Chapter 137 Failure
Gu Yang has been busy recently.She never knew that holding a concert is such a tiring thing.There will be a bunch of miscellaneous things waiting for her to deal with every day.

Because the other newcomers haven't been assigned managers yet, she is in charge of all matters this time.Fortunately, there are still two shows, and this tour is about to end.

"Sister Gu Yang, there is something wrong with An Yuhang's costume!"

The little girl in the costume group walked over frustrated with a set of costumes for the show.

"What's going on? I'm going to be on stage tomorrow, so why is there a problem with the costume? Didn't it be decided before?" Gu Yang was worried. Such trivial things could obviously be avoided in advance, but they happen every day. .

"When I tried it on just now, I found that the costume was a bit too big. The material of this costume is special, and now I have to change it. I am afraid that I will not be able to catch up with the performance tomorrow." The little girl was about to cry. She had just arrived and was pushed away Come and report this.As a newcomer, she can only be suppressed.

"I don't care, I'll find someone to change it right away, I'll work overtime tonight, and I'll have to change it all night."

"Sister Gu Yang, there is also something wrong with the performance venue, the lifting platform is broken."

The matter here has just been arranged, and someone immediately talked about other issues.The clothing problem is small, but the venue problem can be a big problem.So Gu Yang didn't dare to delay, and immediately went to the scene with him to have a look.

Several men at the scene were doing rehearsals. Now that they encountered such a situation, they all looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing what to do.After performing for so long, they have never encountered such a thing.Also, it seems like a hassle.

"How? Have you found out what is the reason?"

Gu Yang walked up to the stage and frowned at the elevator stuck there.There are several masters checking below.

"I don't know the reason yet. Judging by their appearance, it seems that they can't be checked out for a while. Tomorrow..."

The person in charge of the venue stood up with an embarrassed expression.He has always been in charge of maintaining the concert venue.At such a critical moment, he did not expect such a thing to happen.

"I don't know when it will be repaired? What about the concert?"

Gu Yang rested his forehead with his hands, and walked back and forth anxiously.She felt that after this concert was over, she might lose ten years of her life.It's so annoying.It's even more of a headache than usual with those sponsors.

The men in the back knew the big deal when they heard it.This kind of mechanical matter cannot be resolved in a short while.

"You guys go to rest for a while and recharge your batteries. I'll take care of it here. Relax, the concert will definitely be on time, and I will find a way."

I don't want to affect the hearts of a few singers.Gu Yang decided to let them rest first.It's not a solution for so many people to guard here.

Watching several maintenance masters busy in the field, looking for the reason.As time passed by, Gu Yang's heart sank little by little.Going on like this is not an option.Think about whether there are other remedies.

"found it!"

Just when Gu Yang was struggling, the maintenance master finally found the reason.

"How? What's the reason? When will it be fixed?"

When the person in charge of the site heard that he had found the problem, he was even more excited than Gu Yang.

"This is caused by the aging of the wiring and chains inside. It can be repaired, but it may take a long time. Because this material has to be transferred from the warehouse. It may take half a day to adjust the material."

The problem now is not the repair, but the adjustment of materials.

"If the material comes back, how long will it take for you to replace it. Guaranteed to be used normally?"

When Gu Yang heard that it could still be repaired, he was already relieved.

"It will take about five hours." Of course, this is just a conservative estimate.If it is fast, it may be ahead of time.But of course they didn't dare to speak too harshly.

There is still one day left until the concert.If you work overtime at night to adjust goods and repair.There should be rehearsal time tomorrow.

"Okay! Now, please ask Mr. Zhao to arrange someone to go with them to adjust the goods, and make sure to bring the materials back as soon as possible. Then I can only trouble the masters to work overtime tonight. We will double the overtime wages!"

There must be rewards for hard work, and it is necessary to trouble others to work overtime at night for maintenance to ensure the smooth progress of the concert.Of course, we must pay them a certain amount of economic return.

"Don't worry about this, as long as the material can be returned on time, we will definitely fix it for you before the concert."

Several masters saw that Gu Yang was very straightforward, and they all patted their chests to reassure them.

"Then I will leave it to you first, and try a few more times to see if there are any problems in other places. If there are any problems, we must eliminate them as soon as possible. We have great expectations for this concert, and we must not allow it to be performed." Open the skylight in the middle."

Finally, the matter here was resolved.Gu Yang handed over the on-site affairs to the person in charge of the venue to handle.I took a few men to the rehearsal room to practice.

"Okay, the matter has been resolved. You don't need to worry anymore. An Anxin will follow the teacher to practice a few more times. You have performed very well in these few games. There are still the last two games. It's over, it's time You have started a new journey. You must perform well. The company will evaluate your concert and plan your future development."

She had never told them about this before, for fear of causing them pressure.Now that they are used to this kind of life, she feels that there is no need to hide it from them anymore.

"Ah? Isn't it? Why didn't we say it earlier? We could have performed better before!"

Except for An Yuhang, all the men looked at Gu Yang in disbelief.I think she cheated them.

"Don't worry! Of course I have my own thoughts. I'm just afraid that your previous performance was not good enough and your evaluation score will be lowered. So I specifically asked the company to only evaluate the last two games!"

In the first few games, they were still very jerky.Although it was drafted.But after all, the scene is different.She is also afraid of behaving badly and that it will affect their development.So I specifically negotiated with the leader.

Several people breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, don't be lazy anymore. Practice hard! Otherwise, don't blame me for not reminding you in the future!"

Knowing that these two games will have something to do with their own future, the men trained very seriously.Under the guidance of the dance teacher, I can show my best side to my heart's content.

The dance teacher also felt that the attitudes of the few people were very different from before.The aura of the whole person is completely different.

(End of this chapter)

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