Chapter 153 Opportunity
Gu Yang didn't say anything more, and walked out.

Recently, her nerves have been too tense, and she is a little bit like a soldier.

At this time, she received a call.The call was from her friend in Italy.In fact, he is an American. Because of Arthur, the two have met several times.Later, the two unexpectedly had a similar taste, beyond everyone's expectations.Gu Yang followed him to many places all day long.I also learned a lot.

Especially on set.

Because he is a director.A director who only produces one play a year.Compared with Director Wang here, one is in the sky and the other is in the ground.There is no comparison at all.

He is the guarantee of the box office, no one will doubt his strength.As long as it is a movie made by him, it will definitely be empty.Some blockbuster films even directly changed their release dates in order not to collide with his films.

And because Gu Yang often hangs out with him, her mother once thought that Gu Yang fell in love with him and the two would get married.But he didn't expect that he simply regarded Gu Yang as a man.

Calculating the time, his new movie this year should start shooting soon.

"Hey, baby, you know my bottom line. I can't just agree to the person you force on me just because I have a good relationship with you."

When William heard that she was going to recommend the heroine for his movie, he was terrified for a while.I called myself only to hear about her recent tragedy from Arthur, so I came here to express condolences and cheer up.It's not about letting her stuff herself with women casually.

"You didn't even read it, so why did you say it was given to you casually? Anyway, I have been with you for two years, and I still understand your aesthetics. When can you arrange a time to come to City C to have a look? !"

Gu Yang is angry!He didn't give him any face.Anyway, she recommended it to him after careful consideration, okay?Originally, she planned to find him to try, but she didn't expect him to come up to the gun by himself.This is a trial of his own heart.

If he can take over William's movie, Xiangnan will definitely become popular all over the world.

Of course, although she really wanted Xiang Nan to be elected, she would not force William to elect Xiang Nan.If William is not satisfied, she will not force it.At most, she could help Xiang Nan win this opportunity that no one else dared to think about.Whether it can succeed or not depends on Xiang Nan's performance.

"Well, okay! Come and see when I'm free!"

Influenced by Arthur, the few men were surprisingly tolerant towards Gu Yang.Completely at her disposal.

"Anything else?"

With his consent, Gu Yang's mood improved a lot.

"Well, I just want to ask, are you satisfied with the blind date your mother arranged for you?"

Gu Yang's black line, he didn't want to talk to him in an instant, hoping that he would go as far as he could, and said viciously: "Then it seems that you have nothing to do, I'm still busy, goodbye!"

He even dared to call overseas to laugh at her.

When he appears in front of you, you must make him look good!

In the evening, Gu Yang didn't go back directly, but ran to Lu Jun's house.

Lu Jun was a little surprised by her appearance.Because she had never come to him alone.The sun is expected to rise in the west tomorrow.

"Have you eaten yet?" Handing her a glass of water, Lu Jun calmly sat beside her.

"Eat, eat!"

After Xiang Nan finished work today, she ate a boxed lunch on the set.

"Then what's the matter looking for me?"

If she said that she came to him when she had nothing to do, he would not believe it.

"I can't find you if I have nothing to do? I'm not welcome?" Gu Yang glared.It seemed like this should be her home, and Lu Jun was just a tenant and let her bully him.

"Okay, of course!" She said yes, but in her heart she didn't believe that she was fine.Gu Yang has such a character, the more he is about to be exposed, the more he refuses to admit it.

In fact, Gu Yanglai wanted to ask him to inquire about some news about William's new movie. Knowing yourself and your enemy is invincible, even if you are a buddy, you have to make preparations quietly.

"You have such a good relationship with him, why don't you go by yourself?"

Lu Jun didn't want to go.When I met William at school, it was really not a very good process.Although the two became friends later, for the sake of his own innocence, he still didn't want to send him to his door to be molested by him.

"I don't want to be too obvious. Please, please!"

Gu Yang looked at him pitifully.Now in City C, he is the only one closest to me, who else can I look for if I don't look for him?She wouldn't dare to find Arthur, Kyle?It's even more unreliable, and there are a few other guys who can run by everyone.Totally unreliable.

Only Lu Jun is the most reliable.So, if you don't look for him, who can you look for?
"Hey, well, just this once!"

"It's not an example!"

Gu Yang immediately returned to normal, as if the poor beggar just now couldn't understand himself.

"How is your blind date?"

Recently, she and her mother have calmed down a lot, and no one calls him for help anymore, so I don't know how the two are doing recently.

Some time ago, due to the earth-shaking changes in C City in the past few years, Shen Hua couldn't tell the difference between the south, the south, and the north, so he was sent several times for free.During this time, he disappeared inexplicably.

"Hey, I protested some time ago, but it seems to have calmed down a bit recently. Who knows about her?"

Gu Yang let her go, anyway, she will not stay in C City for long.Every August, Arthur and the others will have a big family gathering, which is organized by her mother every year.She will definitely go back early in a few days.

"How about I teach you a way to get out?"

Lu Jun felt sorry for her.I also want to help her.Of course, he still has his own selfishness.

"Of course I do!"

Gu Yang looked like you idiot, why didn't you say it earlier.Listening to his plan.

Lu Jun's method is very simple.It's as simple as two words.


Gu Yang slapped his forehead and said, "How could I have forgotten this bastard. Your suggestion is very practical, thank you so much, I won't disturb you, let's go first!"

After getting the two-character mantra, Gu Yang felt like a treasure.While walking, he took his mobile phone and serially confessed to the half-brother.

Since Qiuqiu was born, his mother has always been by his side. She has never been away for such a long time. Her mother loves him very much, so as long as he can call his mother and cry, express his longing for his mother , Shen Hua will definitely go back early.

Then she will be able to be freed from the sea of ​​suffering.Moreover, he can properly and concentrate on dealing with Chen Ziran's affairs.

(End of this chapter)

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