Chapter 136
She doesn't have any thoughts now, only his words have been circling in her mind.She also forgot how to respond.Just like this, holding the phone silently, sitting on the bed, weeping silently.


Seeing that there was no sound for a long time, Jin Ruichen thought that Xiang Nan had fallen asleep again during his confession of true feelings.

【kindness! 】

Xiang Nan responded to him softly.But the keen Jin Ruichen still found something wrong with her.

"You won't be moved to cry, will you?"

He couldn't believe it, the woman was indeed made of water, her tears were extremely low, and she just cried.Didn't it mean that if he said something provocative, she would be dehydrated?

【No! 】

How could Xiang Nan admit that he was really crying?Wiping the tears off his face, he quickly denied it.

"Hey, you'd better go to bed early! Let's talk about something tomorrow!"

How could Xiang Nan still be able to sleep?The shock she received just now was too great, and now she didn't feel sleepy at all, so she didn't fall asleep until dawn.

As if the matter in his heart was finally resolved, Xiang Nan slept deeply this time.The noon alarm clock didn't wake her up.

When she woke up again, it was almost three o'clock in the afternoon.

Get up in a panic.Fortunately, he still woke up after missing the alarm clock, otherwise, it would be a disaster if he was late for filming.

I slept for too long, didn't eat two meals, and now I feel very hungry, so I looked through the refrigerator, except for two apples in it.There was nothing.I had no choice but to go out and eat.She still took an apple out to cushion her stomach first, then packed her bag and was ready to go out.

Just as she was about to enter the elevator, the opposite door opened.

"Hey, you really didn't go to the company today?"

Xiang Nan was surprised.However, seeing that there are indeed marks on his face, going to the company may also cause unnecessary speculation.

"Well, are you going out so early?"

He learned from Gu Yang that she should be doing night scenes recently, right?It's not even four o'clock now, why is she going out?
"Well, there's nothing at home now, I'm going out to eat!"

"You haven't eaten anything today?"

"En." Xiang Nan scratched his head in embarrassment, and said, "I just woke up and found nothing! I had to go out to look for food."

"At this time, there's nothing to eat outside, so come to my side and I'll make it for you."

Going out to eat at this kind of time, which is neither early nor late, is probably only a few fast food restaurants.Eating those things is always bad for your health.

"Huh? Can you cook?"

Xiang Nan was surprised, she had never seen him cook.

"Otherwise, do you think I drink northwest wind every day?"

Jin Ruichen looked at her and shook his head, he lived alone, if he didn't cook by himself, wouldn't he starve to death?

"Okay, then I must try it." Xiang Nan was eager to try it, and was very curious about his cooking skills.

"What to eat?"

"Whatever, I don't care, just do what you are best at." She felt that she really had nothing to choose, and it was already very good that he was willing to cook for her.

"Well, then drink some milk first, and you'll be fine soon."

Xiang Nan took the milk glass, unexpectedly he still remembered his habit.Every time before eating, I like to drink a glass of milk.

The room began to be filled with fragrance, watching him busy in the kitchen, Xiang Nan suddenly overflowed with a feeling of happiness.She didn't know what the previous self was struggling with. He seemed to be really different now.

Maybe, this time she can really touch happiness.

"Okay, come and eat!"

Just as Xiang Nan was wandering, Jin Ruichen had already prepared it and brought it out.

"smell good!"

Looking at the pasta in front of him, Xiang Nan was eager to try it.

"I'm afraid you will be hungry, so I made something simple, try it!"

"Well, it's really delicious!"

She really didn't expect that he could cook, let alone that the taste was so good.Compared with him, I am ashamed to death.

"Of course, since I was in college, I have been cooking and eating by myself. After so many years, of course I still have some achievements!"

He is still very confident in his cooking skills.Seeing her eating so happily, I can't help but feel very lucky that my cooking skills are still good.Sure enough, men who can cook are still popular now.

"I didn't realize before that you can cook. I really underestimated you."

"You are welcome to come and eat at any time in the future."

It's just a meal. If she is happy, he is willing to make it for her every day.

Xiang Nan nodded. Of course, she would not refuse such a good thing.

"You eat slowly first. After you finish eating, I will accompany you to the supermarket to buy some things to keep at home. In case you get up and have nothing to eat. Although it is convenient to eat outside, it is not as safe as doing it yourself."


Xiang Nan feels that this kind of life is really good now.The two settled their suspicions and were no longer at loggerheads.I feel a lot easier.The whole person also became clear.

The two of them went to the supermarket together, of course they couldn't be as unscrupulous as ordinary people.Xiangnan wears a peaked cap, and big sunglasses cover half of his face.If you don't look carefully, you really can't tell who it is.

Relatively speaking, Jin Ruichen's dress is much more normal.

"What do you want to buy?"

"Just buy some fruit and milk. Well, you can buy some eggs." Thinking about it carefully, she didn't seem to have anything in particular she wanted to buy.Or just buy something simpler.Anyway, she seldom eats at home.

"You just buy these? Usually you only eat fruit when you're hungry?"

Jin Ruichen really couldn't believe it, how did she live alone, could she be full by eating fruits?
"Anyway, I seldom eat at home recently. If I get hungry then, I'll just come to your place for a meal. You won't regret it, will you?"

Xiang Nan doesn't like cooking very much, it's greasy and greasy, if she doesn't have to, she won't be willing to do it.Now that she finally has a place to eat, of course she has to take good care of it.

"You are always welcome!"

Jin Ruichen didn't say anything anymore, of course she didn't mind raising him all the time.It's just that when she quietly puts some junk food, then puts it all back later.

"Oh, why is there only such a little! Why did you put all the things I like back?"

Looking at the few pitiful snacks in front of him, Xiang Nan wanted to cry but had no tears.

She just likes to eat those snacks.He even interfered with this.

"Eating too much of those junk foods is not good for your health. You should eat less. It's better to eat more fruits."

Xiang Nan carried his things dejectedly, and followed him back.

(End of this chapter)

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