The biggest ex: love you don't run away

Chapter 140: Thunder and Fire

Chapter 140: Thunder and Fire

Gu Yang couldn't break free, so he slapped him hard with his hands!

Chen Ziran froze and stopped.Hearing Gu Yang's soft sobs, he realized what he had just done.

"Gu Yang... I'm sorry! I couldn't control myself just now!"

After reacting, Chen Ziran felt infinite regret in his heart. What the hell did he do just now? Looking at Gu Yang's face covered with tears, he felt pity in his heart.But I don't know how to explain it.

"..." Just now he used all his strength to resist, but now Gu Yang kept crying, ignored him, and didn't speak.

"I'm sorry, I just saw you so relaxed in front of him, I was so jealous."


Gu Yang still didn't speak.She doesn't know what to say now.

Chen Ziran pulled the quilt to cover her disheveled body torn by him.Continued: "I missed you for six years. These six years are a gap that I can't reach. I am so afraid that you have been tempted by another man in these few years. I am afraid of losing you. So when you When I defend that man, I will get angry and do such a thing."


Gu Yang's teary eyes blurred, he uttered these two words in a sob, and hiccupped.Then he paused and continued: "I have never liked other men in these few years, and the only one I like is you!"

Chen Ziran hugged her tightly in his arms and rubbed his chin on her head: "If you don't tell me, how would I know?"

Gu Yang has never liked other men, this realization makes him ecstatic.

"You didn't ask me. But you didn't believe me."

Seeing that he had returned to normal and was no longer aggressive, Gu Yang began to complain.

"I'm sorry, it's my fault. I care too much, and I'm afraid of losing you." Anyway, it's his fault for doing this kind of thing, and he apologized without hesitation, hoping that Gu Yang would forget what happened just now. An unpleasant thing.

"The man you saw today is my brother!"

What he said before was right, and he was actually wrong.Nothing should be hidden from him.

"It's okay, if you don't want to say it, forget it. This kind of thing will never happen in the future."

"En," Gu Yang leaned against his chest.The mood is extremely peaceful.

The two continued to hug each other and talk about each other's current situation.

The sky thunder stirs the ground fire, and the dry wood meets the raging fire.Everything happened naturally.

Chen Ziran closed the door, Gu Yang was too tired recently, and now he was sleeping very deeply, and he didn't want to disturb her rest.So come out and arrange something for her to do.

It wasn't until the matter was finished that he returned to the room and fell asleep with her in his arms.

When they woke up the next day, the two of them didn't say anything, and they were tacit to each other.Chen Ziran drove her to the airport with her.After sending them away, he started his busy business trip again.When he finished his work here and returned to City C, Gu Yang had already gone back. Thinking about it this way, he didn't feel that the business trip was boring.

The last concert was beyond Gu Yang's expectation, and it was probably because everyone cherished the time they spent together.The work is extraordinarily careful and careful, and there is no mess at all.In this way, she became the most boring one.

The effect of the concert is also unprecedented.Everyone showed their best form.Going all out to present an auditory and visual feast for everyone.

These boys are on fire.Then it was Gu Yang who became angry.

I don't know who posted it, but in short, someone commented on Gu Yang's actions from being a manager to now, and praised her highly.Therefore, Gu Yang has become a very popular manager.

This was something Gu Yang had never thought about.Because she never expected that at this time, a director offered her an olive branch and asked her to audition.

There are not many entertainers in the entertainment industry who have succeeded in being a manager.But Gu Yang still refused.She doesn't like the feeling that her privacy is not guaranteed.Whatever you do, you have to take into account whether someone is secretly taking pictures.There is no sense of freedom.If she is asked to be an artist, she will go crazy.


When returning to City C, Xiang Nan happened to be free, so he came to pick her up together.When I saw her, I gave her a big hug.

"You should congratulate them!" Gu Yang pointed at the few people overwhelmed by fans.

The time of their return was known by these fans, so as soon as they got off the plane, the group was overwhelmed by the crowd.

"Are you going back to the company later?"

"No, I told a few of them that I can go to the company to report tomorrow. I think I should go back and sleep well for three days and three nights."

She has now reached the point where she can fall when the wind blows, and she can fall asleep anytime, anywhere.

"That's fine, you need to rest more. But Duoduo and I have reserved a place for you to celebrate. You have to reward yourself for this, right?"

She didn't come here for nothing, the purpose was to stop her before she went home.In order not to ask people to come out when they are available.

"Ah?" Gu Yang's face was disheveled, rather reluctant.She really likes to go home and sleep.

"Ah what. You have to go if you don't want to go! After eating today, you should sleep well at home for three days and three nights. I promise not to disturb you these days."

"Okay, okay, I'm afraid of you guys. Just go! Say yes first, I'll leave after dinner, I don't have the energy to accompany you in other activities."

Gu Yang knew that it would be impossible not to go.Had to give in.Anyway, it's only five o'clock, so it's really early to go back to bed at this time.But if there are activities for dinner, she will die and refuse to participate.

"Okay! Then we will go over after we break through the siege."

The most urgent task now is how to get out of this human wall.These fans are too crazy, but fortunately, Xiang Nan dressed very, very, very low-key today.No one has recognized it yet.

Finally, with the assistance of the airport security, several people walked out safely.After explaining some things to several people, they were allowed to leave with the company's car.But in this gap, another person unexpectedly appeared to pick up Gu Yang.

"Lu Jun! It's been a long time no see!"

Patting Lu Jun's shoulder vigorously, Gu Yang felt as if he had passed away.She has rarely seen him since she ran to the south east and west.

"Yes. That's why I knew you were coming back today, so I hurried to the airport to stop you. Otherwise, you wouldn't have forgotten me."

"Hahaha! How can it be so serious, let's go to dinner together. You can send me back just after a while."

Since him, just right.There will be a free car to ride in later, it's really great!

(End of this chapter)

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