Chapter 143 Showing Love
Bai Bingbing is now sure that she has been played by Xiang Nan.But she couldn't help it.I could only stand up regretfully, and said nonchalantly: "That's okay, anyway, that thing is not worth much. Then I'll go first!"

After speaking, straighten your back.Passed by Xiangnan.Nam Lian' go slow! 'I don't even bother to talk to her.

She wished she could leave quickly!

After everything is packed, she will also be ready to go to the set.The play is nearing its end.As a female supporting role, her roles also began to decrease gradually.That's why she is so leisurely now.

Gu Yang had already driven the car and waited for her downstairs.

"Why are you here? Didn't you want to sleep for three days and three nights?"

She really didn't expect Gu Yang to come today, if she hadn't called, she would have been planning to drive there by herself.

"Please, I'm a good manager who loves my job and works hard. How could I abandon me, a flowery and beautiful artist, sleeping alone at home? Don't slander my personality!"

Gu Yang said righteous words, but Xiang Nan only thought it was funny.

"Please, don't you say such funny things in a serious way? Is it so serious? It's insulting!"

Looking at Xiang Nan with a blank look and a smile, Gu Yang asked her: "I saw Bai Bingbing downstairs just now, and she left when she saw me. What's the matter? She came to the hall to announce the arrival of the master. ?”

Bai Bingbing?Didn't she leave for more than an hour?Why have you stayed below?Could it be that he was waiting for Jin Ruichen?
"Gu Yang, I really think you should study your idioms well. But after going abroad for a few years and eating foreign ink, the idioms are getting worse and worse."

From Xiang Nan's point of view, Bai Bingbing is really not worth mentioning, so what if she stays here for ten and a half months?In the past, it was because she didn't want to get involved with Jin Ruichen that she avoided her as much as possible. Could it be that she really thought she was afraid of her?

"Is it bad? I think it's okay!"

Gu Yang thought about it, and felt that he did not use the wrong word!

Xiang Nan but smiled and said nothing.Don't dwell on this topic.

Xiang Nan did not expect to see Bai Bingbing again today.Looking at the people joking with Yin Luo on the set, I couldn't help but sigh, she really is haunted.

"Hey, when did the two of them get mixed up?" Gu Yang was very surprised.She never knew that the relationship between the two was so good that Bai Bingbing actually came to visit the class.

"The enemy of an enemy is a friend. The two of us are together, and it's normal for the two of them to mix up, but it's just a short-term front alliance."

This situation is common in the entertainment industry.Interests are not the same, the front is not the same.The entertainment industry is a battlefield without gunpowder.There are no lasting friendships at all.

Gu Yang glanced at the two of them, not paying much attention.There must be nothing good for the two of them together, but so what?She is not vegetarian either.

"It's been a long time since I saw you, Gu Yang!"

When Xiang Nan was putting on makeup, the field manager came in and saw her and greeted her warmly.Gu Yang is easy-going and gets along well with the crew on the set.

"Yeah, I was busy with my artist's concert some time ago, so I haven't seen you for a long time."

"Oh, I also watched that talent show's rookie concert. It's very good. My daughter likes them very much. When will you get some autographed posters for me!"

Gu Yang smiled and said definitely.After thinking about it, he asked her again: "I saw Bai Bingbing outside just now, and she seems to be there too. She has a good relationship with Yin Luo, huh?"

Although he said he didn't care, he knew himself and the enemy and won every battle.Knowing more information will save her from unnecessary losses in the future.

"I don't know, I've never seen her here before. But it's possible that she has a good relationship. Didn't Yin Luo also accept a drama recently? It seems to be with Bai Bingbing in it."

The field manager didn't know about the previous festivities between the two of them, so she thought she was really curious.

"Well, thank you! I just said how lucky I was to meet her just after I came back today."

Gu Yang told Xiang Nan what he had heard, but she obviously didn't care much.

Things on Bai Bingbing's side have not been clarified yet, yet another unexpected visitor came to the set.

"Boss Jin!" The director saw that Jin Ruichen had actually arrived, and hurriedly greeted him.

Xiang Nan just came out after putting on makeup. It seemed that he felt unnatural for a moment when he came out.Gu Yang glanced at Xiang Nan with a half-smile, which made her feel even more embarrassed.

"Does Jin always come to see Miss Bai?"

The matter of his breakup with Bai Bingbing was not publicized.So the outside world still thinks that the two are still together.Especially when Bai Bingbing came to the set for the first time, Jin Ruichen happened to come too.It's hard not to misunderstand this kind of coincidence.

Jin Ruichen obviously didn't expect Bai Bingbing to be there.

"No, no!"

He has now drawn a clear line with Bai Bingbing.I don't want to have anything to do with her anymore.

The director was taken aback, not understanding what was going on with them.But seeing Jin Ruichen walking directly to the south, he already understood.The situation is already obvious, Jin Ruichen cheated and went south!It seems that the previous news reports are very correct, and the two are indeed having an affair.

Sure enough, he was right about Xiang Nan and chose her.If he could gain access to Jin Ruichen's relationship while filming, the sponsors of the next film would not need to bother him.

Seeing him embarrassing herself in public, Bai Bingbing felt ashamed and secretly made a decision.

"How did you come?"

This is the first time that the two of them stand in front of the public with such an ambiguous relationship.She was not used to it, and even more nervous.

"I'm off work, I'll take you home!"

He's completely absent from work today.That's why I left on time when I got off work at five o'clock.He thought it was funny when Lily saw him get off work so punctually.

Gu Yang couldn't stand the two nasty people, so he silently pulled Sun Mingming to hide.

Because Jin Ruichen occupied Xiangnan, the director didn't dare to disturb him.So everyone in the audience waited idly for the two of them to finish complaining about their lovesickness.

In the end, Gu Yang couldn't stand it anymore and pulled Xiang Nan over.Otherwise, with Jin Ruichen's temper, he wouldn't let him go in another hour.

"I don't care where the two of you have progressed, and no matter how much you two show affection, I just want you to promise that the relationship between the two of you will not affect Xiangnan's reputation and her career."

This is what Gu Yang is most worried about. Nowadays, people are too sensitive to words such as breaking up, cheating, and mistress.If Wen Hao hadn't come out to rescue the previous time, she might not have been able to handle it well.So now that he is showing his affection so high-profile, she is very worried.

(End of this chapter)

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