you! Depending on the situation, she should be more satisfied with you!"

"Who knows?"

Gu Yang didn't think she was really satisfied with him.Between a woman who came out halfway and a woman who watched her grow up, both of them would prefer the latter. In this case, even if they really married Chen Ziran in the future, it would probably be difficult to get along with each other.

At night, Gu Yang told Chen Ziran what happened today.

Chen Ziran gave Gu Yang a thumbs up, and said, "I really admire you~! Hey, did you say that you were very nervous when you knew she was my mother?"

Gu Yang rolled his eyes at him: "Don't make a fuss, you're bothering me! Stay where it's cool!"

"What do you worry about so much? Are you still afraid when I'm here?"

Gu Yang turned around and didn't want to talk to him.He's talking sarcastic now.When her old mother came, he was worried.

Thinking of her painful days in the future, Gu Yang instantly felt that the problem he was struggling with now was not a problem.

"Let's go out to eat! I don't want to cook today!"

I was in a bad mood just now, so I didn't drop by to buy groceries when I came back.Now the house is empty, there is nothing but instant noodles.It's impossible to cook instant noodles for him, right?

Seeing her suddenly resurrected with full blood, Chen Ziran felt puzzled.But she didn't say anything when I asked her.

"What do you want to eat?"

Gu Yang thought for a while: "Shall we go to the night market? The night market behind University A has not been to it for many years."

As the snack street at the back door of University A, it can be said to be all-encompassing.Food, play, clothing, everything.It is the best place for students of University A to spend their time at night.Back then, Gu Yang spent a lot of money in the night market.

Seeing her radiant look, Chen Ziran couldn't bear to pour cold water on her.Follow her to drive the car, ready to drive directly to the night market of University A.

"I think you'd better park your car a little farther away, let's walk over!"

Because it is the weekend, there are more people in the night market than usual.On the two adjacent streets, cars could no longer pass.

This night market is the largest in C City.It can be regarded as a tourist attraction in C City.Many people who come to C City will come to have a look around, do some shopping and leave.

"That's the only way."

A lot of people is one thing, the key is that it is true that there is no parking space at all.This night market was dragged a few times before when I was with her.He didn't come here again after that, he didn't expect that there would be so many people-flow now.

"Wait a minute, I'll go down and buy some food first. You can park the car yourself."

She didn't want to go with such a boring job as finding a parking space.Carrying the bag, he jumped out of the car without any explanation.And waved to him proudly.

Chen Ziran shook his head dotingly, and let her go.

Gu Yang looked at this familiar place and took a deep breath.It is full of the aroma of barbecue and various snacks.I was not hungry at first, but now I suddenly feel unbearably hungry.

Gu Yang was afraid that he would not be able to find anyone when he came over later, so Gu Yang didn't dare to go far.There are various handicrafts on the side stalls.

The workmanship of these handicrafts is not the best, but the style is very trendy, so it attracts many girls to watch.

For these things, she has always just looked at them and not bought them.

After wandering around for a while, seeing that he hadn't come back, Gu Yang went to a milk tea shop in his memory to buy milk tea.When she came out, she saw that there was some noise in the ethnic clothing store next door, and some of the Italian language she was familiar with was mixed in.

Unable to withstand his own curiosity, Gu Yang walked into the store while sucking on the straw.

Inside, a man and a woman were sweating profusely and gesticulating at the boss. They spoke both English and Italian, and occasionally Chinese. The boss couldn't understand what he meant, nor what he wanted to express. What, with a blank look on his face.He kept saying: "If you don't understand, I won't sell you!"

Gu Yang was funny.

"Boss, they are asking if you have a smaller skirt!"

Seeing the anxious looks of these two international friends, Gu Yang decided to help them out of the feeling of eating Italian food for six years.

Seeing that finally someone can understand the words of those two people, the boss is like finding a savior!
"You tell him to wait, I'll help him take it out right away! Fortunately, you understand!"

Gu Yang fluently translated in Italian for the two of them.The two also looked at Gu Yang with gratitude on their faces, as if they met an old friend in a foreign land.

As the saying goes, when a fellow countryman sees a fellow countryman, his eyes are full of tears.At this moment, in the eyes of these two people, Gu Yang, who speaks fluent Italian, is the same as their fellow villagers. ,

While the boss was looking for clothes, the three chatted, and Gu Yang learned that the two of them came to China for their honeymoon.This is the first stop of their trip.I just didn't expect to encounter a language barrier as soon as I arrived.Fortunately, I met her.

Gu Yang smiled and waved his hands, seeing that their English is not very good.Moreover, even the penetration rate of English in City C is not high.So I recommended a translation software to them.

"When I first arrived in Italy, I learned Italian thanks to this software." Gu Yang said smoothly.The two immediately downloaded it as if they had found a treasure.

Most of the phones these days are smartphones, and the two quickly downloaded them.

"Gu Yang!"

At this time, Chen Ziran also came.Say hello to the two international friends in front of you politely.

"This is the milk tea I bought for you, wait a minute, they are in a little trouble, I am helping them translate." Gu Yang handed him the milk tea in his hand.Then continue to translate the boss's words for the two of them.

Chen Ziran frowned and took the milk tea. He didn't like to eat these junk foods very much.However, listening to Gu Yang's standard Italian, Chen Ziran was a little confused.According to what he knew, Gu Yang's English was very poor back then, why is his Italian so good now?

The woman went to try on clothes. Gu Yang didn't know what Chen Ziran was thinking, but he was still happily chatting with the man.Coincidentally, the two actually have many of the same hobbies.

The more Chen Ziran listened, the tighter his eyebrows frowned.

Fortunately, the woman came out soon.

Both of them are very interested in this kind of ethnic clothing, and they are ready to buy it without saying anything.Gu Yang did the final translation for the two, and after helping them successfully buy clothes, he bid farewell to the two.

When they were parting, the three of them asked for each other's phone number in a friendly manner.

"Are you unhappy? Don't you like milk tea?"

Gu Yang could see his sullenness.I thought it was because I was not satisfied with the milk tea I bought for him.

Chen Ziran squinted at her and said, "You still buy milk tea knowing I don't like it?"

Although he was dissatisfied with the closeness between Gu Yang and the man just now, he also knew that the two of them had nothing to do, and this was not the reason for his anger.So Gu Yang gave him the steps, and he went down along them.

(End of this chapter)

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