Chapter 149
"Of course it's none of my business. He's not a commodity. You can take whatever you want and throw it away if you want. If you do this, aren't you afraid that I will tell him?"

Yin Luo was so annoyed by her indifferent attitude.

"Okay, then go! See if she believes in you or me!"

She didn't believe that Chen Ziran would willingly believe in her, and she didn't believe in herself either.

At this point, she originally thought that Yin Luo would explode and become furious, and then immediately called to complain.Unexpectedly, Yin Luo suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and left.

Gu Yang looked at her back, not understanding what she was thinking.But her intuition told her it was not that simple.

"Mom, what's the matter?" Gu Yang was preparing to call it a day on the set, handed over the matter in hand to Sun Mingming, and then walked aside to answer the phone.

"Are you done? When will you be back?"

"Hey! Are you home now?"

Gu Yang is really surprised, it is still early at this time, she has been going out early and returning late recently, and she is at home at this time, if she is at home at this time, it is really the sun coming out from the west.

"Nonsense, of course I'm at home, when are you coming back?"

Shen Hua carefully touched up his makeup in the mirror, preparing to go out later.

"Well, soon, come back now, maybe 10 minutes if there is no traffic jam!" Today is the weekend and summer vacation, so even if this time is the rush hour for get off work, the chance of traffic jam is very small.She might get home a little earlier.

"Oh, you don't need to come back, go directly to Shengshi, I will wait for you there!"


Gu Yang was suspicious, why did the two of them go to create the world so well?There must be a ghost!She won't go back without asking!
"Oh, your mother and my former friend invited me to dinner, I can't say no, can I? Besides, they brought their husband with them, if I go alone, I'm so weak, that's why Pull you to help me calm down the situation!"

Gu Yang 囧!
town place. .It's thanks to her that she can say such weird and fierce words.

"Forget it, go by yourself, or you can take Lu Jun there, I don't want to go!"

She already felt terrible by herself, if there was another aunt of her age. .Gu Yang shook the goose bumps on his body, it's better not to think about such a horrible picture.

That picture was so beautiful, she couldn't bear to look directly at it!
"Lu Jun accompany me? Then how should I introduce? This is my son-in-law??? Let me tell you, Gu Maomao, you have to go today, if you don't go, you will die!"

Frustrated by the word "son-in-law", Gu Yang said perfunctorily, "Okay, I'll go, can't I go? Shengshi, right, I'll go from here in about [-] minutes later." That's all right, hurry up!"

As long as she calls herself 'Gu Maomao', it means that she is about to lose her temper. At this time, fools will continue to disobey her.

"Well, good boy, you go first, I may be a little later!"

Hearing that his daughter had compromised, Shen Hua's attitude turned cloudy again.

Gu Yang put his mobile phone into his bag, ready to go to see how Xiang Nan was packing up.Fortunately, she sent Leo to Xiang Nan and asked her to raise him for a few days at the very beginning, otherwise she would really be at a loss.

"You look very melancholy!" Xiang Nan teased her.

She had already packed up and was just waiting for Gu Yang to finish his phone call before leaving.After saying goodbye to everyone, the three of them walked slowly to the parking lot.

"Hey." Gu Yang was listless, she was almost spoiled by her mother recently: "I'll send you back first!"

Xiang Nan was sent by Jin Ruichen today, so he didn't drive.Originally, he was going to pick her up in the afternoon, but he seemed to be unable to come due to a temporary meeting.

"No, if you have something to do, you can leave first, and I'll just take a taxi back by myself."

"I'll see you off, I'm not in a hurry!"

Originally, she was planning to go directly to Shengshi, but her mother would delay for a while, so if she went alone and waited stupidly, she might as well send Xiangnan back first.Anyway, it won't take much time.

. .

"Be careful with Yin Luo recently!"

After sending Xiang Nan to the south, she looked at herself worriedly when she was about to leave.

"Huh? What happened to her?"

Although Yin Luo's way of retreating without a fight today really puzzled her, but Yin Luo couldn't do anything earth-shattering, right?It's just fanning the wind in front of Chen Ziran and lighting a fire.Now she is not afraid of her.

"I saw who she seemed to be calling on the phone just now. It's quite mysterious. I'm afraid she will do something to hurt you again!"

Xiang Nan is quite familiar with Yin Luo's methods, so she is very worried about Gu Yang now.In any case, the Yin family is considered powerful in City C.Gu Yang, a small manager, how could he beat her?

"Oh, I see! It's okay, don't worry, Yin Luo can't do anything to me!"

Although this is City C, she still doesn't pay attention to a little Yin Luo.

After saying goodbye to Xiang Nan, Gu Yang drove the car slowly towards Shengshi by himself.

On the way, she made a short phone call to someone.

Arriving at Shengshi's parking lot, when he was about to park his car, the phone rang. Gu Yang saw that it was her mother calling, and he thought she had already arrived, but he couldn't find him.

She didn't answer the phone, stopped the car near the elevator entrance, and walked to the elevator with her bag.

"Really, didn't you say you'll be there soon? Why are you here now?"

She didn't call her mother until she arrived in the hall. Ms. Shen Hua was obviously very dissatisfied with her late arrival, but because there were other people present, her tone was mild.

"Just sent Xiangnan back, so there was a little delay!"

Gu Yang didn't feel sorry for her at all, but he still felt embarrassed for the other family who was waiting for her.He quickly nodded and apologized to them.

When she saw the two people who came, she knew she was being played again.

Didn't you agree that her classmate's husband will accompany you?What happened to the young man standing beside this beautiful woman in front of him?Just by looking at their faces, you can tell that he is her son, right?
"Don't just stand there, let's sit down and talk!"

Although Gu Yang was late, but she was able to come, Shen Hua was already very satisfied.

"This is your Aunt Lin, and this is her son, Lin Shan. This is my daughter, Gu Yang!" As soon as he sat down, Shen Hua couldn't wait to introduce the two young people to each other.

Gu Yang smiled and nodded to the two of them.It's already here, she can't just leave with a face, right?Although she already knew what her purpose of appearing here today was, even though she was disgusted, she still had to be patient.Be a good girl.

(End of this chapter)

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