Chapter 152 White Lotus

"I really wonder if you are my real mother! You are so sloppy!"

Gu Yang was physically and mentally exhausted that night.Already you are close to collapse.

"Okay, okay, you go to sleep first, I'll do my own self-criticism!" Shen Hua also knew that he really stumbled this time, and decided to sum up the experience this time, and get up from wherever he fell.Keep up the good work next time.

Seeing her excited look, Gu Yang guessed what she was thinking.I don't want to change her mind anymore.When the soldiers came to cover up the water and soil, she didn't believe that she had nothing to do.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"What are you doing?" After taking a shower, Jin Ruichen embraced Xiangnan happily smiling at the phone while hugging her on the bed, buried her head on her neck, and took a deep breath.

"I'm chatting with Gu Yang!"

Xiang Nan didn't even lift his head, his fingers quickly flew over the screen.After sending the message, he turned around and shared the chat message with Gu Yang with him.

"Blind date? If I remember correctly, she should have a boyfriend, right?"

He didn't know what Gu Yang was doing, he went on a blind date even though he had a boyfriend.And complained to Xiang Nan.

"En, yes! She does have a boyfriend." Gu Yang sent another message and replied to Nan, while talking to Jin Ruichen about the general reason for the incident.

"Uh... Then Chen Ziran, does he know?"

He didn't understand the big deal between those two people, so Gu Yang didn't dare to confess their relationship to her mother.But this kind of thing is unacceptable to any man, right?
"Of course I don't know. Don't tell him. I trust you, so I told you!"

Thinking of the unusual relationship between the man in front of him and Chen Ziran, Xiang Nan hurriedly warned him.Otherwise, if Gu Yang was busy dealing with her mother, the backyard caught fire, and she would be guilty of a serious crime.

"Don't worry, why am I such a person?"

Not wanting an insignificant Gu Yang to disturb the sexual life of the two of them, Jin Ruichen stretched out his hand and pulled her mobile phone, still on the side, pulled her over, and rolled over on top.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Xiang Nan wanted to get up and get back her phone, she and Gu Yang were chatting excitedly, if she suddenly ignored her, it would be bad!

"Leave her alone, she has nothing to do by herself. Let's find something to do with us too!"

"Hey, don't. Where are you touching..."

The night is getting deeper, the love is getting stronger~
I don't know if my complaint really played a role, her mother really stopped for a few days.She doesn't go out early and return late. Every day when she comes home, she has already prepared the meals properly.He didn't even mention the blind date. Gu Yang was afraid that this would be the calm before the storm, so he lived every day with trepidation.

However, it is quite good to have someone who cooks and cleans at home every day.

Chen Ziran seemed to be very busy these days, and often found time to call him, but he would hang up hastily after a few words.

Gu Yang didn't take it seriously, thinking it was just busy with work, and he didn't take it seriously at all.I don't think there is any problem.

But Xiang Nan didn't think so.

"He doesn't know something, so he is deliberately avoiding you?"

Gu Yang thought about it, and said with certainty: "No, if he knew, he would have called me to question me a long time ago. He should be really busy."

Even though he said that, his heart still skipped a beat.

just in case. .What if he knew?

"But you're not sure, has anyone told him? He doesn't call you now, maybe because he doesn't fully believe that person. But, if..."

The person Xiang Nan is worried about is Yin Luo.In this case, if she played dirty tricks behind her back, there would be a rift between the two of them.

"If there is no if, I believe him. I didn't do anything to be sorry for him. Nothing will happen to him."

"Well, anyway, you can figure it out yourself!"

Xiang Nan was a little worried about her, but now it's time for her to act.So just leave her there alone.

She was still shaken by Xiang Nan's words.So regardless of whether the time was right or not, he directly dialed Chen Ziran's number.


It took a long time before he answered the phone with a strong nasal voice.

"Uh, are you sleeping?"

Gu Yang asked cautiously.After he answered the phone, he guessed the problem of jet lag.At this time, it should be around two o'clock in the middle of the night, right?

"Well, what's the matter?"

He had a meeting to work and knew that he had only returned to bed an hour ago, and she had just fallen asleep when she called.I have been working almost non-stop for the past few days, and I fell asleep when I was already tired.So it's a bit overwhelming to answer the phone now.

", you go to bed first! I'll hang up first!"

Gu Yang hung up the phone without waiting for his response.Although I knew he was sleeping and couldn't disturb him, I still couldn't tell what it was like.


In the dressing room, Gu Yang left a stack of scripts on the dressing table, startling the people inside.

"You all go out first!"

Glancing around at the people inside, he was not angry and arrogant!
Managers, assistants, makeup artists, and those odd jobs all looked at Yin Luo in blank dismay, waiting for her to speak.Gu Yang is just a small manager, they don't need to listen to her.

"You guys go out first, we'll call you when we're done talking!"

Compared with Gu Yang's viciousness and danger, Yin Luo is now more gentle and generous.

With a sneer, he said, "Now you are pretending to be more and more like a white lotus. I really underestimated you!" Just now, he has more and more carried out his villain image to the end.If some people are unconscious, maybe they will spread some random rumors from it.

"Could it be that you came to me just to talk about this?"

Yin Luo looked at his nails casually, which was quite different from the weak image just now.

"Let me ask you, did you say something to Chen Ziran?"

Squinting his eyes, Gu Yang tried to see something on her face.But as an actor, Yin Luo wouldn't do what she wanted.

"I don't know why you said that. Didn't you say confidently that he wouldn't believe me before? Then it's useless for me to say anything to him, right?"

Yin Luo would not be frightened by her.

"Of course he won't believe your words. I'm just asking you."

She was right, she firmly believed that Chen Ziran would not trust her casually.So the more anxious she is now in front of her, the happier she will be.She can't make such a low-level mistake.

(End of this chapter)

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