Chapter 146
After packing up, Gu Yang came to the company.Although she really didn't want to come, but since she had promised him, she had to do it no matter what.

Because I was afraid of being seen and pointed at by people in the company.So she went directly to the president's special elevator in the underground parking lot.

"The president is talking with Mr. Lu inside now, do you want to wait in the reception room?"

Seeing her coming up, Mo Qingfeng of course knew what it was for. He arranged for her to rest in the reception room first, and then warned the little girls in the president's office to keep their mouths shut.Don't gossip around.

Everyone in the president's office is a fine person, of course they know what to say and what not to say.Although I think this news is very exciting, I still promise to keep my mouth shut.

Because they had to go to the airport in a hurry, the two didn't talk for a long time, and they came out soon.

When Lu Jun came out to see her, he seemed to have something to say, but he still didn't say anything.Gu Yang was stopped by Chen Ziran, so he didn't see his expression.

Chen Ziran was very satisfied with her coming as promised, and everyone in the president's office began to look at Gu Yang with admiration. It was this woman who made the usually cold and stern president warm like a spring breeze.It seems that she is the terminator of the president's peach blossom.

"Let's go!"

Everything has been prepared, and now we can go directly.

A special driver was arranged, so Gu Yang did not drive his own car.

It was summer vacation recently, and there were many students at the airport, and parents who took their children on a trip, and there were very few people dressed formally like them.

"The phone needs to be turned on 24 hours a day. If I catch you and don't answer the phone, you can clean it up and wait for me to come back to clean you up."

Before boarding the plane, Chen Ziran grabbed her viciously and explained a lot of miscellaneous things.

"I know, I know, go in quickly, don't block the people behind."

Gu Yang really couldn't stand his chatter.

After finally sending him away, Gu Yang asked the driver to wait for him outside and went to the bathroom.

When she came out, Gu Yang suddenly had a bad feeling, as if someone was watching her from a distance.It feels like a thorn in the back.

I looked around and saw nothing unusual.Talking to himself, he walked a few steps forward and his phone rang.

When she saw the caller ID, she struggled for a moment, considering whether to answer it or not.Because it was her mother who called.

"Damn girl, don't you want to answer my call?"

After thinking about it for a while, she still picked it up, but just as she put the phone aside, she heard her mother's angry roar.

"No way, I'm busy! I just saw the phone."

Anyway, she couldn't see what she was doing, Gu Yang refused to admit that she really wanted to not answer just now.

"Really? Then you struggled with looking at your phone for so long?"

Shen Hua's voice was cool, with a feeling of 'you are in imminent disaster'.


Gu Yang still wanted to quibble, but felt that something was wrong, and went around the airport again to patrol around.

She can guarantee that her mother is also in this terminal now.Otherwise, how would he know what she just did?
I regret it in my heart, I shouldn't have come today.Even if Chen Ziran's anger would tear down the house and torture her for a day and a night, she shouldn't have come.

Her lingering mother has returned.Her days are over!

Another very important issue is that she is currently living with Chen Ziran, and it will be a disaster if she finds out that something is wrong.

Fortunately, when she moved, she just moved some clothes.Because I was afraid that I would occasionally go back to live in the future, some daily necessities were not moved.

Thinking about it now, I really admire my ingenuity back then.

However, she searched around and still couldn't find her figure.I can't help but wonder if I'm being paranoid.

At this moment, I received a message from Lu Jun: "Come out! She's outside."

Looking at the text message, Gu Yang burst into tears of gratitude. Sure enough, at critical times, male girlfriends are still reliable.Mother or something, it's too bad.

Thinking of this, she would definitely not be able to go back to the company with the driver.So I found the phone and notified the driver.In the end, he told himself that Lu Jun had already told him not to wait.

"Hey, mom, alone, where's uncle?"

Gu Yang smirked and sat in the back seat.Steer the topic in a safer direction.

"He didn't come, what are you doing at the airport?"

"Uh, send the leader off, ha ha! Why didn't you tell me when you came back? How can I say that I am also your own daughter!"

Looking at Lu Jun who was driving, Gu Yang gritted his teeth in his heart, and he didn't even report what he knew.Wait for her mother to leave before cleaning him up.

"Tell you what to do? So that you have a chance to escape? Don't blame Lu Jun, I told him not to say it."

Gu Yang burst into tears in his heart.It really is my mother, I know her thoughts too well.If she had known the news in advance, she would have already taken the burden of money and gone to the refuge.Where will it be caught here.

"Then how long will you stay this time? Where will you live?"

She was listless.I have already been able to see how my future self will be in dire straits.Then he suddenly remembered Zeng Yilai in the morning.Thinking that if these two people match up, it will definitely be very interesting, right?

"It is expected to stay for a month. You are my daughter. Where do you say I live? I have raised you for so long for nothing!"

Crying without tears!

"Okay, then shall we go to the supermarket to buy your daily necessities first, and then go to eat?"

Gu Yang has already accepted this cruel fact.Resigned to fate.

"Yes! But won't this delay Lu Jun's work? It should be still working time at this time, right?"

"It's okay, I'm not busy in the afternoon, I can go with you!"

Lu Jun said with a smile.Allay her doubts!
"Tch, what should have been delayed has already been delayed, is it too fake to say it now?" Just as he finished speaking, he suffered a violent shudder on the head.Covering the sore spot, he silently moved a little to the safe side, and then said tearfully, "I'm getting angry from embarrassment."

"You white-eyed wolf! You are here to annoy me, aren't you?"

"I'm afraid that your daily life will be monotonous, so I'm angry with you. I don't bother to anger her with ordinary people."

"Don't play tricks on me, I don't know how happy you are without you." Now, her husband has also retired, and the company has been handed over to Arthur to handle it. People accompany her every day, and she doesn't know how much she lives. full.

"I told you to go back and manage the company with Arthur, but you don't want to. I really don't know what attracts you in this city of C. If you want to die, come back!"

For this point, Shen Hua is quite critical.There are not many relatives on her ex-husband's side.She is clearly in Italy, but Gu Yang insists that City C is her home and she must come back.

(End of this chapter)

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