The biggest ex: love you don't run away

Chapter 147 Blind date without a boyfriend

Chapter 147 Blind date without a boyfriend
"You do not understand!"

Gu Yang didn't want to get entangled with her on this issue.

After the three of them went to the supermarket to search around, Gu Yang originally said to go out to eat.But Shen Hua clamored to go back and make soup for her.I had to go back and buy a lot of vegetables and cook them myself.

"Why do I feel like no one has lived here for a long time?"

As soon as Shen Hua entered the room, he felt that it didn't seem like there were always people there, but it seemed like it had been idle for a month or two.

"Aren't I busy? I don't usually eat at home. I just come back to sleep. Hehe!"

Gu Yangsheng was afraid that she would notice something was wrong.Playing sloppy.

"Then you eat out all the time? Don't you know that your stomach is bad?" Shen Hua became worried when he heard that she didn't eat at home.Gu Yang couldn't eat for a while, but gradually he developed a stomach problem.It scared her badly.

"Oh, I know, don't worry, I won't make fun of my own body anymore. I cherish it!"

In the past, it was because she was ignorant that she abused her body.Now she won't do such a stupid thing.

"Lu Jun, after I go back, you can help me watch her more. If she dares to do anything to hurt herself, you must tell me immediately!"

"Well, definitely!"

Everyone who knows Shen Hua knows, don't refute her. , otherwise you will die miserably.Of course Lu Jun also knew about this.So it was straightforward to say yes.But he was thinking in his heart that it was enough for Chen Ziran to worry about these things, and he didn't need to get involved again.

"Go out and sort out my things, don't get in the way here!"

To trouble her, Shen Hua drove Gu Yang out.

Gu Yang reluctantly walked out, and when he got to Lu Jun's side, he gave him a warning look, signaling him not to say what he shouldn't say.

Fortunately, Shen Hua didn't ask Lu Jun about anything.

During dinner at night, unfortunately, Chen Ziran's phone call came.Gu Yang wept silently in his heart, it was really a bad year, and he came here for whatever he was afraid of.

【Have you got a meal yet? 】

Shen Hua signaled her to answer the phone with his eyes, so Gu Yang didn't dare to turn a blind eye.Trembling through the phone.


[Think I didn't? 】

dying!How to ask these questions?How should she answer?In front of her, there is a mother with poisonous eyes watching her at any time.What did she dare to say?
What she is praying for now is that the phone will run out of battery soon, and turn it off quickly!
"Has the president arrived now? Otherwise, you can eat first, and I will report to you by email later!"

Anyway, it's better to get rid of the one in front of you first.It will be a month before Chen Ziran will come back, so it's better to appease him slowly at that time.

So regardless of what he was talking about, Gu Yang hung up the phone quickly and accurately.And when putting the phone down, he 'accidentally' dropped the phone to the ground.Declare dead!
Chen Ziran looked at the phone that was ringing with a busy tone, and couldn't believe what happened just now.Called back again, it was turned off.

He really didn't know what Gu Yang was doing now, so he did what Gu Yi said in response to his own words, and blamed his phone, and what's more, it was turned off? ? ?

When he goes back, no matter how much Gu Yang begs for mercy, he will never let her go!
"Oh, the current mobile phone can't stand the drop. It's broken just like that!"

Gu Yang picked up the dead body of the phone with a look of regret, and mourned for a while.Of course Lu Jun knew who was calling, so he suppressed his laughter forcefully.I dare not show it.

"Who's calling? Boyfriend?"

Shen Hua is so shrewd, of course he can see Gu Yang's intention to cover up.He intuitively guessed that the identity of the caller must be unusual.

"Please! How is it possible? This is the president of our company, the one I dropped off at the airport today. I have something to ask him for instructions. He is abroad now, and he just called and asked me to email him the documents. Don't do that Are you sensitive?"

Gu Yang didn't want to tell her about this when the two of them hadn't settled down at all, otherwise, with her and Arthur's personalities of protecting weaknesses.He will definitely tie himself back to Italy, and he will never set foot in City C again.

Therefore, so far, the only option is to sacrifice Chen Ziran and wrong him a bit.Give him an explanation when you have time.

"is it?"

Shen Hua was skeptical, but couldn't tell what was wrong.

"Of course it is. Why should I lie to you? If only it was my boyfriend. Tall, rich and handsome, I can't spend all my money in this lifetime!"

Gu Yang tried to change the topic so that she would stop paying attention to this matter.But she obviously underestimated Shen Hua's persistence.

"Look at how promising you are! Did I ask you? I asked Lu Jun!"

Gu Yang glanced at Lu Jun sharply.

"She is indeed going to see off the president today. I arranged for her to go."

Of course, Lu Jun still defended Gu Yang, and he knew about her affairs.He also understands the situation in her family.So even if she didn't tell him, she and he wouldn't betray her.

Although he doubted his daughter's character, Shen Hua believed in Lu Jun very much.At the moment, I believed the words of the two of them.

After dinner, Gu Yang was rushed to wash the dishes, and the two watched TV in the living room.

"Gu Yang! You haven't forgotten what I told you back then, have you?"

Now that it has been confirmed that Gu Yang has no boyfriend now, Shen Hua is of course ready to start his greatest matchmaking career.In particular, the object of service is her daughter, which makes her feel even more challenged!

"Ah, what did you say?"

She would warn herself a lot every time, so Gu Yang didn't know what she was referring to at all.

"I told you that if you haven't got a boyfriend after your birthday, I will arrange a blind date for you. You agreed, have you forgotten?"

She really forgot!
What to do now?Is it too late to pack up and abscond temporarily?

"Uh, that... don't be in a hurry, I'm busy with work recently!" At this point, she had no choice but to use work as an excuse.Can't find any other good reason.

"If you're busy, just quit. I don't mind!"

After washing the dishes, Gu Yang came out of the kitchen and said, "You can resign as soon as you say it, that's my job! I signed the contract. If you can say it, you can resign!"

Lu Jun glanced at her, wondering what her contract looked like, but Gu Yang stared back at her!Touching his nose and watching the battle without speaking.

"It doesn't matter, I can still afford this liquidated damages. How much do you want?"

Gu Yang was dumbfounded, he really felt that her mother was getting richer and richer now.When it comes to giving money, he doesn't even blink his eyes. This character is really not cute!
(End of this chapter)

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