The biggest ex: love you don't run away

Chapter 144 Licensed Marriage

Chapter 144 Licensed Marriage
"Of course, I won't hurt Xiang Nan." In comparison, he didn't want to hurt Xiang Nan even more.

"Very good, I'm glad we were able to reach a consensus!"

"However, I think I will go to get married with Xiang Nan first!"

Just when Gu Yang breathed a sigh of relief, he suddenly dropped a bomb.

"What did you say?" Gu Yang couldn't believe what he heard, his intuition was that he was crazy: "Does Xiang Nan know?"

"I don't know, it's just my plan. Since I let Xiang Nan stay in the entertainment industry, in order to get rid of those people with bad intentions, of course I have to declare my sovereignty to the outside world. It's just that you are her manager, I I just told you in advance."

Gu Yang was speechless, not knowing what to say.The news hit her too hard.

"Then you'd better get Xiang Nan's consent first!" She didn't think Xiang Nan would agree to his request so easily.

"Okay, don't worry, it won't be long!"

Jin Ruichen was full of confidence.Didn't find it difficult at all.

When Chen Ziran got out of the airport, he saw only the driver sent by the administration department to pick him up outside, and his face was as black as ink.Ask him in a calm voice: "You are the only one here?"

He remembered that he had told Gu Yang about his flight today one day in advance.Could it be that she couldn't tell at all that she wanted her to pick up the plane?

"Yes, it is!"

When the driver saw that he was in a bad mood, he trembled, thinking it was something he did wrong!

"President, it's better to get in the car first, it's so late! Ms. Gu must be busy with work, so she can't come in time!"

Mo Qingfeng knew something was wrong just by looking at his expression. He had been following Chen Ziran, and he knew something about him, so of course he knew why he was unhappy now.

Chen Ziran's complexion did not improve because of his words.But still in the car!
After getting in the car, he took out his mobile phone and called Gu Yang, but no one answered.

Annoyedly throwing the phone aside, he said to Qingfeng: "Go to the company later and pass the information to the cooperative company in the United States. I will let him send you."


Now it's rare for him not to get angry directly, and of course he doesn't dare to have any opinions.Soon to commit.

The driver sent him downstairs and left.Although it is already ten o'clock in the evening, there are still many people coming and going in and out of the community.

Walking restlessly, entering the ladder restlessly, getting out of the elevator restlessly.Chen Ziran's whole body exuded an aura that strangers should not enter.Even a kid in the elevator just now stood far away from him in fear.

When he inserted the key into the key slot, he felt something was wrong.

Sure enough, when he opened the door and stepped in, suddenly a figure came out from the side, hung on him, and shouted: "Welcome back!"

He wanted to laugh at first, but he didn't forget that he should be 'angry' right now, so he pushed her away with a cold face, turned on the light in the room, touched Leo's head circling at his feet, and said coldly Said: "Why didn't you go to the airport? You didn't pick up your phone?"

"Didn't I want to give you a surprise? How about it? An accident?"

She didn't want to say that she had no intention of going at all.Who knows who will pick him up tonight?If you meet someone you shouldn't meet, it will be bad if people know their relationship.

"Only surprise, no joy!"

Anyway, since she can obediently stay with him and wait for him to come back, it's very rare.So he couldn't keep his face down, so he pulled her over and sat beside him.

"This heartless guy, thanks to my heart and soul feeding him every day, he rebelled as soon as you came back."

Looking at Leo who was dawdling at his feet, Gu Yang was very dissatisfied.

"Really? I think he has a lot more conscience than some people."

In the past, he would send the dog back to raise him when he was on business trips, but these few times he handed it over to Gu Yang to feed it.That's why she has the key here.

"Hey, hey, I don't want you to belittle people like this!"

"Did I say who has no conscience? Did I just say it was Gu Maomao?" The latter sentence was addressed to Leo. Leo blankly looked at the two hugging each other, rolling his dark eyes.Considering whether to pounce on it.

"Che Ziran, don't call me Maomao!!!"

Gu Yang bit his shoulder forcefully, Chen Ziran suffered from pain, and rolled on the sofa with her in his arms.In order to get rid of her biting skills, she kept scratching Gu Yang's body.Gu Yang smiled and rolled around on the sofa.

Seeing the two having a good time, Leo also cheered, barking twice.

Hearing its sound, the two stopped.

"Gu Yang, move here and live together!" He had wanted to say this sentence a long time ago.

"No!" She didn't show any face at all, she refused quite thoroughly.

But Chen Ziran was not discouraged at all, and continued his efforts: "Just now when I came back and saw you and Leo waiting for me at home, I felt really warm, and the exhaustion outside before was not worth mentioning. I really miss you I can move here so that I can see you anytime."

When he opened the door, he found that the lock was different.When he left, he locked the door from the outside, but it opened as soon as he opened it just now, so he guessed that Gu Yang must be inside.It was at that time that he felt a surge of tenderness.In an instant, she really wanted to pack up her people and not let go.

"Hmph, it would be nice if you had Leo to accompany you. I have no conscience, what are you doing here? Are you mad at you? Are you afraid that you will be mad at you to death?"

Gu Yang holds grudges very much in these matters.What's more, this is something that happened just now, so it's hard for her not to be hypocritical.

Chen Ziran now knows what it means to ask for trouble.With a bitter face, he said: "Isn't this just a joke? Can't I be wrong? I am as beautiful as a flower, gentle and generous, lovely and charming Miss Gu, please forgive me for my unintentional mistake this time. Lose it!"

If Mo Qingfeng was here, he would definitely feel that the world is hopeless. The man who was on the verge of going berserk just now is actually hugging Gu Yang and acting like a baby.No matter how you look at this picture, how do you feel it is shocking.

"Okay, but I have a little request!"

Gu Yang felt that he was elated at this moment, and said arrogantly: "I request that I have a separate bedroom!"

Cohabitation is cohabitation, and she still has the ethics she should have.

"Yes, no problem! You can sleep in whichever guest room you like here. I can still meet this requirement. If you want to share a room with me, I will have to think carefully about it."

Chen Ziran was cheeky and didn't feel ashamed at all.

(End of this chapter)

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