Chapter 139
When Chen Ziran was in the meeting, he kept thinking about Gu Yang outside.For this reason, he was ridiculed severely by his old friends.But now that he is proud of himself, he forgives him very generously.Don't compare yourself to him.

Of course, a loner like him doesn't understand his complacency.

"I'd like to see what kind of overpowering country and city caused our Young Master Chen to fall so deeply that he couldn't concentrate in the meeting."

After the meeting, Xie Zekai kept teasing him, clamoring to meet Gu Yang.

"President, Mr. Arthur came to see you just now!"

Seeing that the two finally came out, the secretary hurried out and told him about it.

"It seems that you don't have the good fortune to see my family's beauty. It's a pity." When Chen Ziran heard that he was visited by someone and couldn't get away, he gloated and teased him.

"Where is he?" Although it's a pity, work is still important, and people can be seen at any time.What's more, it was a long time before he met Arthur.

"In the reception room." As he spoke, he brought the two of them to the reception room, but there was no one there.Even Gu Yang, who was originally on the side, disappeared.

Chen Ziran's face darkened slightly.How is this going?Didn't she promise herself that she would wait for her to come out?

Taking out the phone to call her was also turned off.Don't know what she's doing.Not to mention disappearing, and directly shutting down.

Gu Yang didn't know that the storm in the office was about to come.Obediently leaving with Arthur, she is now thinking of a way to get out.Or send a message to Chen Ziran to report his whereabouts.

"What's the matter with you? Absent-minded?"

"Ah? No, you also know that I'm here because my artists are here for a concert. Now that I've finished my work, I should go back and pack my things and prepare to go to the next city."

"Oh, that's it? Then I'll take you home after dinner!"

Arthur's response was not salty, but it completely annihilated Gu Yang's thoughts.Had to find another way out.

"Well, I'm going to the bathroom!"

No matter the occasion, going to the bathroom is always the best excuse.Can make people disappear quickly and briefly.

After Gu Yang left, Arthur has been considering whether to tell Shen Hua about her abnormal behavior.It can be seen that she has something very important that she doesn't want to let herself know.Or it could be said that she was afraid of telling Shen Hua herself, so she didn't want him to know.

Gu Yang sent a text message to Chen Ziran while going to the bathroom, afraid that he would call and ask, so he decisively turned off his phone.

. .

"During this time, there is something at home. Auntie has been busy, but she said that she will come to you as soon as she is done."

After Gu Yang came back, the two happily talked about the family affairs.

"Oh, really? Then she'd better keep busy!"

Gu Yang didn't want her to come at all.I thought it was because I was busy that she didn't come.Now it seems that he still thinks of her as kind.When she came, his days of freedom would come to an end.

Arthur looked up at her and said, "I will tell her your wish."

Gu Yang said with a smile: "Whatever you want, I'm not afraid!"

If she was really afraid of Shen Hua getting mad, she wouldn't have run back alone.

Gu Yang knew that leaving was hopeless, so he stayed calmly.He was just worried about himself, always kind.It's not easy to refuse.Just make noise.

Later, it was Arthur who sent her back to the hotel, but Gu Yang firmly refused his idea of ​​accompanying him there in the name of keeping the nature of his work a secret.

He got into the elevator nervously, thinking about where to go for most of the day if he met Chen Ziran.

When I went upstairs, the corridor was quiet.Gu Yang opened the door of the room, but found a person sitting inside.

"Uh, how did you get in?" She didn't remember giving him the key.

"Don't you think you should explain why you mysteriously disappeared today?"

Chen Ziran told himself in his heart, to be calm, to be calm, not to get angry.He had to trust Gu Yang.However, when I thought of seeing her with a foreign man when I came back in the afternoon, I felt an evil fire rising.

Although they were far away at that time, he didn't see who the man was, but he could still tell that the two had a happy conversation, and Gu Yang was always smiling.

"I sent you a text message, didn't you receive it? I went to meet a friend."

"Meet a friend? What friend? Is it necessary to turn off the phone when seeing a friend?" Seeing that she was unwilling to speak directly, he became even more angry.The thought of her being so happy in front of others made him want to go crazy.

"It's just an ordinary friend, and you don't even know each other. It's really my fault that the phone is turned off. I apologize!"

Gu Yang also knew that it was wrong to turn off the phone after sending a text message, but in that case, he would definitely call to ask, if Arthur found out, he and he would both die.

"Gu Yang, you are really bad, why can't you just tell me who it is? Do you not believe me? Or do you have a ghost in your heart?"

Seeing her perfunctory attitude, Chen Ziran angrily pulled her over and put her under him.

"I said that we were just friends, and I was wrong. Why didn't I believe you? Why did I have a ghost in my heart? I think you don't believe me, right? Don't you really believe me? Is it? It was and it is now."

Gu Yang felt sad, but he still refused to believe himself.

"Trust? Belief is mutual. If you don't believe me and don't want to tell me, of course I won't believe you! Gu Yang, you caused this all by yourself. You kept hiding it from me back then, and now you are even more protective That man! I saw it today, you are with that man!!!"

Chen Ziran has completely lost his mind now, his mind is full of images of the two of them together.And Gu Yang has been defending and unwilling to say, he is extremely crazy!
"Since you have seen it all, why are you still asking me? Let me go!!!"

Gu Yang used both hands and feet to get out of the situation he was trapped in.She is also very angry now.But more of a grievance.Especially when he said everything was her own making.

"Let go of you? Just let go of you and go to that man's side, right? Gu Yang, don't even think about it, I will never let you go in my life!"

Tie her to his side.That way she won't want to leave again.

"Bastard, let me go. Chen Ziran! Don't touch me!"

Gu Yang panicked, what he did made her afraid, she suddenly felt that the person in front of her was very strange, not the person she knew before.No wonder the people around him thought he was dark-bellied and tyrannical.It turned out that he was really not human when he was angry.

(End of this chapter)

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