The biggest ex: love you don't run away

Chapter 145 Mother-in-law is here

Chapter 145 Mother-in-law is here
"You are so beautiful. Go dreaming!"

Gu Yang blushed.Push him away, and go to inspect the guest room here like a queen.

Gu Yang is not busy for the time being. An Yuhang is preparing to release a new album while it is hot. Chen Ziran arranges a 24-hour assistant for An Yuhang regardless of public or personal interests. Receive notification.There is also Sun Mingming who has been following.So she just let it go.

Most of the time, I went to watch An Yuhang's training.They are both in the company, so she and Chen Ziran have been together for a long time recently.

Because of some recent intimate moves between the two, some rumors began to spread slowly in DC.Sun Xiaomei asked her once, but she didn't say anything, she just told her not to follow others' advice.

Of course, she didn't completely ignore these rumors.It's just that of course she can't control other people's remarks, so she can only go back and torture Chen Ziran in a different way.

Who told him to be the culprit!

"Hey, get up!"

Early in the morning, a certain man who demanded so much last night scratched her itch.

Gu Yang was irritable, slapped his paws away with his hands, rolled over to the side wrapped in the quilt, and muttered, "Go away, don't disturb me to sleep!"

She was tortured enough last night, and she didn't fall asleep until midnight, but now he is full of food and drink, and he is in good spirits. Pity him for being listless and drowsy.

"Didn't everyone agree to take me to the airport last night?"

He was going on a business trip for a month, so he was so intemperate last night.He also forced her to agree to send him to the airport today, how could she know that she turned her face and refused to recognize anyone now.

"Don't go, don't go, don't go!!! Isn't it too early? You go to the company first, and we'll talk about it when I wake up."

His plane leaves at two o'clock in the afternoon, so there's no need to get up so early even if it's a drop-off, right?

"Then I'll go to the company first, will you come see me off in the afternoon?"

"Well, all right, all right, let's go."

Gu Yang waved his hand impatiently.I hope he will leave quickly and stop making me sleep.

Finally, a moment of tranquility was restored, and Gu Yang fell into a deep sleep again.

This sleep went straight to eleven o'clock in the morning, and she woke up again groggy.After checking the time on his phone, Gu Yang sat up in frustration, got out of bed and took his slippers to wash up.

Brushing his teeth sluggishly, looking at the disheveled hair in the mirror, thinking about whether to wash it once.

"Ding dong, ding dong!"

The doorbell rang outside.Gu Yang wondered, who would come at this time?Thinking that it might be his friends, she felt a little reluctant to go out.But he was afraid of making people wait for a long time, so he wiped his face carelessly, used his hand as a comb, and went out to open the door.

Leo heard someone outside, sitting at the door, wagging his tail vigorously.Gu Yang is even more convinced that people from outside come here often.Otherwise, it would be impossible for Leo, who is usually aloof, to be so eager.

"I'm coming!"

After wiping the water on his body carelessly, Gu Yang opened the door.Then, I was stunned.

"Uh...Hi Auntie!"

The person outside is Chen Ziran's mother.Zeng Yi who talked to her some time ago.

Zeng Yi obviously didn't expect Gu Yang to be here, she stopped by here today, and wanted to come up and have a look.But when I came up, I found that the key was not with me.Although she knew that her son would definitely not be at home at this time, she was still planning to give it a try. Unexpectedly, the person who opened the door gave her quite a thrill.

Gu Yang didn't expect it to be her either. He was shocked at first, but later became embarrassed.No matter who it is, it would be embarrassing to be caught at home by the boyfriend's parents, right?
"Long time no see, Miss Gu."

"Uh, Auntie, you can just call me Gu Yang, sit inside!" quickly made room for her.

She regretted in her heart that she shouldn't have stayed in bed in the morning, she should have gotten up early to go to the company with him.Sure enough, laziness kills people!
"You just woke up?"

Seeing that she was still in her pajamas and her hair was a bit messy, I probably knew that she had just woken up.

Zeng Yi's face was pale, showing no emotion.

"Well, that, I went to bed too late last night, and I did just wake up."

Gu Yang was shocked.I feel like I've left a bad impression on her again.Following the yelling and disrespect in the last conversation, she left a lazy image in front of her again.It is estimated that it is impossible for her to restore her image.

Zeng Yi nodded, took the tea from Gu Yang, put it aside without drinking it, and said, "Is Miss Gu serious this time?"

Gu Yang didn't know what she meant by her words, so he had to answer literally: "Since I moved here, I must be serious. I feel very sorry for treating you like that last time!"

She has always wanted to find a chance to apologize, but later she got busy and forgot about it, and when she saw her today, she remembered it again.

"Well, it doesn't matter, as long as my son is happy, it doesn't matter if I am wronged. It's just..." She paused before continuing: "I hope Miss Gu, you won't just disappear this time."

Although she didn't know all about why his son was decadent six years ago, she knew a general idea.Adding the photos she saw in his wallet before, she could easily know that Gu Yang was the culprit of his decadence.So, this is what worries her the most.

Since Gu Yang was able to leave as soon as she said six years ago and handled everything well, she can still do it now.

And the forces behind her.Although that force was not in C City, but he was able to wipe out those things, which is enough to see that the people behind Gu Yang are not simple.

So she was most worried about Gu Yang's intentions.

"Don't worry, I'm planning to settle in City C when I come back this time. Of course, I won't just leave."

Gu Yang didn't know how much she knew about the matter, but he didn't dare to say anything rashly, seeing that she knew everything.

"Well, let's go home with him someday and take a look. Let his father meet you by the way!"

"Well, he will be on a business trip for a month starting today, and when he comes back from his business trip, I will definitely pay a visit!"

This is the second time she has invited herself.This time, I absolutely dare not refuse.

"Well, since my son is not here, I will leave first."

"I'll take you out!"

Gu Yang didn't dare to neglect her, so he quickly got up and went out to press the elevator for her.Knowing that she was gone, he was relieved.

Although she looks gentle and gentle, but what a smiling tiger is, it's obviously her kind.Talking to her is more tiring than arguing with Ms. Shen Hua in my own family.

If she really gets married in the future, what will she do?
(End of this chapter)

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