Chapter 148
"It's not about the money! Oh, what do you like! It's up to you!"

What Gu Yang thought was, she had been away from City C for more than ten years, and she had already lost contact with her. Where could she find someone to go on a blind date with her?With such thoughts, she felt that it didn't matter.

"I really don't understand you. Is there any mother who wishes her daughter would get married soon? People who don't know think I'm not wanted."

Gu Yang muttered a lot of complaints.

"Isn't it that no one wants it? If someone wants it, I won't be in a hurry. Now I can't wait to put a cheap sale label on your forehead."

cheap sale
The corner of Gu Yang's mouth twitched, wondering if the person in front of him was really his own mother?
"Actually, I still think that Lu Jun is a pretty good kid." At night, when the mother and daughter slept together on the same bed, Shen Hua still tried to persuade Gu Yang to 'return to the good' and fled to Lu Jun's embrace.

"Well, it's pretty good!"

Gu Yang also admitted that Lu Jun is indeed a very good person.

"Then why don't you two call? You're not that bad, are you?"

Gu Yang was no stranger to her way of belittling herself in one of the two sentences, and said without raising her eyebrows: "Emotional matters can't be forced, the two of us don't have the feelings of men and women, we are friends. it is good!"

"Hey! I'm so worried!"

If you don't stay in a female university, if you stay or stay, you will become enemies!She just wished she could get married as soon as possible!When she was her age, Gu Yang could talk and walk.

"Hey, I said, Kyle and the others are also very good. Why don't you match us up?"

She has been curious about this question for a long time.

"No, no! There are too many pornographic stories about them, I can't push you into the pit of fire!"

Although she hoped that Gu Yang would fall in love and get married quickly, she still had some persistence, after all, she was her own, so how could she casually find someone with a bad reputation to marry!
"Well, you're pretty normal!"

Fortunately for Gu Yang, it's a good thing that the few of them are restless, otherwise he would die even worse.

For the next period of time, Gu Yang was really busy going around every day.The recording studio and the studio ran back and forth like a spinning top.

Shen Hua doesn't need her to accompany him, he is busier than Gu Yang every day, he goes out early in the morning, and sometimes Gu Yang comes back at night, but she hasn't come back yet.

Gu Yang doesn't know what she's busy with, but thinking that she has something to do, she won't calculate her relationship problems all day long.I am also happy and at ease, leaving her alone.

"Okay! Ka! Let's take a break first!"

After a 'click', the silent studio came alive.Gu Yang handed the chilled mineral water bottle to Xiang Nan, and turned the small fan beside her to blow on her.

Now she really admires Xiang Nan and the others. It's a hot day, so they are wrapped in three layers of clothes, and they have to film without changing their expressions. Thinking about it, it is not something ordinary people can do.

After a short rest, I will start shooting again soon, so I can't change my clothes, and I dare not use a strong fan for fear of ruining my hairstyle.There is no air conditioning outside.So there is only a small fan and a bottle of ice water, which is the biggest cooling tool.

It was a hot day, and Xiang Nan was still sweating a little, and Xiaoli was helping her touch up her makeup.

"What's the matter with you recently? You seem to be very busy?"

Xiang Nan knows that An Yuhang is preparing for a new album recently, but it should not be the busiest time in the post-production period, right?She seemed to be too busy.

"Hey, stop talking!"

Gu Yang waved his hand, he really didn't want to bring up this sad matter.She was so tired recently, not because of work, but because of two people.In addition to fighting against her mother every day, she still has to deal with Chen Ziran's calls at any time.

She had hung up on him several times, and although she apologized after each incident, she still felt that Chen Ziran was unhappy.If it weren't for the fact that the work over there was really important, he would have killed him long ago.

He also asked Gu Yang what happened, but she just faltered and gave an ambiguous reason.But he obviously didn't believe it.

Gu Yang felt that it had only been more than a week, but in her opinion, it had already been ten years.

"Why didn't you tell your mother clearly?"

Xiang Nan was speechless, she made such a fuss over such a small matter?These two are really busy.

"You don't understand! My mother is very defensive. If someone hadn't dragged her back then, she would have rushed back and killed Chen Ziran and Yin Luo. She hates me and them getting mixed up the most in her life. Because she was afraid that I would be tempted again, she repeatedly prevented me from coming back."

In the past, an uncle stopped her, but now she is alone in City C, and no one is controlling her, so she must be helpless again.If I let her know about Chen Ziran's existence...
Gu Yang trembled, shivering coldly, not daring to think about it anymore.That scene must be bloody!
"Although I don't understand, but you are...unfair to him?"

As an outsider, she felt that Chen Ziran was very pitiful.I still don't know how he struggled to work abroad.

"No way, I have to get over the difficulties in front of me first, and I will explain to him when the time comes! You have to keep it secret for me!"

"Okay, okay, don't worry! I won't say anything!"

Every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite, although she doesn't understand how much Gu Yang is afraid of her mother, but since she has decided to do this, she can't make it difficult for her!
After confiding, Gu Yang felt much better.

"You actually want to go on a blind date without telling the truth???" An unbelievable business sounded from behind, and Gu Yang knew that things were going to happen as soon as he heard the voice.

It's Yin Luo!
She had always wanted to find some fault with herself, preferably news that would ruin her reputation.It's good to take this opportunity to make her unable to stay in front of Chen Ziran. Now that she knows the news, she still doesn't know how she will make trouble before giving up!
"I can't tell that Star Yin still has the habit of listening to people's corners! I really underestimated you before."

Losing is not losing, how could Gu Yang be intimidated by her words.

"You haven't answered my question yet, and you went on a blind date behind your back, what do you think of him?" Yin Luo pointed at Gu Yang, as if she had done something outrageous.

When the people around heard her excited voice, they all stopped what they were doing and looked at the two of them.

Gu Yang was irritated by so many people paying attention to him!Putting the script in hand aside, stood up and shouted: "What do I take him for, what's your business?"

(End of this chapter)

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