The biggest ex: love you don't run away

Chapter 135 Open Your Heart

Chapter 135 Open Your Heart
"It's okay, I don't mind!"

After saying this, there was no response from Xiang Nan.Jin Ruichen's heart sank.I thought I was too aggressive and offended her.

But when he looked up, he saw her biting her lip, trying to hold back the tears.

Jin Ruichen panicked all at once.He quickly pulled her down and sat next to him, and took out a tissue from the coffee table to comfort her.

"Hey, why are you crying? Didn't he mean to raise you? Why are you so excited?" He didn't dare to say anything serious, so he could only laugh as relaxed as possible.

"You are less smug. Who is excited?"

Xiang Nan choked.It took a long while to stop crying.

"Xiang Nan, let's talk. What's on your mind? If you don't tell me, how would I know?"

Seeing that she didn't cry anymore.Jin Ruichen put aside all the ice packs and tissues and asked her.Tonight, he had to come up with an answer.

Xiang Nan didn't know how to answer his question.I also know that my attitude just now was a little too abnormal.But now she is still cutting and straightening out.A lot of thoughts are entangled in my head, and my head is about to explode.

"I do not know either!"

She is at a loss now.The conversation with Gu Yang, the conversation with Lily, and her own thoughts have caused her to be tangled these days.

"Anyway, you must have some thoughts in your heart, right? Tell me about your thoughts!"

She plays with her fingers when she gets tangled.Seeing her start to twist her fingers again, Jin Ruichen knew that she was really at a loss now.

"I don't have any ideas either. I don't know where to start!"

"Okay then, let me ask, and you answer, okay?"

At this time, it is impossible to expect her to speak up on her own initiative.Only you can guide her.

Xiang Nan nodded his head slightly, as an answer to him.She also didn't want to waste time with Jin Ruichen all the time.

"Do you still hate me now? Or, do you still hate me?"

This is what he cares most about.Under Gu Yang's temptation before, she knew part of her thoughts, but does she still hate herself now?After all, I have done so many bastard things before.If she doesn't forgive herself, it's still okay.

Xiang Nan thought about it carefully before shaking his head and saying no.

Even if he really did so many things that broke his heart before.But I never made him feel at ease.I am also partly at fault.So it's not entirely his fault, at least he has to bear half of the responsibility.

"Then do you like Wen Hao, or other men?"

After getting the answer he wanted, Jin Ruichen was completely relieved.

Xiang Nan rolled his eyes at him, as if he asked a very idiotic question: "Of course not!!!"

How could she fall in love with another man after loving him?

"Do you think it's possible for the two of us?"

His questions were too direct, and Xiang Nan didn't know how to answer them at all.Turning his head away in embarrassment, he said, "This depends on your performance."

To Jin Ruichen, such an answer was tantamount to acquiescing.

"Then let's try together?"

Strike while the iron is hot, and directly say what you want to do in your heart.

Xiang Nan glared: "How could you ask such a question?" How would she answer such a question?If she answered yes, would he drag her to get the certificate?

"If you think it's unfair to you, I don't mind if you cross-examine me once."

"No!" Xiang Nan refused thoroughly.She couldn't ask this kind of question.Only he can be thick-skinned and not mind.

"Let's talk about it first. After passing this village, there will be no such shop. If you don't ask today, you won't have a chance in the future."

Jin Ruichen is in a good mood now.

"Don't ask, don't ask, don't ask! Who wants to ask you this? Do you want to apply face? If not, I will wash my face."

Even being shy.Xiang Nan did not leave him alone.Still thinking about the wound on his face.

"Go to bed first. It's so late, or you won't be energetic tomorrow."

Having obtained the result he wanted, Jin Ruichen stopped pulling her and asked her to wash her face.Then he packed up the medicine box and went back to his home opposite.

Listen to the door closing outside.Xiang Nan went out.Sitting on the sofa blankly, there was no response.Now she doesn't know what kind of relationship she has with Jin Ruichen.

night grows stronger

Xiang Nan was lying on the bed with a mobile phone in his hand.Hesitating whether to send this text message or not.

After struggling for a while, she made up her mind and clicked send.

Staring at the screen of the phone for a while, there was no response.She fell asleep exhausted.

Jin Ruichen saw Xiang Nanfei's text message only after he got out of the shower, and it was half an hour ago.I don't know if she is sleeping now or not.

'Have you put me on an equal footing with you now, or have you ever loved me? '

This is the content of Xiangnan's text message.Jin Ruichen laughed.How much does she care about whether she is equal to him?How much do you not want to rely on yourself?

My heart was itchy, so I didn't care whether Xiang Nan slept or not.He dialed Xiang Nan directly.

【Hey. 】The bell rang for a long time before Xiang Nan picked up the phone sleepily.I didn't even look at who it was, so I connected directly.

"Already asleep?"

【Yep?Yep!Just slept! 】

Hearing it was his voice, Xiang Nan tried to sit up and tapped his head, trying to wake himself up.

"I was taking a shower just now, and I just saw your text message." He felt that he still needed to explain to her why he didn't reply to her message.Otherwise, with her cranky nature, she still doesn't know what to come up with.

ah?Short message?

Xiang Nan is completely sober.She had already forgotten about the text message.Of course, she didn't expect that he would call herself directly.She was a little dazed.

【what?that?I'm just asking for fun, you don't have to take it too seriously.I'm going to sleep first? 】

Xiang Nan didn't want to discuss this issue directly with him in such an embarrassing manner, subconsciously wanted to escape.


Seeing her intention to hang up the phone, Jin Ruichen quickly stopped her and said, "Why do you think I haven't loved you? I have always loved you as my wife. I didn't You put me on an equal footing. I put you on my wife's footing. I don't see any conflict in that. Because I see you as my wife, that's why I want you to depend on me , trust me!"

Xiang Nan's head, which has been confused, has completely shut down now!

(End of this chapter)

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