Chapter 134 I Raise You

"How are you?" After Wen Hao left, Xiang Nan looked worriedly at his startling face.

Jin Ruichen didn't speak, pulled Xiang Nan into the car, pulled out a tissue and vigorously wiped Xiang Nan's face - the place where Wen Hao kissed just now.But he didn't say a word.

Xiang Nan looked at her apprehensively.Remembering that he had warned him to stay away from Wen Hao before, he felt a little uneasy, so that he didn't dare to cry out because his face was so painful from the tissue.

She quietly glanced at him from the corner of her eye, and found that his lips were tightly pursed and his face was expressionless.Xiang Nan, who was familiar with him, knew that this was a sign of a storm coming.

"Don't, it hurts!"

Before she got angry, Xiang Nan grabbed his hand and looked at her tearfully, with a pitiful expression on his face.

Jin Rui suddenly stopped, looking at her cheeks that were reddened by him, her face was dark and unclear.After a while, he lowered his head and kissed her fiercely, then hugged her and said, "Xiang Nan, tell me, what should I do with you?"

Originally, Xiang Nan was uneasy in his heart, but because of his words, his heart was soft and messed up.This was the first time he spoke to her in such a bewildered tone, like a lost child, which made people unable to harden their hearts.

Xiang Nan hugged him back and said, "Let's go home!"

Because of her phrase 'go home'.Jin Ruichen's face turned pale.It's not that scary anymore.

On the way back, the two of them chatted one after another, and the atmosphere was unexpectedly relaxed.

"How did you come?"

Xiang Nan has always been curious, even if Lily told him that he was shooting a night scene, his timing would not be so accurate. "Gu Yang called me, something like that happened before, she is worried about you going back alone."

He was really glad that Gu Yang called him.

Xiang Nan murmured in his heart: 'When did you two get mixed up! "But he didn't dare to say it.

"I see that you have changed all the furniture in your house today?"


His answer made Xiang Nan unable to continue asking.For a while, the atmosphere began to fall into silence again.In such silence, the tired Xiang Nan actually fell asleep.

Listening to her long breathing, Jin Ruichen's eyes softened.

Even when he got home, he couldn't bear to wake her up, and carried him out from the co-pilot, maybe he was really too tired.She didn't even wake up.I just moved around in his arms, found a comfortable position, and continued to fall asleep deeply.

When he got to the door, he hesitated.Whose home should I go to?Subconsciously, he is of course willing to go to his home, but if he goes to his home, Xiangnan will be unhappy when he wakes up, right?After much deliberation, I had no choice but to enter her room.

After an accident at her house, he asked someone to change the door to a password.This also saves him the trouble of rummaging through the bag to find the key.

Because it was too badly damaged before, I was afraid that she would see some psychological shadows.So Jin Ruichen arranged for someone to change all the furniture, wallpaper, and even the floor tiles inside.He never came in after that.So now that I came in suddenly, I felt like I went to the wrong home.

"Xiangnan, wake up, you're home."

Although he wanted to stay with her for a while longer, he still felt that it would be better for him to rest early after washing.Seeing the dark circles under her eyes made her feel distressed.


Xiang Nan woke up sleepily, looking at the bright lights above his head, he felt like he didn't know where he was.It took a long time to realize that he had fallen asleep on the way home.

After waking up, Xiang Nan saw that he had already returned home.Thank him awkwardly.

"It's so late, you're tired too, you have to film tomorrow, go to bed early!"


Xiang Nan was indeed a little tired, that's why he fell asleep so unprepared just now.Fortunately, the person beside him was Jin Ruichen, so nothing happened.

"Hey, wait!"

Xiang Nan suddenly remembered something, and stopped the person who walked to the door.Jin Ruichen looked back at her, not knowing why.

"Come here and sit down first, I'll apply some medicine to your wound."

When he fought with Wen Hao just now, his face was smeared. If he didn't deal with it, he wouldn't know how high he would be swollen tomorrow.

"I'll go get the medicine box, you sit down and drink some water first!"

She usually drinks plain water at home, so she didn't prepare any tea, so she poured him a cup of plain water.Then I went to the medicine cabinet.

Because it has not been used for a long time, the dusty medicine box is still covered with a layer of dust.Xiang Nan embarrassedly wiped off the dust on it before returning to the living room.

Slowly apply the medicine to the wound.Xiang Nan was going to put some OK stickers on him, but he refused.I feel so childish.

Because of cleaning his wound, the two got very close, Jin Ruichen smelled the fragrance of her body, and felt distracted for a while.Afraid that she would see something wrong with him, he quickly turned his gaze elsewhere to divert his attention.

"Don't do this anymore."

Take all the gauzes in her hands and keep them far away.I was really afraid that she would continue to stick things on her face.

"Forget it! I'll get you some ice cubes to apply. Otherwise, you will really be in the newspaper tomorrow because of the scar on your face."

Jin Ruichen, the president of Lingyun Group, was beaten by unknown people and left with many scars!Thinking of such headlines, Xiang Nan felt that he should be hidden until the wound healed.

"Well, let's forget it. If the scar is still there tomorrow, I won't go to the company, and avoid unnecessary trouble."

He could also think of the sensation of tomorrow's news.He and Wen Hao were injured at the same time, and both were related to Xiang Nan.What will the entertaining journalists write about?Anyone with a little brain can think of it.

In order not to cause trouble to Xiang Nan, it is better for him not to appear in public until he recovers from his injury.

Xiangnan applied ice to him, glanced at him, and said, "Such a big company, won't you be afraid that it will collapse if you don't go?"

"What are you afraid of? If you really collapse, I'll take refuge in you!"

Xiangnan was surprisingly gentle tonight.Along with it, Jin Ruichen's tense nerves also relaxed.

"I can't afford you!"

"It's okay. I can afford it."

After Jin Ruichen said the latter sentence carefully, he kept observing her reaction.It was also because of her rare gentleness today that he wanted to test her.

Hearing his words, Xiang Nan was stunned for a moment, and pressed his hand without knowing the severity.Jin Ruichen grinned in pain.

"I'm not easy to raise! Impulsive, hypocritical, incomprehensible, not gentle!"

Xiang Nan's voice was very cold, and no emotion could be heard in it.Moreover, she was standing and Jin Ruichen was sitting, so she couldn't see clearly what expression she had.

But these words encouraged him enough.

(End of this chapter)

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