Chapter 155 Missing
"That was just now..."

Zhang Tingyuan didn't want to ask at first, after all, this is someone else's privacy.But he couldn't restrain his curiosity.He always felt that Gu Yang's whole body was a mystery.

He wants to solve the mystery.

"Uh, that's my boyfriend." Gu Yang was a little embarrassed.She obviously already has a boyfriend, and she came to participate in a blind date, and even caused him to be forced by her mother: "I'm really sorry."

"Where is it! I believe you also have unavoidable difficulties."

He showed great generosity.But I feel more interested.Sure enough, she did not disappoint herself, and there were many things hidden in her body.

"Well, it's best if you understand."

Gu Yang originally didn't want to tell him, but she thought that he was also forced to come here, and she didn't want to have a blind date with her, so she told him with confidence.Now seeing him being so considerate, I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Sure enough, she was right about him.

"But your mother is there. Are you going to tell her?" If she was unwilling to tell Ms. Shen Hua, there was probably only one man.Zhang Tingyuan smiled meaningfully, ready to watch a good show.

"Uh, that, I'm not going to let her know yet, can you keep it secret for me?"

Gu Yang still adhered to his own standard of keeping secrets to the end, and he didn't want anyone to leak the news.Especially at this juncture when her mother is going back to Italy soon.Seeing that she is going back, she is going to be busy with family gatherings, so she definitely has no time to take care of herself. If she finds out...
Gu Yang trembled, besides not letting herself go, she would definitely tie herself back.Don't even think about coming back in this life.

"Of course, I'm not a big-mouthed person, don't worry! You can come to me if you have any questions. This is my business card."

Zhang Tingyuan handed over the business card with both hands.After Gu Yang accepted the business card, he also felt that it should be a courtesy, so he also gave him his phone number.

The two chatted for a while, and Zhang Tingyuan saw that it was getting late, so he proposed to send her back.

When Gu Yang arrived home, her mother was packing up the room, busy in a mess.But she was also able to take a moment to ask how she was feeling.

"It's pretty good. He's a nice person. He helped me before. We can still talk."

6 She was telling the truth, and the two of them could indeed chat, but neither of them thought about it.

"Really? Then I can go back with peace of mind. You have to take good care of it, he is a good man. Back then, I didn't trouble him a lot for your affairs, but he didn't complain at all. "

Shen Hua seemed very satisfied with Zhang Tingyuan.Gu Yang is glad that he made a move earlier and sent her back, otherwise, he still doesn't know how she would treat him.

"Do you need my help cleaning up?"

Seeing her in a hurry, it must be a long time since she did these housework by herself. She is used to being pampered at home, and all these things are done by servants, so she doesn't need to worry about them.So now let her clean it up by herself, it's just a mess, the more you sort it out, the more messy it becomes.Gu Yang has no doubts that if she is allowed to clean up by herself, she will not be able to sleep for another hour.

"No need, it will be ready soon!"

Shen Hua wondered, when he came here, he had only one suitcase, why now that he has packed two suitcases, there are still so many more?
Seeing her confused look, Gu Yang knew that she had encountered a problem.Like herself, she loves to be brave.I don't want to talk about things.

Walking over, she pulled the box over, turned out all the things inside, and then folded the clothes in by category, putting them all neatly.The two boxes were sorted out quickly.Moreover, all the clothes that her mother couldn't fit in before were all packed in.

Shen Hua was ashamed, she was probably the only one who was ashamed to this extent in front of her daughter.

"Some things are useless, so I didn't install them for you, and you won't need them when you take them back anyway. Don't waste any more space."

Take the packed boxes to the door and put them there, so that you can take some when you leave tomorrow.

. .

When Shen Hua left, Gu Yang was busy with An Yuhang's album, so he didn't send it.It was supposed to be troublesome to Lu Jun, but she was so excited that she wanted to send it to Zhang Tingyuan.Gu Yang couldn't hold back her, so he had no choice but to let her go.Fortunately, Zhang Tingyuan is really a good person, and he didn't complain at all.

Next, Gu Yang went to Xiangnan to pick up Leo. He was also afraid that Chen Ziran would find something wrong when he came back, so he moved back to live with him.She arranged everything in an orderly manner, just waiting for Chen Ziran to come back.

But he didn't come back at the agreed time.

At first Gu Yang didn't take it seriously.I thought it was because I was too busy with work and it was only a few days later.But after that, half a month later, he still didn't come back.Not even a phone.

Thinking about it carefully, after he called himself that night, the two never got in touch again.

Feeling uneasy, Gu Yang kept calling him, but the phone was either turned off or could not be connected.Never got in touch. She also left a lot of messages on QQ and in the mailbox, but he never replied.

Gu Yang was worried, not knowing what happened to him.

It was as if he had disappeared from this world, without a word from him.Mo Qingfeng, who went with him, and several other executives came back, but none of them knew anything about his whereabouts.

This ignorant uneasiness weighed on her heart like a stone, and it was there all the time, but did something happen to him.

In this way, Gu Yang quickly lost weight.It hurts even to look at the south.

Xiang Nan once asked her if Chen Ziran knew something and avoided her.She now hopes that he really knows, that he is really just avoiding her, instead of disappearing without a trace.Silently.

Because of worry, Gu Yang's health went from bad to worse.She is no longer in the mood to work, and most of her current work is handed over to two assistants, unless she is particularly needed, she will insist on going.

Originally, I wanted to find someone to find him, but now I don't even know where he went, and there is no way to find out.He had already sent someone to look for the place where he was on a business trip before, and he was no longer there. He left on the same day as Mo Qingfeng and the others.

But the airport has no record of departure.It means that he is still there and has not left.

It was as if he had disappeared from this world.

(End of this chapter)

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