Chapter 133 Fighting
The scene tonight is very simple, it is just a conspiracy in the palace.The only thing that is more difficult is the rivalry scene between the heroine and the second heroine.

The two women who had a very good relationship finally drifted apart in the harem battle.Contradictions occur frequently.Finally, it all broke out this night.

The director was originally worried about whether the two could perform such a tense scene well.But I didn't expect that the two of them ended up acting without NG at all.I can't help but praise the acting skills of the two.

Xiang Nan sneered in his heart.How difficult is this game?Both of them are acting in their true colors, okay?The two of them are also best friends who have become strangers.It fits perfectly with this scene.It's just that the bad guy has become himself.

After the filming of this scene, the scene tonight is almost coming to an end.It was almost twelve o'clock.Gu Yang went to another place.She was the only one who drove back tonight.

"Everyone has worked hard, why don't I invite everyone to have supper!"

The director saw that everyone looked tired, and it was rare for the director to take the initiative to treat guests with good intentions.This was of course agreed by all.Except for two people.

One is Yin Luo and the other is Xiang Nan.

Yin Luo has always disdained to hang out with them.Xiang Nan is in a bad state of mind because he didn't get enough sleep during the day.So I want to go back and rest early.

"It's so late, let me take you back first. Otherwise, you are not safe as a girl."

Wen Hao took the coat and put it on, ready to send her out.

"Uh, no need. I drove here. Nothing will happen." She has been driving by herself since being followed before.Nor have I encountered anything before.

Wen Hao frowned, didn't listen to her, and insisted on sending her back.

Going south is a little tricky.Although her relationship with Wen Hao is still good, she still doesn't want him to send her back.Subconsciously, she still remembered Jin Ruichen's warning: stay away from Wen Hao.So outside of work, she doesn't want to have too much contact.

"Xiang Nan, let him take you. You see, Yin Luo has his own driver to pick you up. We don't worry about you going back by yourself. He will take you back first, and then come and meet us."

Everyone saw her as a weak woman, after all, it was midnight.I still think it is safest to let her go back with Wen Hao.

Of course, there are some good people who like to watch the excitement.

Everyone's kindness is hard to refuse, and Xiang Nanzheng doesn't know how to refuse.When he was about to agree, the phone rang.As if he had found a savior, he answered the call without even looking at who was calling.

[Have you finished filming yet? 】

Xiang Nan was surprised that it was Jin Ruichen who called.But she'd never been more grateful for a timely call from him than she was now.

"Well, just finished filming, what's the matter?"

Hearing her gentle voice, Jin Ruichen was stunned for a moment, guessing that there might be someone beside her, that's why she was so gentle.

【Come out now, I'll wait for you outside! 】

Although I don't know why he came here, it's better to go with him than to be with Wen Hao at this time.In any case, she just treats Wen Hao as an ordinary friend, and it's better for her not to do anything that could misunderstand him.

"Well, I'll come out right away, you wait for me for 10 minutes!"

hang up the phone.She looked at Wen Hao with an apologetic expression and said, "I'm so sorry, my friend happened to be here, so please pick me up and go back with me. I'll go first, you guys have fun!"

"Well, that's fine. Then I'll go out with you!"

Wen Hao's voice was faint, and the lights at night were dim, so it was hard to see the expression on his face.However, she couldn't keep rejecting his concern, so she had to agree.

"The person who picked you up was Jin Ruichen?"

After walking a long distance, Wen Hao opened his mouth to speak.But for this kind of question, Xiang Nan would rather not hear his words.

"Well, yes!"

His voice was so loud, and the surroundings were so quiet, it was obviously impossible to pretend not to hear him.

"Xiang Nan, haven't you had enough of the hurt you suffered two years ago? I still hope you can stay away from him to avoid being hurt again! Jin Ruichen is not suitable for you."

Xiang Nan was speechless, what happened to these two men?Can't wait to never see another person.Enough is enough!
Wen Hao only knew a little about what happened to her two years ago.But this also gave him enough reason to advise Xiang Nan to stay away from Jin Ruichen.

"Well, I have a sense of proportion in my own affairs. I also know what kind of person is suitable for me. I will follow suit. It's coming soon, you go in first. I'll just go out by myself."

Although she usually didn't want to see Jin Ruichen, she still didn't like other people talking about Jin Ruichen in front of her.This will make her very unhappy!
It felt like Wen Hao didn't continue talking except for her unhappiness, but he didn't really go in either, and walked outside with Xiang Nan.


Just as Xiang Nan said goodbye to him and walked towards the parking lot, he grabbed my arms.

Xiang Nan was startled, and subconsciously slapped him, wanting him to let go.

"I don't care what you think in your heart now, I still have some feelings for him. In short, my feelings for you have never changed. I hope you don't always think about the pain in the past, and look forward .I will always wait for you."

Xiang Nan was silent, what he did now really angered her.Now it's true that I don't even have to be friends.

A cold kiss was printed on his cheek, but the next second she was pulled away by a strong force.

He took two steps back before standing still.

Jin Ruichen angrily pulled the two away, unable to restrain his anger, he punched Wen Hao in the face.Wen Hao is not a weak person either, after realizing who it was, he also hit him back.

The two men fought inseparably.It's no use yelling at Nan.No one showed up to help at night.

Xiang Nan thought that there would be no Yuji around only praying.Otherwise, this news is estimated to be lively for a month.

In the end, Jin Ruichen beat Wen Hao to the ground with an absolute advantage.But his handsome and indifferent face also had a few colors: "Wenhao, let's forget about it today. You and Xiangnan still have to work together. But if you let me know that you are facing each other when you are not filming How about Nan. I will definitely abolish you!"

Wen Hao got up from the ground in embarrassment and patted the dust off his body.Spit out the blood foam in the mouth.Putting his hands on his disfigured face, he said, "Jin Ruichen, I also want to tell you that Xiang Nan is not your forbidden descendant, and I will not tolerate her staying by your side."

After finishing speaking, he turned and left without hesitation.

Xiang Nan's eyes did not look at him from the beginning to the end.

(End of this chapter)

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