The biggest ex: love you don't run away

Chapter 154 Prison Disaster

Chapter 154 Prison Disaster
Gu Yang didn't know how Qiuqiu told Her Lady Queen.Anyway, three days later, her mother said she was going back to Italy in two days.Of course she couldn't show a very happy look, but told her very regretfully that she would take good care of herself.

Therefore, when she sat in Shengshi facing the man in front of her again, Gu Yang was a little dumbfounded.

Okay, how about going back?
Why do you have to arrange another blind date for her before going back?
How afraid is she that she won't be able to marry?
Gu Yang wanted to vomit blood.

"Miss Gu seems to be in a bad mood!"

Zhang Tingyuan, who is Gu Yangxin's blind date, looked at the woman in front of him constantly looking at the time, frowning all the time, a little strange.Although he is not narcissistic, he still thinks he is an excellent young man, right?Although he can't compare to those movie stars in appearance, he is still handsome, right?Why does she look so sad?
"Ah? No!"

Gu Yang fiddled with the spaghetti on the plate without interest, but Gu Yang couldn't finish it.Before coming here, she had already had a box lunch with the crew.They were dragged out after they got home.

Her mother was fine, after introducing the two of them to each other, she put oil on the soles of her feet and slipped away.Leaving her here alone is embarrassing.Moreover, this person doesn't look like a talkative person. If both of them are silent, it will be embarrassing, right?

"I seem to have something on my mind when I look at Miss Gu. I thought I had let you down."

"How come? Actually, I was thinking, how did my mother know such an excellent man as you. You also know that she lives abroad all year round, so she shouldn't know you. "

When they came in, Zhang Tingyuan was the only one inside.Doesn't look like it's coming with family.

Moreover, judging by his age and aura, he didn't seem like someone who would be arranged by his family members to participate in a blind date.

"Speaking of which, Ms. Gu and I met once, but it may have been a long time ago, or you were not in good condition at the time, so I can't remember."

Gu Yang carefully searched for his memory in his mind, but there was none at all, which was a bit impressive.Others remember her, but she has no image at all.

"That... I really don't seem to remember."

"Then I will introduce myself again. My name is Zhang Tingyuan, and I am a lawyer. I met you once six years ago."

Zhang Tingyuan, lawyer, six years ago.

Gu Yang remembered who it was.

"Do you remember it?"

Seeing her understanding, Zhang Tingyuan smiled.

"Well, I really thank you back then!" She didn't even recognize the person who helped her a lot back then, and it was indeed her fault.

"Where, this is my job, but it is my honor to get to know you."

Gu Yang once had an unexplained prison disaster, and then Shen Hua came forward and found their company to help deal with it. He had just filed a few perfect lawsuits when he debuted, and thus became famous.So Shen Hua went directly to him.After many parties' coordination and evidence collection, Gu Yang was finally released on bail.

Later, she went to Italy.

That period was the darkest period in Gu Yang's life, and it was normal for her not to remember herself.

"Then have you been in touch with my mother since then?"

Gu Yang felt that her mother didn't seem like someone who would keep in touch with strangers for so many years, so she probably forgot it when she returned to Italy.

"Of course not. It's just that I happened to meet her when I went to see a client a few days ago. Then... I was drawn here."

Zhang Tingyuan smiled wryly.At that time she asked if she had a girlfriend, and when he said no, Shen Hua's eyes lit up.He insisted on coming here to see her daughter.

Thinking that he was also his former client, he still came here with the mentality of not offending others.Another reason is that he also wanted to see how the little girl was doing now.

Now it seems that she should be doing well.

"So you didn't want to come either?"

Gu Yang heaved a sigh of relief when he heard that.The whole person relaxed: "I was also forced to come here, you don't even know how crazy my mother is."

Zhang Tingyuan was forced by her before, so he also has a deep understanding.

The two chatted like this, without any restraint from before.It's not like two strange men and women who came out on a blind date.On the contrary, it's like a friend I've known for a long time.
Moreover, Gu Yang discovered that the two of them had many similar preferences.

"Then you should be able to meet many celebrities as an agent now, right? I seem to have seen you on TV some time ago."

He didn't pay much attention to entertainment news, so he didn't pay much attention to it, but she seemed to have a little impression when she said it now.

"Really? Haha. I'm just a soy saucer too."

Gu Yang is sorry, although she used to hang out on the set a lot, and went to several big entertainment companies abroad, but she had never been on TV before this.

"Well, but it's not easy for you as a girl to do this."

The entertainment industry is a big dye vat, and there are too many pious people in it. As a girl, even if she has seen it before, it is always difficult to do it by herself.

"Haha, it's okay. Sorry, I'll answer the phone first."

The call was from Chen Ziran.At this time, it should be five or six in the morning, right?Why are you calling at this time?


Although puzzled, she answered the phone without delay.

"Are you busy?"

His voice was cold, no emotion could be heard, and the surroundings were peaceful without any other noises.

"Not busy, how about you? Haven't slept yet?"

Gu Yang was worried about his body.

"No, I woke up and missed you. I just called you. What are you doing now?"

Gu Yang raised his head, looked at Zhang Tingyuan in front of him, hesitated for a moment, and said, "I'm shopping outside alone. I don't want to cook, and I'm looking for something to eat."

Zhang Tingyuan raised his eyebrows when he heard her words.He knew that the person on the phone must have a difficult relationship with her.


For some reason, when Gu Yang heard his words, although there was no difference in tone from the tone just now, she instinctively felt that Chen Ziran was unhappy.

"Then go shopping slowly, I'll hang up first."

After finishing speaking, he hung up without waiting for her to reply.

She knew in her heart that there must be something she had overlooked.The feeling just now was not an illusion, Chen Ziran was indeed unhappy.But why?

Moreover, he was clearly upset just now when he said he was shopping.

Did he know he was lying to him?

How would he know?She didn't meet any acquaintances today, so no one would tell him.

Gu Yang felt uneasy.There was a feeling of uneasiness about the coming of the storm.

(End of this chapter)

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